
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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Chapter 27

Obito rarely worked hard,

It's not that he was lazy before, but in terms of ninja knowledge that was automatically ignored, he now started to begin to have his own ideas.

He can only understand it vaguely, but he need to be explained carefully by Kyomu, Kakashi, and Rin.

Especially this afternoon, when Rin looked at Kakashi with admiration, Obito felt unable to bear it.

Isn't it just about the nature change of chakra?

Regarding advanced applications of chakra like this, there are countless books in the Uchiha library. Even in each book, there are notes left by predecessors for reference.


Obito greeted respectfully.

"Here to borrow books?" The Uchiha ninja guarding the Uchiha library raised his eyelids. "About which aspect?"

"Books about chakra nature change, chakra form change, and other applications of chakra."

Looking very surprised at Obito, this well-known 'shame of the Uchiha' actually showed improvement.

This is a good thing.

"Wait here, I'll find them for you."

Entering the library, he picked several books that had been borrowed the most by predecessors and had the most notes left behind, and then walked out of the library.

"Here you go, remember not to take them out of the clan's residence, not to transcribe them casually, and not to damage them."

"I understand, Uncle." Obito nodded, took several books with both hands, hugged them, and turned to leave.

Watching Obito's gradually receding figure, this Uchiha ninja couldn't help but nod, a slight arc forming at the corner of his mouth.

The reason why the Uchiha clan is 'everyone is like a dragon' is partly due to talent, partly due to the Sharingan, and finally due to the family heritage.

For a thousand years, the Uchiha clan, relying on the Sharingan, has made a big name in the ninja world, and there is no reason not to think about their descendants.

With too many enemies and copying too many ninjutsu from other families, if they fall into loneliness one day, they may face being besieged or even have the clan exterminated.

Therefore, the Uchiha clan's library can be regarded as the library of the ninja world. If Uchiha Madara had not taken away some crucial books when he left Konoha, the foundation of the Uchiha clan would be even stronger now.

However, despite a strong foundation, the Uchiha clan's style is inherently proud. For some basic things, if they are not close relatives, they are too lazy to say, let alone urge them to train them.

Isn't it a normal process to learn a lot of relevant knowledge before becoming a ninja?

And Uchiha clan members who don't come to the library to borrow books are either geniuses or idiots, so there is no need to remind or care about them, forming a vicious circle.

Obito is like this. The worse he performs, the fewer people come to advise him, highlighting the excellent family style.

However, the grandmother who raised Obito since childhood did remind Obito a few times, but Obito always turned a deaf ear to it and never took it seriously.

"Back from training, huh, Obito."

"Yes, Granny."

Obito smiled happily and talked to his grandmother very enthusiastically, "I practiced a lot of ninjutsu today, including the Fireball Jutsu."

The Fireball Jutsu is something Obito is most proud of. Even though he's not very proficient yet, it doesn't affect him from showing it off to make his grandmother happy.

"That's good, that's good!" Granny smiled kindly, her gaze falling on what Obito was holding, "Did you go to the library to borrow books?"

"Yeah, there are some things I don't understand, and Uncle or the older clan members are so indifferent, so I have to figure it out myself."

"It's about time." Granny patted Obito's head, "No one urges you if you don't go, but your strength is your own. It's always good to learn more."

"I understand, Granny." Obito grinned, "I'll go read in the room first, and today Kyomu treated us to barbecue, so you don't have to prepare dinner for me."

"Alright." Granny smiled, "Since you've made friends, three out of five of your dinners are eaten outside."


Obito scratched his head, feeling not embarrassed at all, and went into his room with the books.

Tonight, he must study hard!

However, Obito is not good at studying. He would rather be outside jumping around than sitting on a bench staring blankly at books filled with text.

"It's so difficult... If only someone could explain it to me or demonstrate it for me."

Obito lamented in his heart, but he didn't have the intention to violate the clan rules.

If something goes wrong, it's not Obito who suffers, but Kyomu and the others. Kakashi might be fine, but Kyomu and Rin definitely can't handle it.

No one can protect them, and no one is willing to support them.

"Just memorize it and leave the understanding to Kyomu. I believe he can handle it."

Obito memorized it word by word, not thinking about understanding, just hoping to repeat it word for word to Kyomu or Kakashi.


The next day, after school, near the Forest of Death.

Kyomu and Kakashi had another sparring session regarding swordsmanship.

Kakashi had a slight edge.

"Kyomu, are you a monster?" Kakashi flicked his wrist and sat on the ground to rest, "Your strength has increased a lot compared to yesterday, and your speed has also improved."

Of course, I've been carrying weights all the time, even when I sleep.

But Kyomu didn't tell Kakashi that he was also wearing weights when he sparred with him yesterday, or else this guy would go crazy again.

People of this age have a strong desire to win, and the things they do are also more crazy and unreasonable, far less mature and stable than adults.

Kyomu didn't dare to take this risk.

"Maybe it's because of the ninja sword you gave me." Kyomu sat down beside Kakashi, "Thank you, Kakashi-sama. This sword is very useful. When I use it to cut, my strength unconsciously increases a lot."

"You don't have to say it." Hatake Kakashi rolled his eyes, "And don't call me Kakashi-sama."

"Got it, Kakashi-sama."

Without intending to correct him again, Kakashi changed the subject, "Today I won, so I'll ask you a question first."

"Go ahead."

"How did you manage to increase your strength and physical fitness every day?"

"Eat more, sleep less, and train hard. Train to death." Kyomu shrugged, "But this only applies to me. The talent is there, and I'm helpless."

Kakashi didn't scold Kyomu for showing off, but instead nodded very affirmatively.

He could feel Kyomu's powerful talent and envy Kyomu for having such excellent talent.

"Another question." Kakashi looked into Kyomu's eyes, "Explain to me, how can you perform hand seals with one hand?"

"This is a bit profound." Kakashi felt a bit belittled and his tone was a bit off, "Just say it, I can understand."

"Performing hand seals with one hand is difficult, but also simple." Kyomu explained to Kakashi, "As everyone knows, ninjutsu can be performed not only through hand seals, but the purpose of hand seals is only to assist us in performing ninjutsu better.

So the essence of the matter is very simple. As long as we analyze how hand seals assist us in performing ninjutsu and how they are assisted through what means, performing hand seals with one hand becomes simple."

It has to be said that the passive skill "Reward of Diligence" is really outstanding. As long as you are willing to train, there is no empty-handed return.

Kyomu practices several ninjutsu several times every day. With the help of this passive skill, his proficiency has reached a terrifying level.

And performing hand seals with one hand to perform the D and C-level ninjutsu Kyomu mastered has become his regular operation. As for other ninjutsu... Kyomu said he couldn't do anything about it yet.

In addition to the proficiency, relevant knowledge points also came to Kyomu in the form of enlightenment, allowing him to understand the key points, which is knowledge and practice at the same time.

Therefore, when Kyomu talked about the achievement of performing hand seals with one hand, he spoke fluently, and Kakashi not only nodded, but also didn't understand anything else.

"Do you understand?"

At this moment, Kakashi didn't feel looked down upon, and he knew clearly which was more important between face and substance, "Say it again, I still don't quite understand."

"Okay." Nodding, he repeated it immediately.

Kyomu is not a person who hides things, or he is a person who is willing to invest for the long term and doesn't care about short-term gains or losses.

In summary, Kyomu treats people and things with a bit of selfishness and extreme sincerity, in order to seek greater benefits and returns in the future.

Obviously, Kakashi, Obito, Rin, Might Guy, and others are the people Kyomu has invested in.

And the return has come much earlier than Kyomu thought. The training experience and ninja knowledge he used to teach Kakashi and others have been fed back to him in the same way.

"Thank you, Kyomu." Kakashi sincerely thanked him, "It's your turn next."

"It's still about the nature change of chakra and the form change of chakra."

Hatake Kakashi nodded, but didn't exaggerate, "What I talked about yesterday, I'll talk about it again. My father went out on a mission today, and I'm not sure when he'll be back, so..."

Hearing this, Kyomu was a bit disappointed, but he said very beautifully and sincerely, "It's okay, what you said yesterday is enough for me to digest for a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, Obito suddenly stood up, slapped his thigh, looked up at the sky with his hands on his hips, and his mouth almost stretched to his ears.

"You're asking me, I know!"

"You?!" Kakashi turned his head away from Obito's show-off appearance, "Unless the sun rises from the west, with your cultural level that relies on the tens place to pass the exam, you can understand..."

"Don't look down on me!" Obito sat down angrily, "Come on, let me tell you, listen, and translate it for me later."

The loopholes in Obito's words are very obvious, but Kyomu didn't expose them. Instead, he listened very seriously to Obito reciting in a strange chanting tone and reciting the nature change of chakra.

Obito must have put in a lot of effort last night...

(End of Chapter)

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