
Chapter 4

"The devil is what they call me now?" She didn't deny it and even asked a question her self..

I couldn't answer. I was too busy looking at the tall floor to ceiling window to the left of us. We were now in a large castle painted a scarlet color and tall ceilings. The window let me see the lava and fire and saw some creatures crawl all around laughing over the rough plato as they chased human-like figures running and screaming tripping over themselves to get away. The screams and the cruel laughter were too loud for me to focus on anything real right then.

The Demon said again to bring my attention " You're dead, but how would you feel if you weren't?"

Confused, I looked at her again and winced as my limp wrist was still tightly caught in her grip. The demon looked a bit different older, her hair was longer , very pretty almost in the same category as my wife.But back to the point- she shamelessly rubbed my hand against her mature face with strange calculating eyes with that wide chester like smile burning into me.

"What do you mean?" I ask again I pull my hand again. She lets go but my wrist comes back bruised.

"I mean what if you could reincarnate? Skip all the screaming and terror?" leaning forward she whispers seductively into my ear soft and sweet. "I can do that for you. You just have to do something for me. I know you're not that soft hearted I watched you on earth. You know with my powers i can easily find things out don't act all innocent." She added when i looked at her confused, "You were the cause of global warming, pollution, you caused the death of millions even if it was accidental. Don't blame God he sent you down here to reconcile."

"So, that's why I'm here?" I ask indifferently, after all the jump scares I'm a little tired.

I wanna go home.

"Yes, i know in the future you will be a undeniable force. Although I have taken you out of the timeline prematurely," pausing she scorned a glace over at the old servant now standing beside her, "I believe you will still be worthy of the task I will grant you."

'To make a deal with a devil is one of the things my parents always warned me about. But what if I can ask for a favor from her too?' The demon waited for my answer staring holes into me as she did so. 'Maybe I can ask her to make my wife fall in love with me again.'

"What do i need to do?"

"I need you to go to the Naruto world and capture all the tail beasts" She said so casually.

"The Naruto world? Like the food? And tailed beast what is that?"

"Yes and No. And You will understand when you get there. I'll give you some knowledge on it later. Will you do this for me? you'll get to go to heaven. And you know the devil never lies." She said replicating her younger girl persona brilliantly, i felt chills in my stomach 'gross' she saw my look and said "Or you could stay here and get tortured for an eternity." Her smile came back.

"Okay. I'll do it!" I rushed to say

She cheered

"Only if you let my wife, Ferra come with me!"

She boo'ed "Why?" s

"I bet with her help i can get everything down quicker!" I quickly convinced her " She can brainstorm with me."

She looked at me like I was stupid and then suddenly spun on her heels turning her long back to me, her shoulders shook and trembled like she was laughing but that couldn't be it.

I turned to the old servant for advice but he only blankly looked at me, i thought i saw a small ounce of pity rolling around in his eyes before he went back to dutifully staring at the crazy demon once more.

The shaking stopped and she spun back around, a secret joke in her eyes she said

"Okay, I'll let her come with you!"

I cheered "Thank you!"

"~A devil never lies~" She repeated menacingly

'Okay... well her tone was a little foreboding, but, but, my Ferra is coming with me, that's all that matters!' I justified, quickly wiping away those negative thoughts.

"Well if were all down now I need you to leave we have talked long enough." She walked to the long window and flicked her finger across it. Foreign words slashed across the glass before fading out.

I stood next to her waiting and looking at those creatures now eating and stabbing at those very real human like figures 'I don't care about that, i do wonder how my wife would react to me bring her along to another world, i bet she'll be happy!'

The window reacted by flashing into a dark abyss. The demon stepped aside.

"Wait how would I capture those tailed beast ? Where are they? And why can't you do that yourself?" I rapid fire off. I totally forgot to ask the other important questions.

She sighed " You'll know when you get there"

" That's not a good answer! What-" I was interpreted by a shove to my back and me tumbling forward into the dark abyss.

I look back at the old servant now standing in my place and the demon waving.

"How will I meet my wife?" I yell

I the wind stung my cheeks as i fell deeper into the abyss and into a warm embrace tight around me.

"~You'll see when you get there~" A disembodied voice echoed out, followed by a loud long laugh. I could just hear that stupid, annoying, obnoxious large smile.

It went dark i lost consciousness.