
Naruto: Medical Ninja

Kamiyo Tetsuya, a reincarnated soul from another world, finds himself in the aftermath of the Nine Tails Rebellion in Konoha Village. Orphaned by the chaos that took his parents, Tetsuya discovers he possesses a unique ability: the Doctor's Benevolence System. This extraordinary system allows him to heal others and extract their attributes, skills, and even bloodline limits, setting him on a path to mastering medical ninjutsu. Determined to grow stronger and protect his new home, Tetsuya adopts a disciplined routine of hospital visits, physical training, and Chakra refinement. Along the way, he befriends Hinata Hyuga, who silently supports him, and encounters Uzumaki Naruto, another ostracized child. Offering friendship and compassion, Tetsuya becomes a beacon of hope for Naruto, hinting at a powerful alliance between the two future heroes. Tetsuya's talents do not go unnoticed. Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen visits him personally, impressed by his healing prowess and granting him support. However, Danzo Shimura, head of Root, also recognizes Tetsuya's potential and seeks to recruit him. The resulting tension sets the stage for future conflicts, as Tetsuya becomes a target for various factions within Konoha. Working at Konoha Hospital, Tetsuya learns that his mother was a student of Tsunade, one of the Legendary Sannin. This connection boosts his reputation, but also draws more attention to his abilities. As Tetsuya navigates the politics of Konoha, he uses his system to heal and grow stronger, aiming to support his friends and uphold the Will of Fire. A critical moment occurs when Tetsuya heals Naruto and unlocks Pure Ashura Chakra, a powerful energy tied to the reincarnation of Ashura. This transformation significantly boosts Tetsuya’s abilities, setting him on a path to greatness and hinting at future confrontations with Indra's reincarnation, Sasuke Uchiha. Join Tetsuya as he navigates the challenges of his new life, builds powerful alliances, and strives to become a beacon of hope and strength in the world of Naruto.

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55 Chs

Chapter 37: Only The World Where Mizuki Was Injured Has Been Achieved

At midnight, Naruto sneaked into the Hokage building.

Earlier that day, after failing the graduation exam, Mizuki had found the frustrated Naruto and told him about the existence of the Scroll of Seals. Excited by the prospect of learning powerful new jutsu, Naruto was determined to prove himself and earn Iruka-sensei's recognition.


Tetsuya appeared silently at the door of the Hokage building, causing Naruto to nearly jump out of his skin.

"Tetsuya, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked, his voice trembling with surprise.

Tetsuya shrugged casually. "I was on my way to your place to cheer you up, but then I saw you sneaking around, so I followed."

Naruto, in his naïveté, didn't question Tetsuya's explanation, even though it didn't quite add up. "Oh, I see," he said, relieved.

Two hours earlier, Tetsuya had been summoned to the Third Hokage's office by an Anbu. In a state of confusion, he found himself face-to-face with Hiruzen Sarutobi, who quickly stashed away his crystal ball upon their entrance.

"Good evening, Tetsuya," the Hokage greeted, his voice heavy with concern. "Earlier today, Mizuki manipulated Naruto into attempting to steal the Scroll of Seals. I need you to accompany him to ensure nothing goes wrong."

"What's in it for me?" Tetsuya asked bluntly.

Hiruzen chuckled at the boy's straightforwardness. "You can learn the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique alongside Naruto. It's an excellent jutsu for someone with your vast chakra reserves."

Despite his serious tone, the Third Hokage couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at Tetsuya's chakra capacity, which far exceeded even Naruto's. He was convinced Tetsuya had inherited the Senju's formidable physique, and perhaps one day, the boy might even master Wood Style.

"Not enough," Tetsuya replied. "Shadow Clones aren't really my style."

Hiruzen sighed. "What do you want, then? You can pick a jutsu from the Scroll of Seals to learn, and I'll help you master it."

"I'll choose for myself," Tetsuya decided. He wanted to learn several jutsu, and he knew the Hokage wouldn't allow him to take too many at once.

Hiruzen agreed reluctantly. "Fine. Do as you say."

Back in the present, Naruto was overjoyed to have Tetsuya by his side. He was confident their mission would succeed with his friend's help. Without hesitation, Naruto began their heist, and Tetsuya agreed to join him in stealing the scroll.

Inside the Hokage building, the Anbu and guards were conveniently absent, allowing them to enter the Hokage's office without any trouble. After searching for half an hour, Naruto finally found the Scroll of Seals on the desk, much to Hiruzen's frustration as he watched from the shadows.

"Naruto, Tetsuya, what do you think you're doing?!"

Hiruzen's sudden appearance made Naruto jump. "Ah, Grandpa Hokage!" Naruto exclaimed, panicking.

Naruto quickly resorted to his Seduction Jutsu, causing Hiruzen to recoil. Tetsuya smirked, thinking about how many powerful ninjas had fallen victim to that particular technique.

The Hokage's patience wore thin, and Naruto and Tetsuya took the opportunity to slip away, running towards the forest with the scroll in hand.

"Naruto, let's stop here and learn something," Tetsuya suggested when they reached a clearing.

"Okay!" Naruto agreed, handing over the scroll eagerly.

As Tetsuya opened the scroll, Naruto immediately focused on the Shadow Clone Technique. "This one feels right," he said, feeling a strange sense of destiny.

Tetsuya glanced at it and quickly memorized the technique before unrolling the scroll further. The next jutsu were obscured by a genjutsu, but this didn't faze Tetsuya.


His three-tomoe Sharingan spun into existence, dispelling the illusion instantly. He knew the Hokage was watching, but he didn't care. With the Uchiha clan gone, there was no reason to hide his abilities.

As he scanned the scroll, several powerful forbidden jutsu caught his eye. "Darkness Technique, nice. I'll learn that. Flying Thunder God? Too complex for now, but I'll memorize it. Reaper Death Seal? Too risky. Impure World Reincarnation? Needs dead bodies, not practical."

As Tetsuya muttered to himself, Hiruzen watched in shock. "Tetsuya has the Sharingan? And the three-tomoe, no less? Could he be related to the Uchiha clan?"

The Hokage's mind raced with possibilities, but he couldn't fathom the truth of Tetsuya's mysterious origins.

Satisfied with his selections, Tetsuya closed the scroll. He chose the Darkness Technique, Flying Thunder God, Tandem Paper Bombs Technique, and Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique. Meanwhile, Naruto focused on mastering the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

Soon after, Mizuki and Iruka arrived. Tetsuya stepped back, letting Naruto take center stage. Fueled by anger and desperation, Naruto created over 2,000 Shadow Clones, overwhelming Mizuki with a single punch and earning Iruka's recognition as a graduate.

Tetsuya had successfully memorized several powerful jutsu, and Naruto had proven his worth. Everyone had achieved their goals—except for Mizuki, who lay defeated and humiliated.

In the end, it was a night of revelations and victories, setting the stage for the challenges and adventures that lay ahead.