
Naruto: Lovelife

He wakes up, to only realize that he is no longer in his own body, but instead in the body of a 19-year-old Naruto Uzumaki. For more Chapters: patreon.com/amonk

Amon_Kai · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 8

As they traveled for hours, the sun began to set on the horizon, and Naruto could feel the exhaustion weighing down on his shoulders. But he knew that he was finally approaching the Hidden Hotsprings Village, a place he had always longed to visit.

As they entered the village, Naruto was immediately struck by the steamy air and the friendly locals who greeted them warmly. Hinata followed just a few steps behind him, her eyes taking in the sights around her.

"Welcome to the Hidden Hotsprings Village," a cheerful voice exclaimed, and Naruto couldn't help but grin.

"The village looks... Hotspring!" Guy exclaimed, marveling at the numerous hot springs that dotted the village.

Naruto chuckled. "No need to admire it now. We can relax in the hot springs after we get settled into our rooms," he said, scratching his head.

Hinata nodded in agreement, and they made their way to the hotel that Naruto had booked for their stay.

"There should be a hot spring in our room," Naruto muttered, looking at the town map he had received at the village entrance. "But there are so many hot springs here, we should try them all!"

As he marked off the different hot springs on his map, Naruto couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of healing his tired body. Hinata looked at him with a small smile, knowing how much he deserved this break.

"This spring is connected to the healing spring," Naruto exclaimed, pointing at a particularly hot spring. "I have a few bumps and bruises from our travels, so I'm excited to see if the rumors are true."

Hinata nodded, knowing that Naruto deserved the best. "I'll go join the girls in their hot spring," she said, walking towards the women's section.

Naruto smiled as he watched her go. Guy and Lee were already in the hot spring, laughing and splashing around. Naruto couldn't help but feel grateful for his friends and the relaxing break they were about to have.

They had been traveling for hours, and he was finally approaching the village hidden in the hot springs. Now, was a better time than ever to get there and relax in the soothing hot water.

"Welcome to the Hidden Hotsprings Village," As they entered the village, they were greeted by the friendly locals and the steamy air that surrounded them.

"The village looks…" Guy muttered, "Hotspring!" Lee finished the sentence.

"No need to be admired so much, we can do that after getting ourselves room," Naruto said, scratching his head.

Hinata just behind him nodded slightly. She had been just a couple of steps behind him, no matter how fast or slow he walked.

They made their way to the hotel he had booked.

"There should be a hot spring here in the room, no need to talk about the city. There are way too many of them." Naruto said, opening the town map he got at the village entrance.

Naruto joined his friends in the hot spring, feeling the warmth of the water wash over him. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh, feeling all the tension in his body release.

Guy and Lee were chatting away about their previous adventures, but Naruto's mind drifted off, he quickly shook off the thoughts and decided to focus on the present.

As he soaked in the hot spring, Naruto felt his muscles relax and his mind calm down. The healing properties of the water were already working their magic.

As the night fell, they returned to their hotel room, exhausted but content. Naruto lay down on his bed and closed his eyes, feeling grateful for the peaceful moments he had with his friends.

Tomorrow would be a new day, with vacation just beginning.

"I'm starving!" Guy exclaimed, rubbing his stomach. "We should order some food."

Naruto nodded in agreement, and they all looked through the menu that was provided in the room. After a few minutes of deliberation, they finally decided on some ramen and sushi.

As they waited for their food to arrive, they started discussing their plans for the next day.

"I think we should check out the Fountain Spring tomorrow," Naruto said, looking excited.

Hinata nodded. "Yes, I read it was like a rain of hot water falling on our properties. It sounds different than usual."

Guy and Lee were also interested in visiting the fountain springs, but they had other ideas as well.

"I want to try out the Fire Spring!" Lee exclaimed, a look of excitement in his eyes. "I heard it's one of the hottest springs in the village."

Guy nodded. "Yeah, It sounds like something that can test out endurance."

Naruto laughed. "Endurance test, I don't like the idea. We should split up and explore the different springs tomorrow. Since both of you agree on that then lee can take Guy-sensei there."

Hinata smiled. "That's a great idea. We can meet up later and share our experiences."

As their food arrived, they dug in eagerly, chatting and laughing as they ate. The food was delicious, and they all enjoyed trying out different dishes.

'Some alone time, Hehehe!' Naruto giggled inside.


As he made his way to the fountain springs, Naruto couldn't help but admire the beauty of the village. The hot springs were surrounded by lush green trees, and the sound of the water was soothing.

Naruto thought to himself, 'She's a bit shy?' He turned around and asked her, "Are you having a good time with me?"

Hinata replied, "Yes, I really enjoy being with you," while turning her head shyly.

'At least she doesn't faint. It will take a while,' Naruto thought, recalling the past.

Naruto walked into the men's bath while Hinata went to the women's bath. As he entered the bath, what greeted him was no peace and comfort he expected.

Naruto felt a sense of discomfort as he looked around the hot spring. He had hoped for a peaceful and relaxing experience, but instead, he found himself surrounded by other ninjas who had been through battles and wars. He couldn't help but notice the scars and wounds that marked their skin, a constant reminder of the dangers of their profession.

'The disabled Ninja from the war, It's them.' Naruto remembered Shikamaru mentioning that once.