
Naruto: My Harem Academia

This fanfic takes place in My Hero Academia world where Naruto is Transmigrated into and he finds there are two types of people Hero and Villain. But every system is corrupted and this was no different, since any person with powers wanted to be a Hero, not for being the right thing, but for fame, money, recognition, a true hero never expected anything in return, he only did what he believed correct, everything was wrong, children from a young age only want to be like the heroes they admire, only to change in the future and see for their own goals. So what will Naruto do here, will he change the society itself but to do that he has to choose his path and that leads him to two choices.... Villain or hero or will he create a path of his own ? Warning:- Those who are light hearted person please do not read this as there will be dark scenes in the fanfic so please better be prepared before reading the work. UPDATE TIME will be half an hour after server reset. Update schedule will be 1 day per Chapter and there will be bonus chapter as well but they will be according to the Goal. #Goal 300 PS( POWER STONE): 1 BONUS CHAPTER 600 PS : 2 BONUS CHAPTER 1000 PS : 4 BONUS CHAPTER ALSO Advance Chapters will be uploaded on PATREON account so if you want to read them then support me on Patreon. PATREON:- https://www.patreon.com/Skythe Disclaimer:- This is a TL work done by me.

Skythe · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
125 Chs


Naruto stood quietly in the train car, surrounded by people who maintained a safe distance of three meters from him. It was as if they believed he emitted an unpleasant odor, something that didn't faze him. Many had seen him at the festival, not necessarily setting a good example for admiration. However, the Uzumaki remained unperturbed, engrossed in reading the newspaper of the day.

He wore a simple outfit, a dark hooded sweatshirt, a short sword strapped to his back, long gray pants, and sports shoes. Bandages covered the right side of his face and both arms, the only things that made him stand out in the crowd.

"The vigilantes are still active in the northeastern area of Yoto city. They confronted a gang involved in the sale of a peculiar drug." The news about vigilantes caught Naruto's slight attention as he observed an image of three individuals involved in this illegal hero team. "You never give up, do you?" He crumpled the newspaper and tossed it into a nearby trash can. Glancing through one of the train's windows, he noticed his destination was approaching.

He was on his way to the area where he had been assigned to work alongside a professional hero. As he strolled through the streets, he observed the bustling city of Hosu. Elderly citizens leisurely walked by, adults were en route to their workplaces, youngsters were heading to their educational institutions, and children made their way to school.

Raising an eyebrow, Naruto arrived at the address he was assigned to. It was a rather upscale home. He knocked on the door, but there was no immediate response. Frowning, he knocked again with more force.

"Hey, do you have any idea what time it is-" The door swung open, revealing a disheveled young woman of 24. Her pale blonde hair was a mess, and she was dressed in a short red T-shirt and poorly-placed white shorts that revealed her purple underwear. She had an attractive figure with D+ cup breasts, a narrow waist, and shapely hips. Although she started off angry, her expression shifted to one of disbelief. "Give me about 10 minutes. Actually, 15 would be better!" Blushing with embarrassment, she hastily closed the door to prepare herself and dress appropriately.

Naruto couldn't hide a sigh. He checked the information on the sheet provided by the academy, revealing the name of the person supervising him, "Yu Takeyama, alias Mt. Lady, professional heroine ranked 25th among professional heroes." That was the only detail he cared about. Turning away from the door, he stood with his arms crossed, gazing off into the distance.

"I'm sorry about that..." Nearly 20 minutes later, the blonde woman emerged from her house wearing her "heroine" costume. It was a colorful mesh dress that accentuated her curves and drew the attention of many onlookers, though for less-than-heroic reasons. "I didn't expect you to arrive so early." She smiled awkwardly, earning a skeptical look from the teenager who didn't even need to glance at the sky to realize it was already midday.

"It's past 8:30 AM," the heroine felt the weight of the boy's intimidating gaze, his blue eye as cold as ice.

"Well... that's early for me," the heroine nervously rubbed the back of her neck and began to walk. The Uzumaki followed her at a slow pace. "I appreciate that you accepted my offer, but it seems you were my only choice," she added with a sense of pride, pointing at herself. She was genuinely surprised that the Uzumaki, who had made quite an impression at the festival, had no other job offers from professional hero departments around the world.

"I only had one job offer," the shinobi replied, not breaking his stride. They had arrived at the city center, a bustling metropolis with skyscrapers, giant screens, and crowded streets.

"Oh," Mt. Lady's pride deflated when she heard this. She realized he had no other option but to work with her. "Originally, there were supposed to be two of you. A certain Mineta was also going to work under my supervision. But when I mentioned that you would be joining us, he suddenly claimed an emergency in his city, preventing him from coming. What a shame," she said, thoughtfully touching her lower lip with her thumb. If she had seen the dark smile on the Uzumaki's face at that moment, she would have understood why Mineta had chosen not to be in the same place as him.

"Mt. Lady!" Both blondes were swarmed by fans, eager to meet this year's newest heroine. The crowd surrounded her, requesting autographs and interviews. A few fans noticed her companion.

"Mt. Lady, is he coming with you?!" exclaimed a young teenager with red hair and dark skin who recognized one of the UA festival participants, known for his fearsome reputation. "…Miyasashi."

"What's that?" Naruto tilted his head in confusion at the term.

"It's an anagram," a guy standing nearby adjusted his camera lens. "It's formed from the name of a legendary swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi. He's famous not only for being one of Japan's greatest swordsmen but also for his brutal early years. Rumor has it that by the age of 16, he had already been part of wars and had taken hundreds of lives. In summary, he was a young psychopath with a blood-stained history. I believe it's an apt nickname for you." After his explanation, the individual took a photo of Naruto and then walked away.

"You should be flattered; they've come up with a name to call you crazy and a murderer," the whispers of the nine-tailed biju only added to the irony of the nickname 'Miyasashi.'

"Mha~ Mha~," Mt. Lady emerged from her group of fans and wrapped her arm around Naruto's shoulder. Smiling for the cameras, she patted his chest with her free hand. "I just ask that you give this very promising young man a chance. We must believe in UA's motto that anyone can be a hero! And I, Mt. Lady, will be responsible for training Uzumaki Naruto to become a great hero!" With a final shout, she earned cheers and applause from her fans.

"Always so cool, Mt. Lady!"

"You'll make a difference in that boy!"

"You're the best!"

"We love you!"

[ Dear reader's If you want to read advance Chapters then go to Pat reon and support me there.

PAT REON I'D:- Skythe ]