
Naruto: Miyamoto Musashi

Miyamoto Musashi,(from baki) the legendary samurai finds himself in the Naruto. *This is my ever first novel I'm writing, I hope you enjoy it.* PS: I'm also using this book as training to improve my skills, so that may also explain some different writing styles. PPS: I have a small phone keyboard and my thumbs are fat, so if something doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. PPPS: PP, that's funny right there. PPPPS: I'm hungry as fuck.

Dung_Eater · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 15

"So... Kakashi, would you like to explain our samurai visitor?" Asuma asked, leaning back on the couch.

"Do you mean the one that fought against lord 3rd?" Kurenai asked curiously, also leaning back on the couch.

"Yeah," Asuma said simply.

"I don't know what to tell you apart from what we already know," Kakashi said, crossing his arms.

"Well, you used to be an Anbu right? So surely you have some information on him, also, you lead a mission against him, so you gotta have some information." Asuma said, lighting a new cigarette.

Kurenai looked over at Kakashi, intrigued.

Kakashi let out a sigh before responding.

"He has no chakra," Kakashi stated like it was common knowledge.

"No chakra? That doesn't seem right, considering his fight against lord 3rd, it seems he has access to something." Asuma said, rubbing his chin.

"That reminds me, how are you Asuma, about your dad being hospitalized?" Kurenai asked, leaning forward.

Asuma scratched the back of his neck.

"I was angry at the start, but when I realized that he would be fine, I was more proud than worried." Asuma smiled at the thought of his dad.

Kurenai looked at Asuma with a look of surprise.

"If that was my dad, I'd have killed the samurai in his sleep." Kurenai kissed her teeth and went back to leaning up against the chair.

Realizing that no one else was going to say anything else, Kakshi spoke up.

"Although he doesn't have chakra, he seems to have an aura that is capable of many feats."

"Like what?" Asuma asked, leaning in.

Kurenai also leaned in.

"He has an ability that allows summoning more of himself, they can't be attacked, but they can attack you," Kakashi said, leaning into the two.

"How does that work?" Kurenai said, a bit suspicious about the information.

Asuma kept silent, pondering the information.

"They don't deal any physical damage, according to my team that day, they felt like they were being cut into, but they had no such injuries."

Kurenai bit into her finger, trying to make sense of the information.

"Then it would have been a genjutsu, right?" Kurenai asked.

"It acts exactly like a genjutsu, but it's a very powerful one. With the incident that occurred in the Hokage's office, he let off his aura and was able to overwhelm everyone in the room." Kakashi stated.

"So he doesn't have chakra, he has something comparable to genjutsu, and he can fight equally with the Hokage?" Asuma started shaking his head.

"That doesn't make sense." Asuma put his hands over his face, avoiding his smoke and slumped back into the couch.

"But won't we have the advantage if it does come down to a fight?" Kurenai asked, earning the looks of Kakashi and Asuma.

"What do you mean?" Kakashi asked.

"I mean if he doesn't have any Jutsu then we can use range to our advantage, can't we?"

"We could, but even the Hokage fell after trying that," Asuma said.

"Hm..." Kurenai hummed, recognizing her flawed plan.

"Well, we don't have enough information on him, but he is powerful," Kashi said as he stood up.

"Agreed," Kurenai and Asuma said in unison.


"Who are you?!" Anko demanded, pointing at Miyamoto.

"You're a demon," Miyamoto said simply.

A vein popped out of Anko's head in anger.

"What did you say!" Anko yelled as she flashed in front of Miyamoto and threw a punch.

Her fist, only inches away from his face, Miyamoto curled a smile, watching the fist as it struck him in the face.

Miyamoto slid back about one foot, seemingly unaffected by the strike.

'What a creepy smile' Anko thought as she saw Miyamoto's face after receiving a punch.

"That was quite a punch," Miyamoto said, his smile disappearing and returning to his default face.

"So tell me, are you the instructor for the second test of the chunin exam?" Miyamoto asked, stepping closer to Anko.

"I am, what about it?" Anko said, putting a fist on her hip and cocking it out.

"I will join the second exam." Miyamoto demanded.

'So this is the person the Anbu captain warned me about.' Anko thought. Anko was pretty intrigued with Miyamoto.

'He has the face of a warrior, he's definitely more muscular than anyone I've seen before. I wanna see his rumoured power.' Anko smiled a wicked grin.

Miyamoto looked surprised at the grin that this woman was giving off.

"So, stranger that wants to participate in my test, will you accept a duel with me?" Anko said, smacking the side of a kunai on the palm of her hand.

"Alright," Miyamoto said as he placed his sword ok the ground.

"What are you doing?" Anko said confused as she looked at Miyamoto place the sword on the ground.

"If you can withstand my presence, and not curl over. I will accept a duel." Miyamoto said, standing tall.

Anko felt it, his change in demeanour, fear building in her heart.

The wind began to blow violently around the two, and the colours around Miyamoto began to twist, sway and mix.

Anko began to shake as the wind felt like blades grazing across her skin, the gaze from Miyamoto made her feel small, and her fears began to manifest.

"Come, Anko~" A slithering snake whispered in her ear, its tongue reaching around her neck.

Miyamoto dropped his presence.

"Oh ho. You fear something more than you fear me, tell me who strike fear into your heart." Miyamoto said, a smile finding its way on his face.

Anko fell to her knees, sweating, shaking, and heaving in fear.

"Tell, me. Is this person you fear, stronger than me? Could he survive 10 cuts?" Miyamoto began to get excited.

'What the hell is this bastard on about.' Anko said as she glared at Miyamoto.

"Ho, ho. Such a glare." Miyamoto said admirably while picking up his sword and crouching down to Anko.

Anko stared into Miyamoto's eyes.

"I like your eyes, they carry the will to survive, the demons you are fighting," Miyamoto said, intrigued by the woman in front of him.

Anko could help but get lost in his gaze.

"Once I find someone who can survive 10 cuts, I'll make you mine," Miyamoto said, standing up and walking into the forest.

" I'll make you mine." Miyamoto said casually.

As Miyamoto disappeared into the forest, Anko was left on the ground, staring after Miyamoto with a dumbfounded expression.

'Make me, his?' Anko felt heat in her cheeks. Her eyes widened as she realised what he said.

"What, y-you bastard!" Anko threw a kunai after Miyamoto. It disappeared into the forest.

Anko stormed away with rose cheeks.