
Naruto: Lord Drakkon

A killer dies and meets God... Instantly enjoys it! Disclaimer: i used little brain power for the reincarnation. have fun :D

EATEROFGODS · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


I died…

And now I'm talking to God…


Nero POV:

"Um, why are you reincarnating me, letting me choose where I want to be reincarnated and giving me 3 wishes?" Nero questioned God.

"I don't know." God smiled.

"Seems legit." Nero said with a blank face.

"I want to go to the world of shinobi 'Naruto'" said Nero and God nodded.

"For my first wish I want the powers and armor of 'Lord Drakkon'"

"Second, I want a LOT of chakra and perfect chakra control, because training that is boring."

"Third, I want insane talent in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu etc."

"Sounds good?" asked Nero after listing his wishes.

"Meh, I really don't care…"

"But I will change some things up, shishishi…" God finished his sentence and laughed creepily.

"I don't like that laugh… what will you change?" Nero asked with a shudder.

"Luckily, you're already a mild psychotic killer, so I won't change your personality. But I will change the existing characters."

"Meh… don't care."

"Cool, off you go!" God said with a smile and snapped his fingers – Nero instantly disappeared.

"Shishishi!" God laughed ominously after Nero disappeared.

Very short i know, i'll upload a new chapter soon.