
Naruto: Medical Ninja

Kamiyo Tetsuya, a reincarnated soul from another world, finds himself in the aftermath of the Nine Tails Rebellion in Konoha Village. Orphaned by the chaos that took his parents, Tetsuya discovers he possesses a unique ability: the Doctor's Benevolence System. This extraordinary system allows him to heal others and extract their attributes, skills, and even bloodline limits, setting him on a path to mastering medical ninjutsu. Determined to grow stronger and protect his new home, Tetsuya adopts a disciplined routine of hospital visits, physical training, and Chakra refinement. Along the way, he befriends Hinata Hyuga, who silently supports him, and encounters Uzumaki Naruto, another ostracized child. Offering friendship and compassion, Tetsuya becomes a beacon of hope for Naruto, hinting at a powerful alliance between the two future heroes. Tetsuya's talents do not go unnoticed. Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen visits him personally, impressed by his healing prowess and granting him support. However, Danzo Shimura, head of Root, also recognizes Tetsuya's potential and seeks to recruit him. The resulting tension sets the stage for future conflicts, as Tetsuya becomes a target for various factions within Konoha. Working at Konoha Hospital, Tetsuya learns that his mother was a student of Tsunade, one of the Legendary Sannin. This connection boosts his reputation, but also draws more attention to his abilities. As Tetsuya navigates the politics of Konoha, he uses his system to heal and grow stronger, aiming to support his friends and uphold the Will of Fire. A critical moment occurs when Tetsuya heals Naruto and unlocks Pure Ashura Chakra, a powerful energy tied to the reincarnation of Ashura. This transformation significantly boosts Tetsuya’s abilities, setting him on a path to greatness and hinting at future confrontations with Indra's reincarnation, Sasuke Uchiha. Join Tetsuya as he navigates the challenges of his new life, builds powerful alliances, and strives to become a beacon of hope and strength in the world of Naruto.

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55 Chs

Chapter 4: A White-Eyed Encounter

As Tetsuya stepped out of Ichiraku Ramen, he noticed the gentle snowfall outside. Snowflakes danced through the air, blanketing the roofs and trees, and transforming Konoha Village into a winter wonderland. Even the Hokage Rock appeared different, its stony features softened by the layer of snow.

"This is the first snow of the season," Tetsuya thought. "I need to prepare some charcoal for winter."

The technology in the ninja world was quite advanced, with many buildings having heating systems. However, his traditional home required a fire to keep warm. As he walked through a forested path towards the commercial area, he heard faint sobbing and the jeering of children.

"Your eyes are disgusting!" "Are you a monster?" "You white-eyed freak!"

Tetsuya clenched his fists, his anger boiling over. He couldn't ignore this.

Following the sounds, he found a girl with lilac short hair and pure white eyes. Her face, like a delicate porcelain doll, was marred by fear and tears. Three boys stood before her, laughing cruelly.

"That's Hinata..." Tetsuya realized. He didn't hesitate. "Hey!" he called out.

The nearest boy turned, only to be met with a punch to the face. "Ah! It hurts!" he cried, falling to the ground.

"Damn, you actually attacked us!" one of the other boys shouted, lunging at Tetsuya. But Tetsuya, with the physique of a Genin, easily dodged and countered with a left hook and a right hook, sending both boys to the ground.

Hinata, who had been crying, watched in shock as Tetsuya stood before her. "Tetsuya... long time no see," he said softly.

Hinata's wide eyes blinked in recognition, and she whispered, "Thank you, Tetsuya."

"It's been almost a year since we last met," Tetsuya said, recalling their previous encounter. "You were lost in the snow then too."

A year ago, he had found Hinata crying in the snow and had taken her back to the Hyuga clan's mansion. Today was eerily similar.

"I'm sorry, Tetsuya," Hinata said, her voice barely above a whisper. "My father hasn't allowed me to go out since then."

Tetsuya nodded, understanding the protective nature of Hiashi Hyuga, especially given the recent tensions with Cloud Village.

"Don't worry about it," Tetsuya reassured her. He turned to the boys, who were still on the ground, crying. "Stop crying, or I'll hit you again!" he threatened.

The boys immediately quieted down. A green glow enveloped Tetsuya's hand as he healed their injuries. "I'll spare you this time. Bully anyone again, and you'll regret it," he warned.

The boys, now healed, thanked him and apologized to Hinata before running off. A message appeared in Tetsuya's mind: [Healing Bear Child*3, Gained Constitution +0.3]

"Not much improvement, but the efficiency is impressive," Tetsuya thought, pleased.

Turning back to Hinata, he noticed her blushing. "Let's get you home, Hinata," he said gently. "The snow is getting heavier."

Hinata nodded and followed him closely. They walked in silence, Tetsuya mindful of Hinata's shyness. He knew that even the smallest comment could overwhelm her. As they reached the Hyuga compound, Tetsuya smiled and waved.

"Don't worry your family, Hinata. Go on in," he said.

Hinata hesitated. "Tetsuya, can I come play with you sometime?"

"Of course," he replied, giving her his address. "But I might be out training sometimes."

Hinata's face lit up with a smile, and she thanked him before hurrying inside. Neither of them noticed an old man watching from a distance, a familiar smirk on his face.

"Interesting," the old man muttered. "Very interesting."