

Sighing, the shinobi observed that only three people remained standing: Shiori, Midoriya, and the girl Uraraka. He sheathed his sword on his back and dashed towards the last three standing students. Reaching Todoroki, he grabbed her by her suit and flung her into the air. She barely managed to land on her feet before being struck from behind by a blow to her neck, rendering her unconscious.

"And for the grand finale..." Smiling with a dangerous glint, the shinobi charged at Ochaco, who stood paralyzed. However, when there were only a few meters left to reach her, the green-haired teenager abruptly pushed her aside and scooped her into his arms, carrying her away from the shinobi, who frowned in response.

"Shineeee!" Unbeknownst to the Uzumaki, Bakugo was positioned behind them. He extended his left arm, and the wrist grenade glowed brightly. With his teeth, the blonde hero pulled the safety pin from his suit, triggering a colossal explosion. The blast engulfed the Uzumaki, who could only shield himself. With his right arm hanging uselessly, Katsuki fell to his knees, breathing heavily. He smiled as he gazed upon the massive crater created by his final attack. However, that smile vanished when he saw the Uzumaki standing at the end of the destructive pit, his arms slightly injured by the unexpected explosion.

"..." Smirking faintly, the shinobi withdrew his arms and charged at the exhausted Bakugo, who struggled to stand. He reached for the boy's head and smashed it against the ground, rendering him unconscious. As he left the boy's body, he sighed and stood up, snapping Bakugo's neck. Now, there were only two left.

"Smash!" The shinobi had to spin around and deflect a powerful right hook from the green-haired teenager, who had surprisingly appeared behind him to strike. He deflected the boy's glowing orange arm, marked with red symbols, causing him to crash into a nearby brick wall. The result astonished the Uzumaki, as the entire building shook and a thirty-square-meter concrete wall vanished, leaving only a trail of destruction.

"..." Still surprised, the blonde observed the boy on the ground, noticing that his legs and the arm he had used for the attack were seriously damaged. Setting aside his surprise, he noticed the boy had a type of enhancer that reminded him of inner doors. "Interesting," he muttered to himself as he approached the last person standing in the battle.

Ochaco trembled in fear; all her friends had been defeated, and now he was coming for her. Shaking uncontrollably, she clumsily assumed a fighting stance that offered no real defense. As he closed in, she closed her eyes in anticipation. "Hmm?" Confused, she felt a weak tap on her forehead. Opening her eyes, she saw the blonde had lightly flicked her forehead with his fingertips. Without another word, he left her and walked towards the exit.

Bringing his right hand to his forehead, the blonde lowered the right side of his headband to cover his sharingan. He let out a sigh as he joined All Might, who hadn't moved since the battle began. "Take care of the kids. I'll be back to collect my bet in a few hours." Without a scratch on him, the shinobi left the training area.

"..." All Might watched, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. He had witnessed the entire class 1-A being defeated. He placed a hand to his ear and activated his communicator; it was time to summon the infirmary staff and some doctors.


A few hours later, in the auditorium, Class 1-A had gathered. They all bore some bruises, with varying degrees of severity. Bakugo's right arm was bandaged, as was Midoriya's. Midoriya had difficulty just standing, indicating that his legs were not yet fully healed.

The students were visibly upset and disheartened after the thrashing they'd received at the hands of the new guy, who stood a few steps away with his arms crossed. "So, that's all you've got?... I'm disappointed," remarked the Uzumaki, his words further fueling the students' anger.

"It's not fair; you're too strong!" protested the invisible teenager with frustration evident in her voice. "And besides, you're crazy to fight like that! Wasn't it supposed to be just practice?" she added, her head swathed in bandages.

"She's right, you're a brute. Someone could have been seriously hurt," chimed in Mina Ashido. Like the others, she felt nothing but anger toward the blonde teenager, who remained completely unaffected by their protests.

"So, it's my fault?" the shinobi asked sarcastically, his expression unwavering. "You're just a bunch of kids playing hero. You lack discipline and training to wield your powers effectively. Right now, you're nothing more than insects I could crush if I wanted to," he stated, each word further diminishing the students, fueling their anger.

"Shut up, you damn trash!" Fueled by anger, Katsuki impulsively charged at the Uzumaki. But it all came to an abrupt end in the blink of an eye, leaving the students in disbelief. They watched as the explosive boy lay on the ground, held in the grip of the shinobi, who had placed his short sword behind the explosive teenager's head.

"Leave it alone!" When Deku moved to try to help his friend, he was halted by a kunai that landed at his feet. Tension filled the room, and some anxious students turned to All Might, who stood nearby, observing the situation with a serious expression.

"Bakugo, right?" Naruto inquired, still holding a firm grip on the explosive boy, who glared back. "You seem to think you're the best of all. You attacked first, without a plan, attempting to blow me to pieces with an explosion that could have also harmed your partner. If it weren't for that boy, Midoriya could have been seriously injured or even killed. Do you have so much anger and rage that it clouds your judgment?" He looked up at the other students gathered before him. "Do you believe this is just a game? The fight we had revealed something to me..."

"And what's that?" Shiori asked in an icy tone, along with her classmates, all feeling intimidated by the intense red eye and the shinobi's demeanor.

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