
Naruto: Marionette of Suna

Born as the nephew of renowned Suna-Nin Chiyo Matsuri, Souei finds himself awakening the long lost Bloodline of the Thread Release. The story of a budding puppeteer in the world of Naruto. Thread Release Kekkei Genkai. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. All rights belong to Masashi Kishimoto. For advanced chapters, check out my Patreon page! Depending on the tier, you could get between 4 or 10 chapters ahead along with a few other benefits. P@treon.com/TeemVizzle - This fic will take place in Minato's generation and will be mainly centralized in Suna. Romance will be very slow and will strictly be non-harem.

TeemVizzle · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Genin Exams

-2872 words-

[Year 46, 1 year before the trio's graduation]

Ishito Kazoku was currently antsy, something he was not used to feeling. If you asked people to describe him, they would say he's strong, lazy, efficient, and even rather grumpy and stoic on most days. But when the Kazekage suddenly pulled him from the frontlines, told him that a new job is open and he's the most 'obvious' candidate, the Elite Jounin couldn't help but be restless.

Traveling across the rooftops of the Sand Village, he quickly arrived at the Kazekage's office.

"You wanted to see me, Sandaime-sama?" He questioned, standing in front of the Kazekage's desk. Mukade, his giant centipede puppet, coiled around him as per usual for them both.

The Third Kazekage looked up from the document he was examining. "Yes, in fact, I'm glad you're here."

Ishito just raised an eyebrow in a silent question.

"Your efforts in the field have been appreciated, however I have a new job that requires someone of your skills." Ryushi started. "With new talents blooming from the academy, I need you to become the Jounin sensei to the new graduates."

"...What?" It was obvious to anyone that Ishito was shocked beyond belief by the news. If his widened eyes were to be believed. "So let me get this straight, you pulled me from the force, risked this ailing peace among villages, so I could babysit a bunch of children?"

He was among the most efficient shinobi that the Sand Village currently possesses. His departure from the field would automatically mean a drop in mission success rate, higher risks of enemy shinobi infiltration, and the worst of them all, a rise in allied shinobi casualties.

"Ryushi-sama-" Ishito tried to argue but was immediately interrupted.

"You aren't a fool, Ishito. I know you realize the peace we have right now is nothing but a farce. Tensions are rising and in less than a decade, war will once again happen. Until then, we need to make sure the future generation is up to par in becoming the shinobi we need them to be." explained the Kazekage. He then stood up from his chair, turning around to look out the window in his office to look upon the village. "Right now, we have academy students who show potential. They possess skill and knowledge far beyond their years and they require proper nurturing if we want that potential to be fully realized."

"And who are these children?" questioned Ishito.

"Chiyo's nephew for one. Another is from the Hoku clan while the last is civilian-born."

"I see, and you want me to become their sensei, now?"

"No, not yet. They still have room to grow and things to learn in the academy. This also gives them the chance to know their peers a little better. They won't graduate for a while yet, but that's why you're here to test the graduates that came out this year. Gives you time and experience to get used to this sort of job."

Ishito could only sigh at that. He's not particularly excited about this. But if you're given an explicit order by your superior, what can you do?

"Fine then. When do I start?"

"Right now actually. This years' academy just graduated and they're waiting for you to show up."

Ishito narrowed his eyes, a vein pulsing in his forehead. "You bastard…"

"You better start moving then, wouldn't want your students to think their new sensei is a slob who's always late, would they?" Ryushi had a shit eating grin on his face. Truly this was one of the few chances of entertainment he could get as Kazekage. Better milk it for what it's worth.

The newly dubbed Jonin sensei immediately left through the open window, running past rooftops towards the direction of the academy. "What a pain." He grumbled before he sped up.

He could only imagine how his life would turn out now.

— Marionette of Suna —

[Year 47, Graduation Day]

"My name is Ishito Kazoku. I will be your Jonin sensei." He said as he studied the newly minted Genin. Lady Chiyo's nephew had a small smile and a curious look on his face, the one with the red hair had an unreadable expression, and the girl was all smiles as her bubbly personality was apparent. All three were studying him with barely concealed interest, but clearly most of their attention was on the 8 foot centipede puppet that is currently using his shoulder as a head rest.

"Meet me at training field 8 in 5 minutes. I won't tolerate slackers." With that, he disappeared with a quick shunsin.

The three Genin were stunned for a second before immediately rushing out of the room. Not 5 minutes later, they arrived in the targeted training field with a few seconds to spare.

'The Hoku girl arrived first, then Souei, then Rasa. It seems the former trumps the rest by quite a lot in terms of speed.' noted Ishito as Rukia was barely ruffled by the fast run while the other two were slightly huffing. They recovered quickly though, which is a credit for them.

"Good, you made it." Ishito started. "Before we start, quick introductions are in order. My name is Ishito Kazoku, S-Rank Ninja of Sunagakure." He announced, which gained wide eyes from his future students. "In the bingo books, I am known as Ishito the 'Centipede'. The reason for that is obvious." He gestured to the puppet by his side. "This is Mukade. He is a puppet of my own creation, one outfitted with plenty of poisons and weapons that could kill a man a hundred different ways. I specialize in puppetry, poisons, and elemental ninjutsu."

"Now, it's your turn. Tell me your name, things you're good at, and what your goals are." Ishito jerked his head in Souei's direction.

"Oh uhh, my name is Souei Matsuri. I'm decent at Taijutsu but I specialize in my own unique ninjutsu with the use of my threads. I'm currently learning puppetry to add to my repertoire of skills in addition to my Bloodline. And my goals? I guess right now that would be to become a powerful ninja." said Souei, with his voice having uncertainty in the last part.

'He has a clear view of the techniques he wants to master in the future. But still lacks a clear goal.' thought Ishito.

"Alright, next." he then pointed towards the red-head.

"I am Sabaku no Rasa. My skills are dependent on my ability to do the Magnet Release, specifically Gold Dust. My goal is to become a shinobi that this village could rely on, and one day perhaps reach the level of a Kage."

'The polar opposite of Souei. Not much versatility with only one specialization, but a clear cut and honest goal.' The Elite Jounin noted.

"I'm Rukia Hoku! I'm really really good at chakra control and can use Wind Release ninjutsu. I've also started training medical jutsu with my family. My goal is simple, to become a Kunoichi just like Lady Chiyo!" said the only girl of the group with a bright smile on her face.

'It is beneficial to have a medic on the team. And from her files and her own words, a prodigy in chakra control and a sensor to boot.'

'So I have a user of a long lost kekkei genkai, a genius that replicated the jutsu of a tailed beast, and a talented healer that would probably grow as capable as Chiyo herself. What an infuriating team that Kazekage dropped on me.' sighed Ishito.

"Very well. Now that we're done with introductions, It's time for your test."

"Test?" Souei and Rukia chorused at the same time.

"Yes. It is standard procedure for Jounin senseis to throw tests prior to teams being officially formed. For today, we will have combat training: the three of you against me." Ishito told them.

Souei, Rasa, and Rukia gained wide eyes as they looked at their sensei.

"I will evaluate your skills and capabilities. If you manage to impress me, then the four of us will continue as sensei and students. If not, I will send you back to the academy and you're free to start over again next year. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir!" the three nodded in understanding.

"Good. Now then, do try your best to survive." Their sensei said as the Genin fell into their combat stances. "Begin!"

— Marionette of Suna —

As soon as the order was given, the unmoving centipede around Ishito suddenly came alive. It moved faster than the genin could react as it slammed its large tail straight into the stomachs of each genin, launching them backwards and slamming into a rock outcropping.

"Agh! That hurts dammit!" Souei groaned as he pulled himself up.

"What did you expect, we're up against a Jounin." Rasa commented as he too got back on his feet.

"Owww…" Rukia just stood up, grumbling as she nursed her head. 'I barely even sensed it move before I got hit!'

Noticing that the kids are starting to recover. Ishito once again flexed his index finger, not even moving from his position. Mukade immediately moved in response to the order. It struck again with its massive tail, only for the attack to be blocked by a shield created of golden sand. The others immediately took the opportunity as Souei dashed to the right side of the puppet and swiped his arm towards the puppets direction, three threads connected to his fingers that drilled into the centipede. On the other side, Rukia was throwing wind-enhanced shuriken towards the puppet's body.

However, it was revealed that their techniques were futile as the puppet didn't even receive a scratch from their attacks. Mukade immediately moved as it slammed its head towards Souei, knocking him back. It was about to do the same towards Rukia only for a tendril of golden sand to pull her out of the way.

'We won't win like this.' Rasa thought as he tried to think of a plan. He glanced towards Souei and Rukia, and instantly they all knew what to do.

Just as the centipede was about to crash towards their positions, all three genin disappeared in an application of the Substitution Jutsu. They reappeared in the middle of some rock outcropping and quickly regrouped.

"We need a plan." Rasa started as the three of them huddled together. With Rukia's sensory abilities, they should be able to avoid getting caught off guard.

"No shit." Souei grimaced after taking the hit from Mukade.

"Right now, we can't do anything with that puppet chasing after us. We have to distract it somehow."

Souei was lost in thought as he tried to think of a plan. "Rasa, will you be able to hold it down?"

"I should be. Why?" Rasa asked curiously.

"I got an idea. I don't know if it'll work though. This will be the first time I field tested it." He admitted. "No time like the present. Rukia, make sure to use your sensory skills and focus on me and sensei. Once I've made my move, hit him with everything you've got."

Rasa and Rukia nodded.

"Let's go!"

— Marionette of Suna —

Ishito stood still in the middle of the training field, waiting for the Genin. He decided to give them the advantage in regrouping. It wouldn't be too fair for them if he just went all out after all.

It didn't take long for the three to finally make their appearance. They all dashed out of the outcropping and immediately went into position.

Ishito commanded Mukade to charge forward, the centipede crawling across the ground towards the Genin.

Rasa immediately raised both his arms, large tendrils of golden sand rose from the ground and held down the centipede.

Ishito himself just raised an eyebrow. 'Where are they going with this?'

It was not a few seconds later did he find out exactly what his students had planned. Ishito suddenly found himself unable to move a single muscle, thin strings could be seen connected to his arms and legs.

"Now!" Souei screamed.

"Wind style: Wind Blade Jutsu!"

Rukia took a deep breath before unleashing them in sharp blades of wind that cut the ground as they fly towards Ishito's position

"Hoo, not bad." commented the Elite Jonin. With a burst of strength and chakra, he easily broke out of the control that Souei had on him. With a small flick of his fingers, the centipede that was being held down by Rasa suddenly broke apart and split into segments. Each piece reached Ishito's side and formed a shield that blocked the Wind Blades.

Ishito then made his move as he moved in speeds the genin weren't able to follow and reappeared in front of Souei. He didn't give the boy any time to react as he slammed a fist towards the blue haired genin's gut.

Rasa tried to intercept but was caught off guard as a reconnected Mukade moved and restrained him by coiling around him in a tight form.

Rukia barely sensed her sensei's arrival and managed to prepare a cross armed block, but found it useless as her defenses were immediately pierced by her sensei's superior strength.

It took just a few seconds for the three genin to find themselves face first towards the dirt.

'So this is the strength of an Elite Jonin…', were Rasa's thoughts as he struggled with the puppet that is currently restraining him.

Ishito was analyzing his three would-be students groaning in pain on the ground as he thought of their performance. 'They definitely still have much to improve. But on all accounts, they actually did pretty well. They're pretty impressive individually and they have great teamwork. I assumed that Mukade would be enough by itself but they actually forced me to move.' A smirk appeared on his usually stoic face. 'Not bad at all.'

"Alright, enough groveling and get up."

Souei grumbled as he rubbed his stomach with a hand. Rasa was about to speak up when suddenly, the Centipede around him loosened and made its way back to its master.

Rukia was in the same boat as Souei, as she was barely holding back the wince from the pain on her arm that she used to block her sensei's attack. Already the signs of a bruise are showing.

Ishito was silent as he looked into the eyes of each Genin. This of course made them all nervous and frustrated. They all looked down as pools of shame began to appear in each of them for their loss.

"Well done." Their sensei nodded.


"Each of you has shown me your strengths and weaknesses. Your teamwork is impeccable and your skills are more than enough to be considered Genin. In short, you've impressed me." Ishito started. This obviously gained smiles and grins from all three graduates.

"Congratulations. We are now Team 11 of the Hidden Sand's Shinobi Corps. You are now part of my team. Therefore I promise you now, I will do my best to teach you as best I can."

"Thank you, sensei!" They chorused at the same time.

Ishito just nodded. "Training officially starts tomorrow. Meet me at this training field at 7.00 AM sharp. Like I said before, I won't tolerate slackers. For now, you're dismissed."

The three immediately bowed in response, thanking their sensei. Just as they were about to leave, Rukia turned around and caught his attention.

"Uhm, sensei?"


"Earlier in the introductions, you asked us to share our goals and dreams. Well I was just curious, what's yours?"

The other two immediately turned around and gave the conversation their full attention. Apparently, it was something they're very curious about.

"My dream?" Ishito questioned. "My dream is something that I've been working to achieve ever since I became a shinobi. It is to bring peace towards the village I call home. A lot of people doubted me for it, saying it was nothing more than mere fantasy. Perhaps they're right, perhaps not. In any case, I don't intend on giving up. Either I succeed in doing so, or I die trying." He announced, gaining a wide eye stare from all three students.

"Who knows, perhaps one of you will inherit this silly dream of mine one day." He gave them a soft smile, before disappearing in a Shunshin.

At the time, no one would realize that this small team of budding Shinobi. Those that met each other by pure chance, would one day grow to be the most fearsome trio of Ninja in Suna history. But until that day comes, they are just three wet-behind-the ears-genin, who have just graduated from the academy.


Hey folks!

We get to see some action by the famed Ishito the "Centipede"! I hope you liked it.

Creating his character was pretty fun, especially Mukade. Love that little critter.

For advanced chapters, Head on to my pat_reon page! Depending on the tier, you could get between 4 or 10 chapters ahead along with a few other benefits.

P atr eon.com/TeemVizzle

(Remove the spaces)

Anyways, that's all for today.


Trivia: If you could have any unconventional animal (that exists) in the world as your pet? Which would you choose?

Shoutout to these wonderful people!

Charlie Puente-Duany

Samuel Tijani


Andrew Rainsley


Sam SomLop


High Priest of Torga

FadingIce1 Playz


Luis Barreda

Aaron Ray


TeemVizzlecreators' thoughts