
Naruto: Marionette of Suna

Born as the nephew of renowned Suna-Nin Chiyo Matsuri, Souei finds himself awakening the long lost Bloodline of the Thread Release. The story of a budding puppeteer in the world of Naruto. Thread Release Kekkei Genkai. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. All rights belong to Masashi Kishimoto. For advanced chapters, check out my Patreon page! Depending on the tier, you could get between 4 or 10 chapters ahead along with a few other benefits. P@treon.com/TeemVizzle - This fic will take place in Minato's generation and will be mainly centralized in Suna. Romance will be very slow and will strictly be non-harem.

TeemVizzle · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Important Characters

Main Character of this fic:

-Name: Souei Matsuri (Trustworthy, Capable ; Festival or Holiday)

-Overall Appearance: Think Souei from the slime isekai anime, but without the horn.

-Backstory: Belongs to the Matsuri clan, a founding clan of Suna. Nephew of Chiyo, the current head of the Matsuri clan.

-Abilities: The Thread Release (kekkei genkai to utilize solid strings), proficient in earth and fire release, proficient in Taijutsu, No Genjutsu whatsoever.


Souei's Genin Teammate

-Name: Sabaku no Rasa

-Overall Appearance: Gaara's dad. You know what he looks like.

-Backstory: A civilian born shinobi who learned the Magnet Release.

-Abilities: Magnet release, specifically the Gold Dust variant. Proficient in shape and elemental change in chakra nature. Proficient in earth, wind, and water release.


Souei's Genin Teammate

-Name: Rukia Hoku

-Overall Appearance: Jinora from The Legend of Korra.

-Backstory: Belongs to the Hoku Clan. A matriarchal clan affiliated with Suna that produces medical ninja. Will apprentice under Chiyo to become med specialist

-Abilities: Has an innate ability to connect with the winds around her, allows sealless wind style ninjutsu and sensory ability. Very minimal chakra reserves.


Souei's Jonin sensei

-Name: Ishito Kazoku, "The Centipede"

-Overall Appearance: Just look at the picture.

-Backstory: An S-rank ninja of Sunagakure, considered by many to be the right hand man of the Kazekage. Dreams to bring peace towards the village he calls home.

-Abilities: Master puppeteer, having created Mukade, the centipede puppet that earned him his moniker. Proficient in Taijutsu and fire and earth elemental chakra.