
Chapter 46: Seeds of Innovation

As usual, everyone expressed their enjoyment of lunch through praise and visible joy.

Nawaki utilized the leftover ground beef to make hamburgers, accompanied by boiled tomatoes, spinach, buttered corn with soy sauce, and fried egg rolls. The variety of main dishes seemed to consider Hana's taste.

Hana was open to eating anything, and while she appeared to favor vegetables, the addition of meat, especially with lizard meat soup, seemed to increase her appetite, giving her a sense of vigor.

After lunch, Nawaki created a shadow clone and headed to a furniture department store, remembering the need for a larger bed in his room.

"Nawaki, can you teach me more during this afternoon's practice?" Hikari inquired.

"Of course," Nawaki replied affirmatively, dispelling Hikari's unease and replacing it with delight. She smiled shyly, her cheeks tinting slightly red.

Kushina, observing this, wondered, '...Does she like Nawaki?' Not well-versed in matters of love, she pieced it together from Hikari's behavior, noting her heightened shyness around Nawaki.

The idea surprised Kushina, causing her cheeks to flush. She turned away, fanning her heated face with her hands.

"You go ahead, I need to talk to Granny Mito," Nawaki told them. Seeing their nods of understanding, he turned and entered the mansion.

He walked across the wooden floor and soon found Mito in the living room, engrossed in a book.

Mito shifted her gaze from the book to Nawaki. She smiled gently and asked, "Do you want to talk to me, Nawaki?"

"Yes, Grandma Mito," Nawaki replied. "I'm planning to use the area at the back of the clan and might cut down several trees. Is that alright?"

"Of course. As the future Leader of the Senju Clan, you have the freedom to do what you think is best, within reason," Mito said, smiling softly with her eyes closed. "But, may I ask what you intend to do?"

"Certainly," Nawaki responded enthusiastically. "I want to create a farm. I have some ideas for growing vegetables and producing tastier chickens and eggs, so I need a space to implement my ideas."

"That sounds intriguing… Okay, you have my permission," Mito chuckled, closing her eyes again and sipping her hot tea slowly.

"Thank you, Grandma Mito!" Nawaki approached, kissed her cheek, and then stepped back.

After Nawaki left, Mito chuckled to herself and mused, "This kid is growing up so fast. Yet, his excitement over something so simple reminds me he's still a child at heart..." She laughed softly once more, closing her eyes again to savor her tea in tranquility.



Nawaki summoned 20 shadow clones and distributed among them the pots of blood he had collected, along with seeds of various vegetables, rice, corn, and other items.

Aware of the traditional planting seasons, he was curious to see if these limitations still applied when using land fertilized with the blood of magical beasts.

Additionally, Nawaki planned to establish a four-pronged barrier to keep wild animals and insects from invading his farm. He wanted to prevent any chance of them mutating from exposure to his farm's resources.

To power this barrier, he intended to use four live lizards as an energy source for an indefinite period. Whether this plan would work remained to be seen, but he was eager to try.

Considering the high regeneration and energy recovery rate of the lizards in the Hunting Dimension, Nawaki speculated that, outside of it, their abilities might diminish, though not drastically, perhaps to around 40% of their original capacity.

Upon reaching the area behind the Senju Clan, Nawaki and his clones used wind blades to clear the trees and prepare the land.

The clones handled the removed trees, working for hours to clear a significant space.

Once the area was cleared, Nawaki and the clones prepared to set up the barrier. Before releasing the lizards, he drew a seal design at four different points, a Chakra Drain Seal. However, this version was enhanced by the knowledge Mito had shared in the book she gifted him.

In Mito's version of the seal, it was designed to partially drain chakra, or in the case of the lizards, pure energy that is akin to natural energy.

Before setting up the four-pronged barrier, Nawaki made some modifications. His approach wasn't solely based on his knowledge; he also had reports of similar attempts and successful implementations, so he wasn't the originator of the concept.

His adaptation included integrating genjutsu into the barrier. This would cause any person, wild animal, or insect that approached to automatically divert their path, making it seem like a natural decision to them.

Nawaki used a substantial number of purple orbs, 100 in total, distributing 25 at each point of the barrier. He believed this quantity would be sufficient to prevent even powerful individuals from seeing through the genjutsu.

Aware that nothing is foolproof, Nawaki accepted this reality. He acknowledged the possibility that someone as skilled as his grandmother might discern the barrier, but he doubted someone of her caliber would have any reason to investigate the area. If they did, the farm would be the least of his concerns.

After releasing the lizards, Nawaki quickly put them into a deep sleep using a potent genjutsu, enhanced by multiple shadow clones to amplify its strength.

Following this, he activated the Natural Energy Drainage Seal. Without delay, he also established the illusory four-pronged barrier.

Invisible barriers began to emerge from the four pyramid-shaped points, completing the protective perimeter around the farm.

Once the ends of the barrier connected, its trace vanished, rendering it invisible.

The lizards at the Natural Energy Draining Seal also disappeared from sight, obscured by the barrier's genjutsu.

Nawaki felt a surge of satisfaction at this achievement, and the shadow clones shared in the celebration of their success.

However, the work wasn't finished yet; it was now time to test the barrier's effectiveness.

Nawaki conducted several tests using a free pass seal from one of the shadow clones. In the end, even the shadow clone without the seal, which might normally have been able to see or enter the barrier, was unable to detect or penetrate it.

The genjutsu aspect of the barrier proved successful. Instead of harming anyone who approached, it simply redirected them, so the shadow clone didn't even realize it had been affected by the genjutsu, despite being aware of the possibility.

Following these tests, the shadow clones proceeded to the final phase of the project.

With an agriculture book in hand, they each took on different planting tasks with various seeds.

A chicken coop was also needed, so they constructed one using wood jutsu. While Nawaki didn't have any chickens yet, he planned to purchase some from the village once the corn was ready.

Meanwhile, Nawaki, who had been training with Hana and the girls, returned with them as darkness fell. By then, the shadow clones had disbanded after completing the farm, transferring their memories and experiences to Nawaki.

It had been a long day, particularly for Nawaki, who had absorbed the memories of the shadow clones involved in creating the farm.

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