
Naruto: Miyamoto Musashi

Miyamoto Musashi,(from baki) the legendary samurai finds himself in the Naruto. *This is my ever first novel I'm writing, I hope you enjoy it.* PS: I'm also using this book as training to improve my skills, so that may also explain some different writing styles. PPS: I have a small phone keyboard and my thumbs are fat, so if something doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. PPPS: PP, that's funny right there. PPPPS: I'm hungry as fuck.

Dung_Eater · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 20

(Oh God! 20 chapters...👌 Very nice. This is also a message to user Alcem *Cough" 20K! Ha!)

The morning had arrived and Miyamoto was still lost, he had been travelling all night and now he was sitting on a root, waiting for something.

Miyamoto had heard a commotion and a demonic aura, before, but it disappeared before he could get to it, and then nothing else happened, so now he had been sitting alone for a couple of hours, catching up on some sleep.

'This has gotten quite boring, I should continue deeper into the forest, maybe something interesting will happen again.' Miyamoto wondered while picking his nose and wondering off, flicking his nasty yellow piece of snot.

'I should try to limit myself next fight, maybe I should fight like a street fighter? that could be interesting.' Miyamoto began to formulate a plan for his future enjoyment.

While he was talking in his own mind, Miyamoto heard the song of battle nearby.

"Music to my ears." Miyamoto smiled before he started running to the battle.


"Hey, we should get out of here, those guys look dangerous," Choji whispered to his team, fear making his voice tremble.

"What are you going to do, Ino?" Shikamaru asked, looking at Ino for an answer. "You two used to be close, right?"

Ino started to recall memories from her past, specifically the memory of when she and Sakura declared each other rivals.

"We were, but there's nothing I can do, I can't just needlessly go out there can I?" Ino remarked, stating the obvious.

What these three failed to notice was that while they were too busy focusing on the fight in front of them, someone was now right behind them.

"What're we talking about?" Miyamoto's voice cut through the tense and silent air the trio had formed.

All three stiffened, and the hairs on their back stood up at the danger behind them.

'I didn't hear him approach!' Shikamaru was panicked at the surprise, but he already started to formulate a plan.

Choji was just quivering at the surprise, his insist not knowing what to do, scream, run, scream and run, his body couldn't choose.

Thanks to the surprise, the fight in front of them had ceased to exist as they could only focus on the presence behind them.

"What are we talking about?" Miyamoto asked as he wasn't aware that he was scaring the kids.

Ino and Shikamaru were the first to turn ever so slowly to see who the figure was, Chaji just stayed trembling, closing his eyes.

'I'm home, I'm home eating chips, I'm home eating chips.'

When Ino and Shikamaru turned around, they were met with a man made of pure muscle carrying a sword, his eyes stares at them like a hawk.

The glare alone was enough to put all three on edge, but seeing as he hadn't attacked them yet, Shikamaru spoke up.

"There's a fight going on, we were discussing if we should join in on the fight," Shikamaru spoke as if his life depended on it, because for him, it might, but he was also planning.

"Which ones are the enemies?" Miyamoto asked, looking up at the fight.

'Is he going to fight? He's definitely not a participant, otherwise, I would have remembered.' Shikamaru thought, he decided to weigh his pros and cons before he spoke again.

"Those on the left, they're sound ninjas, they use-" When Shikamaru was in the middle of talking, and turned back to Miyamoto, only to find he was no longer there.


Sakura went to fight back against the enemy, she threw some kunai as she started to panic.

Before the kunai could reach their target, one of the ninjas jumped in front of the kunai and blasted them back at Sakura.

Sakura stumbled back in surprise from the kunai barrage being sent back at her.

One of the sound ninjas at the back smirked. "This is too easy." They said as they were ready to attack.

"Too easy?"

The ninja froze completely as they felt a knife-like presence on their neck.

'Who?! Who snuck up on me!? How did they sneak up on me?!' The ninja thought as they began to panic as their blood was running cold.

"Who- who are- Gah!" The ninja went to speak, but her throat was torn out before another word could be spoken.

Her blood-curdle drew the attention of her comrade.

"What the hell?! Who are you!?" Dosu was left baffled, he couldn't detect him.

Zaku took his attention off Sakura and turned around to see Zin fall to the ground with her trait ripped out, his attention then fixated on the man behind her, his presence was no joke.

'Is he a Jonin? Did he catch onto our plan!?' Zaku began to think of endless possibilities.

Miyamoto didn't answer, he was just happy to fight again, so he had to try hard to keep his presence under control.

"Wow, you have to fight with such disabilities, it's almost impressive."

It took Dosu a second, but he realized Miyamoto was talking to him, he scowled as he heard the pity he was given.

"Shut up!" Dosu charged at Miyamoto, his killing intent leaking out.

Miyamoto couldn't hold himself back once he felt the killing intent. Miyamoto breathed in slowly before allowing his presence to spill out.

Dosu was filled with anger as he charged Miyamoto, but that was soon replaced when he felt the weight on his heart threatening to bring him to his knees.

"What... Is... That!" Shikamaru said as he felt the weight fall on his shoulders, and his heart began to pound in his ears. 'Who is he? I've never heard of an attack like this.'

Zaku was frozen where he stood, his body felt like it was being pulled to the ground.

'What... The hell?' Zaku looked at the face of Miyamoto and he wished he didn't, upon looking at Miyamoto, he saw his eyes stare into his soul, making him feel exposed, vulnerable, everything he has tried to push down, what every shinobi pushes down.

Everyone else couldn't resist the weight and fell to the ground, their instincts having a war with each other, should they run? Should they fight? Or should they stay still?

Dosu could only watch as a passenger as his body drove his body into an attack he did not want to commit to.

Dosu saw a blur before he felt the weight of his arm and legs disappear, and as he blinked, he was plunged into a world of darkness where he could not see.

Shikamaru and Zaku saw a blur of Miyamoto's hands before he walked by Dosu. They didn't know what to think. 'Did he attack? Did he walk by? Did Dosu miss?'

Their questions were soon answered as Dosu tripped over the body of his comrade, Kin, Dosu's torso slid off his legs in a squirt of blood, his arm was turned into a red mist and his head rolled away.

As if the body didn't even know it died, the nerves started to jerk and spasm, and blood gushed out of every cut, drenching the ground in a red pool.

Shikamaru's eyes went wider than he ever thought, he couldn't look away, he was now frozen in fear, not a single thought was produced, not a single plan. Shikamaru gave in and fell to the floor, giving into the weight of the presence, his mind was lost and his body did the only thing it could after it saw that state and he began to vomit all over the ground.

Zaku was huffing and puffing through his nose in fear, he had never seen such brutality. Although he was frozen by fear, his body quivered in fear.

Every step Miyamoto took was in rhythm with Zaku's heart, each thump made him want to collapse, the cold beads of sweat tortured Zaku by sampling teasing to drop off his chin, leaving the need to scratch or to rid of the feeling.

But he couldn't move.

His mind was racing, overloading with the number of things it was keeping track of.

But it all stopped when Miyamoto stood before him.

Zaku couldn't even move his eyes, only able to stare at his chest, but he could feel Miyamoto looming over him with a devilish smile on his face.

"Oh~ How you quiver with fear."

That's when Zaku couldn't hear his heart in his ears, that's when he realized he was so afraid, that his heart only beat when Miyamoto stepped.

Zaku's eyes rolled back and he fell backwards.

"That's enough." A shaky voice called out behind Miyamoto.

When Miyamoto turned, he found the captain of the Anbu.

Miyamoto smiled...