
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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Chapter 107

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"Hey, have you seen any traces of Aragami Kyomu and his group here?" asked the leader of a group posing as Sand shinobi, their expressions bewildered, thoughts as tangled as threads in their minds. However, in just a moment, unrelated thoughts connected, forming a perfect loop.

"No sightings yet. Were you lured here by them?"

"Yes, we've been tricked again," the 'Sand shinobi' leader gritted his teeth. "Such a cunning bunch."

"So, what's your plan now?"

"We've been running around the Land of Rivers for over ten days chasing that bastard Kyomu!" another 'Sand shinobi' chimed in, but with a Leaf forehead protector clearly visible. If it wasn't Kyomu, then who could it be?

Ichikishimahime glanced back at Kyomu but didn't say much more.

Seizing the moment, Kyomu added, "Coincidentally, we received secret orders to return to our village. As for supplies..."

His statement was full of holes, but under Ichikishimahime's mystical influence, the Sand shinobi interrogating them overlooked these inconsistencies.

"You can take ours. We're rotating out in two days anyway."

"Thank you, you're a good person."

With a wave of his hand, Kyomu and the previously anxious Ren and others boldly grabbed as many supplies as they could, wearing their Leaf shinobi uniforms without any attempt to hide their identities.

Minutes later, replenished with supplies, Ichikishimahime resumed leading the group, her diminutive figure boldly marching ahead, effortlessly bypassing the Land of Rivers' border defense and soon encountering the Sand shinobi guarding the Land of Wind's frontier.

"We've received secret orders to return to our village," Ichikishimahime extended her hand backward, and Kyomu quickly understood, handing over a crumpled piece of paper.

"Here, take a look."

The Sand shinobi leader inspected it but found nothing amiss. "You're clear to go. No issues here."

"Thank you, you're a good person too," Kyomu added, ever polite as they crossed into the Land of Wind.

Ichikishimahime shot Kyomu a disdainful look, tired of his theatrics. After traveling another seven kilometers into the Land of Wind, she grew impatient.

"This is as far as I go. I don't like the weather here," she pouted, turning around. "Kyomu, I'm satisfied with this tribute, but remember to change it up next time. Or else... I might roast you instead!"

Kyomu nodded in understanding, and Ichikishimahime, satisfied, vanished in a puff of smoke, returning to Ryūchidō.

Kyomu and his team continued on, finally taking a moment to rest after days of relentless pursuit. They emerged from their hiding spot, refreshed and ready to face what lay ahead, despite the constant threat from the Sand shinobi.

Meanwhile, back at the Sand, Chiyo slammed her desk in frustration, unable to comprehend how Kyomu continuously evaded their pursuit. The realization that Kyomu and his team might have already infiltrated the Land of Wind set off alarms, prompting urgent action to prevent any potential threats to the Land of Wind or the Hidden Sand Village.

Orochimaru laughed heartily upon hearing of Kyomu's successful infiltration, amused by the Sand shinobi's failure to stop him.

Tsunade, intrigued by Kyomu's reputation and apparent charm even among summoning creatures, expressed a keen interest in meeting him, wondering about the secrets behind his success.

After Ichikishimahime's departure, Kyomu exhaled deeply, leading Ren and the others in a swift dash across ten more miles before finally halting. 

"Safe!" At Kyomu's declaration, his followers relaxed all at once, collapsing onto the ground in relief. After the exhausting days on the run, this moment of safety allowed them to unwind and rest comfortably.

Following a brief rest, the team's eyes turned to Kyomu, filled with curiosity and questions.

"That was Ichikishimahime, one of the three elders of Ryūchidō, the abode of the Serpent Sages, who has lived for a thousand years," Kyomu explained, and his companions nodded in understanding.

Ichikishimahime, despite her youthful appearance, boasts profound strength, likely making her a formidable presence even among other renowned sages. Her sage techniques, shrouded in mystery, underscore her pivotal role in Ryūchidō's rigorous trials—testing spirit, will, and physical endurance. And though she primarily oversees physical trials, her adeptness in the first two is a given.

It's important to remember, Ichikishimahime's loli form is a sage art illusion. Beneath this guise lies a body larger and possibly more potent than Aoda's, a phosphorus serpent of immense size. That she could stand so close without detection speaks volumes of her mastery over enchanting illusions.

This ability allowed Kyomu and his team to bypass the Sand's defenses seamlessly, a tactic not deployed sooner due to uncertainties regarding Ichikishimahime's temperament and the potential for her to abandon the mission prematurely.

Indeed, Kyomu's concern was warranted as Ichikishimahime took the first viable excuse to leave, albeit not without first issuing a playful threat to Kyomu—a testament to the quirky nature of Ryūchidō's denizens.

"Ah, how I miss Aoda!" Kyomu couldn't help but reminisce, recognizing Aoda's unique loyalty amidst Ryūchidō's generally capricious inhabitants.

After finding a suitable spot, the team of seventy burrowed into the ground, resting undisturbed for two days. Upon awakening fully refreshed, they surfaced like moles, ready to continue their journey.

"Refreshing!" exclaimed Genma, stretching leisurely before approaching Kyomu with a grin. "Captain, you've navigated us through the Sand's blockade into the Land of Wind with ease."

"Keep it down," Kyomu replied half-jokingly, kicking Genma, who only laughed harder in response.

"I've been meaning to say," Genma began, "for flattening that Sand field hospital, I must take at least 1/70th of the credit, right?"

Acknowledging everyone's contribution, Kyomu agreed, emphasizing the collective effort behind their success.

As the team resumed their march towards the heart of the Land of Wind, their spirits were high, fully aware of the monumental task ahead.

Yet, they remained undeterred, prepared to stir the very foundations of the Sand Village in an operation destined to be tumultuous.

As the sun set, the dispatched Sand shinobi returned, the crumpled 'secret orders' in hand, leaving Chiyo and her forces to grapple with the reality of Kyomu's elusive tactics.

Whether through genjutsu or some unfathomable means, Kyomu's actions threatened to upend the precarious balance of power, prompting a desperate scramble to counter an increasingly unpredictable foe.

(End of Chapter)