
Naruto: Limitless

When he died, he never thought karma would give him a chance to live again. To live in a world full of so much blood, pain and death but also filled with such kindness, warmth and love. He will strive to protect the ones he cares for because he is Limitless.

Amendar · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 - Reborn

The First thing he felt when he came back into consciousness was a comfortable warmth. He couldn't open his eyes and he was stuck in darkness, but he still felt safe. Trying to move his arms or legs was incredibly difficult, it felt like he had no control of his body. kicking his leg out as hard as he could only resulted in hitting a soft barrier.

His energy was quickly spent after only a couple of rough movements. Sleepiness was quickly overcoming him forcing him to drift off into unconsciousness once again. Just before his mind faded into darkness, he heard a muffled voice. Barely audibly a soft soothing song lulled him to sleep.

Weeks went by and a cycle of waking and sleeping took place. The beautiful voice would still chime every day making his heart keep at peace and not lose himself in the surrounding darkness. However, his mind still wandered with nothing to do, and you know what they say an idle mind is the devil's playground.

'After weeks of floating I have concluded that I am inside my mothe-' This thought froze his mind on the spot. Making the mental him kneel on the ground and dry heave.

'Phrasing damnit, phrasing, my mother is carrying me right now.' With his mind cleared of the disturbing thoughts he decided to think of other more productive things.

' I will be born one year before Naruto so that means I should be in the same class as Team 9 when attending the academy. Depending on my status at birth I may need to work very hard to keep up with them.' Planning his future, the best he could with the limited information he had was a good way to pass the time.

One particular day his thoughts were disrupted when a warm ethereal energy passed through his body scanning him from head to toe. This energy made him feel refreshed and all drowsiness vanished in an instant.

'This must be chakra, I'm certain of it.' Analyzing the feeling and comparing it to the knowledge he had of chakra further cemented this thought.

'Why would I be scanned with chakra while I'm insi-, my mother is carrying me?' minutes passed while different ideas came to mind until it dawned on him. His mother must be at the hospital and instead of an ultrasound it must have been medical ninjutsu.

'Solved another mystery just call me Sherlock hahaha..., I can't wait until I'm out of here.' His thoughts became scattered before he once again fell into sweet dreams.

The weeks passed and as he moved his arms and legs, he felt them slowly becoming stronger and stronger signaling the date of his birth coming closer.

The stronger his body became the more his senses started to improve, he could hear clearer and clearer, though it still sounded like everything was muffled he could now hear distinctive voices. The most common being his mother but two other voices stood out as time passed. The first was deep and strong, by the sound alone it felt like he could weather all storms. The second was not as deep but it sounded smooth and confident like nothing could hold him down. The three voices stood out from all the others due to one trait they had in common, unconcealed love. Not even born yet and he could feel their unconditional warmth and support flow through the muffled sounds.

While his hearing improved greatly his eyesight improved by leaps and bounds. His eyelids were still closed but that could not stop his eyes from seeing. Colors danced in his vision lighting up his dark world, they flowed in every which way and from the direction of the muffled voices he could see massive dense balls of color each different in their own way move and pulse in strange patterns.

The first ball was the closest to him, it was just above him and he was faintly connected to it. Over the weeks that large ball of gentle blue chakra slowly leaked some into his own body nourishing and strengthening it. The next chakra ball he could see was the man with a deep voice. It was a deep brown stable and solemn like a mountain, but it also felt like it could shake and break anything in its path. The last chakra ball he observed was a bright yellow, it vibrated like it could strike at any moment barely contained.

'The chakra of my mother, father and brother must primarily be water, earth and lightning natures respectively' The idea of chakra natures excited him, at this point he could hardly wait until he was born.

One day he was peacefully falling asleep just after his mother's daily lullaby when all of a sudden, he felt himself slip, this unnatural feeling made him come to full attention and push his senses to the limit. He could hear frantic but excited yelling from outside and their chakra looked agitated, this made him ecstatic because he knew this meant he was going to be born today.

Time seemed to pass in slow motion due to his excitement. He could feel his mother quickly moving to a place with many different chakra signatures which he recognized from monthly visits as the hospital. His mother finally came to a rest and a familiar chakra wave passed over him once again scanning him from head to toe. Realizing this must be the medical-nin that was going to deliver him he stayed perfectly still letting the chakra get as clear a picture as it could.

Hours went by and pressure was slowly accumulating all around him forcing him further downward. With a sudden scream from outside the pressure peaked causing him to clench from the pain, while enduring he forced himself to stretch out as thin as possible to not hurt his mother as best as he could. Several more peaks of pain hit until all of a sudden it disappeared, and his first breath of air filled his lungs.

Silently taking in the freshness of the air on his skin and clear sounds filling his ears a profound feeling of freedom and joy filled him. While basking in that happiness he was swiftly interrupted by the sound of a crisp smack and sudden pain rushing through his body originating from his ass. The pain caused him to let out a cry that split the atmosphere of the quiet room.

The doctor holding the newborn had a large smile on her face as she handed the still crying little newborn to his exhausted mother to hold. "Here you are, he is a beautiful healthy boy."

The mother held him snugly in her embrace rocking him and cooing at him to calm him down which worked immediately. looking at his adorable little face she instantly fell in love with him.

"Hello there my baby boy." Small tears of happiness fell from her eyes as she felt his warmth in her arms.

"Would you like me to send in your husband and other son now?" The doctor quietly asked.

Not even looking away from her baby she slightly nodded agreeing to the doctor's suggestion.

Memorizing every detail of her son she looked even closer at him. He had a cute button nose, a small Beauty mark just below his left eye and little pure white hairs that blanketed across the top of his head like fresh fallen snow.

'He gets his nose from his father, but he gets his beautiful hair from me.' The woman let out a bell-like laugh thinking of how they shared a similar color.

The room door flew open, and two shadows darted toward the woman.

"Honey, are you okay, how's the baby?" The husband was clearly panicked which was a very rare occurrence judging from the look his wife was giving him.

"I'm fine dear and he is amazing, look he has my hair." leaning over slightly to let her husband get a better look she preened with pride at the expression on her husband's face.

"Mom, can I see my otouto please?" The usually bored faced teen had none of his usual composure at the moment, slightly shaking from a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

"Sure "Oni-san" see how cute he is." When the teen first laid eyes on his brother he was awestruck, he had never seen something so pure and fragile. Then and there he swore that he would give his life if needed to protect his otouto.

The baby in question heard everything his family was saying, and it filled his heart with love. His proud and joyful mother, his steadfast caring father and his kind protecting brother. He was thankful to God for giving him a second chance at life with such a loving family.

The room descended into a calm silence as the family took in their newest edition.

The baby listened to his family speak as he tried to open his eyes to finally get a good look at them but struggled as he might. He was still too weak from birth.

"Dear what will his name be?" The wife looked to her husband letting him make the decision as she got to name their first son.

Thinking for a little while the husband felt a shiver run up his spine as the name suddenly came to him, he had a smile on his face as he announced. "Satoru, his name will be Satoru Hatake."

Hearing the name that he was given the baby felt energy well up inside of him and his eyes snapped open, dying the room in their diamond like opalescence.

The family was stunned by the gem-like beauty that Satoru's eyes shone in, taking their breath away.

The information flooded his senses as Satoru looked at each of his family members. His beautiful mother had long soft snow-white hair that framed her gorgeous face like a painting making her amethyst-colored eyes stand out all the more. While his father and brother shared a striking resemblance, the same spiky hair with the color of metallic silver, one was longer tied into a ponytail halfway down his back while the other was short and seemed to defy gravity. Their two sets of deep onyx eyes seemed to pull you in making them very handsome to anyone who looked into them.

The shock and overload to his senses seemed too much because Satoru could feel himself falling into unconsciousness with two final thoughts fleeting through his mind before he sunk into darkness.

'My fathers not dead and Kakashi doesn't have a sharingan. WHAT THE HELL GOD!'

MC is here and he has a very loving family. First look at some canon characters but they each have a twist. Next chapter we have a small glance into Konoha and more canon characters appear.

Amendarcreators' thoughts