
Chapter 104

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After the white smoke dissipated, a green snake draped in diamond-shaped emerald scales appeared beside Kyomu, slightly bowing its head and flicking its tongue in greeting.

Witnessing the appearance of the summoning beast, Kyomu's team showed visible astonishment, having been unaware that Kyomu-sama possessed such a summoning beast. Yet, no one voiced their surprise, choosing instead to wait quietly for Kyomu-sama's next orders.

Given their history of battling side by side and the ensuing period of companionship, the team had come to place unconditional trust in Kyomu-sama. They were ready to execute any command immediately, reminiscent of the time they had been sent across hills to gather toads, the purpose of which remained unclear to them even now.

"I will draw the enemy's fire directly, while you will circle to a relatively safe position and unleash a composite ninjutsu fireworks display on the Sand ninja," Kyomu commanded, his face stern.

"Remember, the coverage must be broad, and the firepower must be strong. Even if we can't cause significant casualties, the impact must be felt!"

"Yes, Kyomu-sama!"

"Now, under Ren's leadership, proceed with the operation. Let's begin!"

With a gesture, Kyomu-sama leapt onto the green snake's head, swiftly heading towards the Sand ninja field hospital.

As they advanced towards the hospital's defensive perimeter, the green snake conversed with Kyomu-sama.

"Kyomu-sama, I find Orochimaru distasteful."

It was a simple statement, but Kyomu-sama instantly understood the green snake's sentiment.

Crouching down, Kyomu-sama gently patted the green snake's head, apologizing with a sheepish smile, "I'm sorry, Green Snake. It was thoughtless of me in the past, but please know that my actions weren't out of dislike for you."

"I understand," the green snake hissed softly. "Compared to Manda, I am indeed weaker. I hold no resentment towards you, Kyomu-sama. Despite Orochimaru's attempts to summon me several times, I've refused him. I hope you won't blame me."

"Of course not," Kyomu reassured, shaking his head. "If you don't blame me, why would I blame you? If you look down upon Orochimaru, then rejecting his summons is the right decision. The problem lies with him, not with us."

After this brief exchange, the matter of lending the Green Snake to Orochimaru as a summoning beast was considered resolved, turning a new page in their relationship. The Green Snake harbored no hard feelings, and Kyomu was quick to apologize, ensuring this minor incident didn't affect the bond formed through their contract.

"Kyomu-sama, they are in sight. There are many," the Green Snake informed.

"It matters not!" Kyomu declared, readying himself for battle, "Charge! Together, we shall crush them!"

The sand rustled beneath them as the green snake accelerated, cutting through the air with a whistle. Kyomu, positioned atop, spotted the Sand ninja growing larger in his vision, transforming from mere specks to distinguishable figures.

"It's not one of the Sannin, Orochimaru!"

"I told you it couldn't be Orochimaru. He's being chased by the Fourth Kazekage right now!"

"It must be one of Orochimaru's disciples."

"No, wait! It's Kyomu!"

"Him again?!"

Upon recognizing Kyomu, the intercepting Sand ninja shouted in unison, their eyes burning with a hatred so intense it seemed to drip water.

"He's alone! Kill him!"

The lead Sand ninja shouted, calculating the best moment to launch a combined ninjutsu based on Kyomu and the green snake's approach speed.

"Form seals! Wind and Fire Combo Jutsu!"

The Sand ninja behind him coordinated their actions, hands fluttering in preparation.

Wind Release: Great Breakthrough! Fire Release: Flame Technique!

The combined power of these two C-rank ninjutsu, unleashed simultaneously by dozens, magnified their strength beyond measure. The area of effect, the force of impact, and the temperature of the flames reached the level of a Kage executing their full power.


Kyomu, displaying disdain, tightened his grip on Yoei's hilt. After a brief two-second pause, he drew the blade in a swift motion.


The air vibrated around him, gathering at an incredible speed to form a tangible blade of wind, emitting a tearing sound as it sliced forward.

But within a mere distance of three to five meters, the blade of wind turned a brilliant red, a physical phenomenon resulting from the extreme friction with the air at high velocities.

Sword Draw: Crimson Moon Slash!

In the blink of an eye, Kyomu's slash met the oncoming torrent of flames. Despite the wind fueling the fire, the condensed blade of wind split the sea of flames, dispersing it to either side and even carrying the remaining embers towards the Sand ninja who initiated the attack.


As the shout fell, the Sand ninja, without hesitation, slammed their hands onto the ground, casting a complex yet highly effective Earth Release defensive technique.

Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall!

The ground trembled as thick, sturdy walls rose from it, surrounding the Sand ninja in a protective barrier without any gaps.

However, Kyomu made no move; the green snake was sufficient for what came next.

The snake's body, larger than even the largest of pythons, had clearly grown stronger in recent days.

But to what extent?

Standing on the snake, Kyomu, not much taller than 1.6 meters, seemed merely the size of its pupil, akin to a leaf upon its head.

Now comparable in size to the Tailed Beasts, and in terms of body length, the green snake was even more impressive. It's no wonder the summoning beasts of the Three Great Sages were considered just a step below the Tailed Beasts in terms of combat capability.

Crashing through with unstoppable momentum, the snake crushed the Earth-Style Wall erected by the Sand ninja, turning solid rock into rubble beneath its weight.

The Sand ninja behind the collapsed defenses met a swift end, crushed into nothingness, with a dozen lives extinguished instantly.

In that moment, Aragami Kyomu understood the joy of ancient warlords: possessing a mighty and loyal steed truly could turn the tide of battle, allowing for relentless assaults across the battlefield.


Kyomu shouted, his hair whipped back by the wind as he praised, "Well done, Green Snake!"

He harbored no resentment towards the Green Snake for claiming kills. With an abundance of Sand ninja ahead, there were far too many for Kyomu to handle alone; the loss of a few to the snake mattered little.

Reaching into his ninja pouch, Kyomu extracted a sealed scroll, hurling it into the air.

"Open wide, Green Snake!"

Without hesitation, the Green Snake obeyed, its pupils dilating as it experienced a culinary assault unlike any other.

Hundreds of roasted toad legs vanished into its maw, hardly enough to fill the gaps between its teeth, yet the flavor lingered tantalizingly.

"Let's keep this our little secret from Ichikishimahime-sama," Kyomu whispered, patting the snake below him. "Consider it a little feast for you."

The Green Snake's eyes brightened in understanding, its strength seemingly bolstered by the meal, enhancing Kyomu-sama's regard for it even further.

Masterful in winning hearts, Kyomu knew well how to ensure the loyalty of his summoning beast.

"More Sand ninja are approaching, Kyomu-sama!"

"With me here, worry not," the Green Snake's eyes gleamed coldly, its head rearing back before its tail swept forward with devastating force.


The earth shook as the tail's sweep toppled trees and Sand ninja alike, those unable to react meeting a brutal end mid-air, crushed by the sheer force.

Yet, some, swift in their response and notable in strength, managed to avoid immediate death, showcasing at least the prowess of Chunin.

But Kyomu was far from idle.

Dashing forward, his form electrified, Kyomu-sama's speed reached its peak, moving along the snake's body to position himself for an attack.

As the Green Snake retracted its tail, Kyomu leapt, hanging momentarily in mid-air before locking eyes with the Sand ninja before him.

Instant Phantom Sword Formation!

With a burst of chakra from his feet, Kyomu exploded forward, his shadow clones and illusions deploying simultaneously, each seeking their target.

In an instant, dozens of Kyomus struck, their blades gleaming red in the sky, painting a gruesome picture of life's fleeting nature as blood splattered through the air.

Landing gracefully, the Green Snake caught Kyomu in its massive jaws, steadying him on its head as it surged forward with renewed speed.

The relentless advance continued, crushing and electrifying those in its path, until a familiar figure emerged among the Sand ninja, her clothing reversed to reveal a smooth back and green, short-cropped hair.

It was Pakura.

And as Pakura caught sight of Kyomu atop the Green Snake, a thrill ran through her.

"This guy!"

Clutching her fists, Pakura's body trembled, torn between excitement and fear, haunted by memories of past encounters with death.

"We meet again," Kyomu murmured across the distance. "If you flee now, for old times' sake, I might pretend not to see."

"This time, I won't be defeated by you!" Pakura's aura surged. "Aragami Kyomu, let's battle!"

"As you wish."

Kyomu's expression was icy, a reminder that not valuing a given chance to live was not his fault.

Sensing Kyomu's intent, the Green Snake thrust its head forward at his signal, launching him like a

Launching him like a meteor across the battlefield towards Pakura. As Kyomu soared, his body and the blade of Yoei he held were enveloped in crackling electricity, enhancing his speed and power as he cut through the air towards his opponent.


Landing with force, Kyomu utilized the momentum, kneeling upon impact as Yoei was thrust into the ground, creating a crater around him. The electricity from Yoei's blade surged into the earth, spreading rapidly from Kyomu as its epicenter, engulfing the nearby Sand ninja in a storm of lightning.

This widespread and dispersed electrical assault might not have been lethal, but it was enough to paralyze the body, causing temporary rigidity in the affected Sand ninja. In these critical moments, their vulnerability was absolute.

With the ground beneath him collapsing further, Kyomu launched himself forward once again, his wrist twisting to flourish Yoei in a sweeping motion. His arm lashed out, sending slashes of cutting wind across the battlefield.

The air chilled as the electrically bound Sand ninja could only watch in despair as the slashes approached, slicing them into halves or severing their limbs from their bodies.

As Kyomu engaged the enemy, the Green Snake was far from idle. Its massive body and hard scales served as lethal weapons, its simple but devastating tail sweeps rendering any notion of resistance futile. Such was the force that only the mightiest of Cloud ninja might stand a chance against it.

And yet.

"I can't use Earth Release Jutsu!"

Under the influence of the lightning chakra Kyomu had infused into the ground, those Sand ninja who had managed to react and were confident in countering with Earth Release found themselves shouting in frustration and anger. Their capabilities were rendered null by the electrical disruption, leaving them to watch helplessly as their comrades fell before them.

"Kyomu, I want your life!" cries of defiance rose from the ranks of the Sand ninja, though such declarations only served to amuse Kyomu, who found the situation slightly amusing rather than concerning.

The summoning beasts of the Three Great Sages, often relegated to minor roles in the later stages of the ninja world, demonstrated formidable combat prowess and deterrence in this timeline. Combined with Kyomu's exceptional ability for focused breakthroughs, together they formed an unbeatable duo capable of both breaching defenses and dealing widespread damage.

"He just used a powerful Lightning Release Jutsu; his chakra must be low!" some Sand ninja speculated, hoping to find an advantage.

Indeed, the situation was as they assessed, but unbeknownst to them, a ring worn by Kyomu was silently playing a crucial role. The storage ring, designed for moments like these, was replenishing his chakra.

"Kyomu, your opponent is me, you bastard!" Pakura charged forward as Kyomu landed and replenished his chakra.

Kyomu, readying Yoei, responded, "As you wish!"

In that instant, the two clashed, their confrontation igniting the air with intense heat and brilliant flames, painting the sky red.

(End of Chapter)

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