
Naruto: Mixed Heritage(Rewrite)

Question: How would a Uchiha Uzumaki Hybrid fare in the world of Naruto? Ethan A Computer Science student transmigrates into the body of an orphan named Renjiro in Naruto. He soon realizes that the orphan has Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines. Join Renjiro in his journey as he grows and his quest to become the strongest shinobi! Warning : 1. This is a rewrite of my work Naruto: Mixed Heritage. Key components have been changed. 2. No harem (there might be some romance but don't get your hopes high) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) What to expect : 1. Lots of training 2. Cause and effect of our Mc's involvement in the plot Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create) Please support me on Patreon: patreon.com/SideCharacter

Sidecharacter1 · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs


S-rank ninjas stood at the pinnacle of strength and skill within the shinobi world. Beyond the raw power they wield, these elite shinobis are considered strategic assets, often serving as a deterrence to potential threats to a nation or a shinobi village to be specific.

Second only to the immense power of tailed beasts, S-rank ninjas possess capabilities that can tip the scales in favour of their villages during times of conflict.

Their skills and prowess make them Kage-level, and any one of them is deemed suitable to ascend to the position of village leader.

That was why Riku was surprised to see Kaya Kamizuru here. He was widely known as one of the few S-rank Shinobi from Iwagakure in the Ninja Data Book.

Just like the first Tsuchakage, who also originated from the Kamizuru clan, Kaya was very adept in his clan's jutsu, and the versatility he wielded the jutsus put him in a league of his own.

However, Kaya himself felt the weight of the mission bearing down on his shoulders, he couldn't shake the anxiety that gnawed at the edges of his composure.

In as much as he appeared nonchalant on the outside, the situation was quite the opposite on the inside.

The delicate balance of power between two of the major nations hung in the balance, and the success or failure of their mission would echo far beyond the immediate objectives.

His main objective was to ensure that the land of Hot Water and Wheat did not enter into any kind of treaty.

This was because any type of collaboration between the two would spell disaster for Iwagakure and the Land of Earth as a whole.

The land of wheat was one of the nations neighbouring the Land of Earth, where Iwagakure was located, on the south.

If the two minor nations collaborated, then Konoha, which was a huge backer behind the land of Hot water, would use that as a way to move forces to attack Iwagakure.

Onoki had carefully outlined the gravity of the situation to Kaya, emphasizing that any advantage gained by Konoha in these negotiations could tip the scales unfavourably for Iwagakure in the shadow of an imminent conflict.

This was a potential opening he could not afford to leave to Hiruzen.

In the realm of shinobi politics, the prospect of peace was often a fleeting illusion, a momentary respite between the storms of war.

All Kages, shaped by the harsh realities of their world, understood that preparing for the next conflict was not a matter of choice but a strategic necessity.

Peaceful times provided the opportunity to strengthen one's military might, forge alliances, and gather intelligence—all in anticipation of the inevitable clashes that defined the shinobi landscape.

The seemingly paradoxical nature of preparing for war during times of peace was the harsh reality of their existence.

Shinobi, like tools, only served to push the various agendas of their feudal lords as well as other powers.

Kaya grew increasingly frustrated with all that was happening. This was only supposed to be a quick in-and-out assassination mission, but it had now transformed into a chaotic spectacle.

"Deal with the delegation swiftly. I'll handle them," Kaya commanded, his tone unyielding and focused. His subordinates nodded in acknowledgement and moved with determined purpose toward the negotiation hall, leaving Kaya to confront the formidable Konoha jounins.

Sando, Riku, and Goya met Kaya's gaze with unwavering determination, understanding that the success of their mission hinged on thwarting the Iwa shinobi leader.

Kaya took a step forward, his expression a mix of resolve and disdain. "Konoha shinobi meddling in affairs beyond their borders. A mistake you won't live to regret," he declared.

Riku, calm despite the brewing storm, responded, "Isn't that what you are also doing? Why don't we end this charade and get to the best part."

"True, but this is as far as you go," Kaya declared, his voice cutting through like a blade.

"We'll see about that."


Back at the city grounds, Renjiro and Anzai had long realized that attempting to vanquish the relentless swarm head-on was futile.

Instead, they shifted their focus to protecting the civilians and guiding them away from the imminent danger.

Working in tandem, Renjiro and Anzai utilized their respective abilities to direct the swarm away from the panicked crowd.

Since containment was essential, Renjiro and Anzai decided to regroup with the other Genins.

With their immediate objective being the safety of the civilians, the two shinobi raced towards the other genins who were tasked with patrolling the city.

Renjiro and Anzai swiftly moved toward the concentrated source of the buzzing swarm, guided by their keen senses.

As they approached, it became evident that the other genins had also discerned the strategic importance of the location, creating a makeshift group to counter the insect onslaught.

Despite the chaos surrounding them, forming a formidable line against the relentless insect onslaught was important.

In between the fights, Hiro's curiosity was piqued, causing him to direct a question to Anzai,

"Is this some rogue Aburame causing all of this chaos?" He was, trying to make sense of the situation.

Fukai chimed in, "These are bees, not the usual insects used by the Aburame clan. It's something else entirely."

Anzai, processing the unfolding events, shared her knowledge with the group, "This isn't the work of any Aburame clan member. The only other clan known for manipulating insects like this is the Kamizuru clan from Iwa. Their affinity for controlling bees is infamous."

The genins exchanged glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. Aiko added, "So, we're dealing with a person from the Kamizuru clan?"

'Iwa? Why are they moving against Konoha?' Renjiro wondered. He was not interested in the political ins and outs of the shinobi world, but even someone like him could figure out that something like this could potentially have dangerous consequences.

Fukai, sensing the tension, suggested, "Let's focus on containing the swarm and ensuring the safety of the civilians. We can worry about the Kamizuru later. Right now, this should be our priority."

'Then again, they could always claim that the Kamizuru shinobi was rogue to keep their hands clean of this mess they are causing.'

Anzai asserted, "To effectively deal with the bees, we need to find the user and confront them directly. The Aburame and Kamizuru clans have been rivals for as long as we can remember, so of course, we have come up with ways to counter them."

"True. But since our Senseis have not come to help, that could only mean one of two things. First, they think that we are able to handle this hence they need to safeguard the delegation.

Two, they might be engaging the Kamizuru Shinobi. Most likely, it is the latter since none of us have encountered them after the attack started." Nakao Nara finally contributed.

She had been silent ever since the Genins regrouped. She took her time to analyze the situations from different perspectives. Once she concluded her analysis she shared it with the group.

"But that would mean that the enemy is a jounin at the very least. If they are, then the best we could do is just keep the civilians from harm and hope our Senseis handle this matter." Catching up on what Nakao said, Chou Akimichi added.

'This is going to be tough,' Renjiro surmised.


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