
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

Zaelum · Anime & Comics
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202 Chs

Chapter 24

Time passed peacefully, with days remaining unchanged.

Classes, teasing, training, and the constant competition from Might Guy trailing behind him—these were Kyomu's daily routines. Dull and monotonous, his days held no surprises, no unexpected turns, and certainly no one bothering to hinder or provoke him.

Just a small fry keeping out of trouble and growing normally, hardly worth anyone's attention.

Kakashi, Obito, and Rin had found the right approach to training with Kyomu.

They trained in throwing techniques, exchanged ideas about ninjutsu and taijutsu, and occasionally sparred with each other. However, when it came to physical training, the three would only participate in a small portion, leaving Kyomu to complete the rest alone.

They couldn't keep up, not at all!

Kyomu's physical abilities and recovery were somewhat abnormal, leaving the others to only sigh in admiration as they watched his back.

But for Might Guy, he found his own goal. What he looked forward to most every day was encountering Kyomu while running around the village, both of them sweating it out.

He wanted to strike up a conversation, even more so, he wanted to spar with Kyomu to find his own shortcomings, but it always ended up going nowhere.

Insecurity was Guy's biggest issue right now.

"Guy, if you want, you can catch up to him."

Might Dai encouraged him from the side, "I believe with Kyomu's personality, he won't refuse you."

"He's a good guy." Guy chuckled lightly. "He's the only one at school who doesn't mock me, encourages me, and treats me as a worthy opponent."

"What are you waiting for, then, for the sake of youth..."

"But Father, I know my current level of strength. I'm not even close to being Kyomu's match. Stopping him it will just be a bother, a waste of his youth. I can't be that selfish."

Guy's eyes were firm. "Father, I promise you, when I can run three laps around the village and do 2000 push-ups and sit-ups, I'll challenge him!"

"Guy, I'm proud of you!" Dai cheered with tears in his eyes. "Keep it up, believe in your youth, believe in yourself!"

"Yeah, I will!"

Guy nodded firmly and stepped out, following behind Kyomu as they circled the entire Konoha Village.

Kyomu wasn't in a hurry, letting the 'Might' father and son trail behind him. When the time was right, they would approach him willingly. 

And the Eight Inner Gates, this forbidden taijutsu technique, would be an opportunity when Might Guy approached him in the future.

The most urgent task now was to maximize his physical fitness during the passive skill duration of "Reward of Resilience."

Effort never betrays one's intentions, especially when coupled with this passive skill effects.

Kyomu's current physical strength was impressive; he could run three laps around the village and still have energy for another seven hours of various types of physical training when he got home.

It was terrifying, but amidst the pain, Kyomu's gains were quite satisfactory.

Firstly, his chakra had increased by more than three times compared to half a month ago, and it was still growing steadily.

Though there was still a gap compared to a ton of chakra, he was much stronger than Kakashi. At present, he could only barely reach the threshold of chakra depletion after releasing seven or eight C-rank ninjutsu consecutively.

Secondly, his physical attributes were also improving rapidly. Strength was growing the fastest. A punch might not be able to kill a cow, but against a low-level ninja... they probably couldn't withstand two punches from Kyomu.

Along with strength, his speed had also increased. When attacking or running at full speed, Kyomu had reached the point where he could barely leave afterimages.

As for reaction speed and mental strength, it was hard to judge. Progress was certain, but Kyomu had no idea how to test them specifically.

Three in the morning.

Kyomu set down the dumbbells in his hands and stretched his body, preparing to take a shower and rest for an hour.

This was necessary; even though his body's recovery speed was at its peak, Kyomu wasn't a perpetual motion machine. He needed rest.

However, the unlimited reduction in rest time meant that an hour of rest for Kyomu could already replenish his energy enough to continue battling for another 23 hours.

Lying on the bed, Kyomu didn't immediately close his eyes; he was pondering something.

"The poor rely on their intellect, while the rich rely on their money!" Unable to help but sigh, Kyomu continued, "I've hit rock bottom with my living expenses this month."

Physical training required good nutrition and necessary equipment, such as weight plates, which were indispensable. With Kyomu's current rate of progress, he needed to add one or two weight plates almost every day, and these plates required money to purchase.

Not to mention other training equipment that needed continuous upgrading. Kyomu had to keep spending money, but he could only rely on living expenses for now.

"I need to find a way to earn some money..."

Kyomu pondered, and a plan gradually formed in his mind. "'Fangirls' economy seems to be applicable in the world of Naruto as well, and women's money is particularly easy to earn."

Setting up a stall to trade was impossible; Kyomu didn't have that kind of time. But using Kakashi as merchandise? That, he had time for.

"The skills I cultivated last month to pass the time can finally come in handy." Kyomu chuckled as he lay in bed. "Kakashi, I haven't violated our agreement; I won't tell anyone what you look like."

With a peace of mind, Kyomu fell asleep in three seconds. At four thirty in the morning, his biological clock woke him up precisely.

Stretching and getting dressed, spending half an hour on washing up and having breakfast, Kyomu picked up his brush when the sky was barely bright.


Another nearly two hours of busy work, Kyomu looked at the thick stack of drawings in his hand, clapping his hands together as he stood up.

"I believe the little girls who secretly admire Kakashi will be more than willing to spend a little money on him."

Kyomu fell into the trap of money. "After making money, I'll treat Kakashi to a meal first, and then buy the training equipment I need with the rest of the money."

Still, he had a conscience.

However, this was Kyomu's wishful thinking; whether Kakashi would let him off was another story altogether.

(End of this chapter)

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