
Naruto: Limitless

When he died, he never thought karma would give him a chance to live again. To live in a world full of so much blood, pain and death but also filled with such kindness, warmth and love. He will strive to protect the ones he cares for because he is Limitless.

Amendar · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 - Meeting God

Slowly floating through the endless void, a single speck of light could be seen drifting along.

Finally coming back into consciousness, the boys' eyelids slowly fluttered open.

'Well, I guess Truck-kun missed wherever it was aiming to send me.' Trying to keep what little sanity he had remaining; he peered all around looking for anything that could give him any sort of directions on where he could go.

"Well young man it would seem you have gotten a little lost." The grandfatherly voice echoing from all around made the boy finally feel a little relief.

"Truck-sama you remembered me." With his hands together in prayer tears were streaming down his face.

Looking through the void the god had a tick mark appear on his forehead. "Gaki I am not that incompetent minor god who commits vehicular manslaughter for fun."

"R.O.B.-sama you have answered your little lost lamb." The bot called out into the darkness in elation.

"My name is not Rob you little bugger, my name is not something you could even fathom." Another tick mark was beginning to form on the other side of the god's forehead as he yelled at the little brat.

"Then nice to meet you notsomethingyoucouldevenfathom-sama." The boy said with an impish grin hanging on his face.

"That's it!" With his face turning red the god could not take it anymore and pulled the soul of the boy into his divine realm.

Flying faster than he could even perceive the boy tore through the void until a small green and blue marble in the distance grew larger and larger filling up his vision. Not slowing down he screamed as he impacted into the ground sending debris in every direction.

' I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm ali- *phew* still dead but other than that okay.' Letting out a breath the boy pulled himself out of the crater.

Glancing at the world he found himself in made him freeze on the spot at the pure beauty. The only words to describe this place would be the Garden of Eden. Tall green trees outlined a majestic forest in the distance with flowers blanketing the ground as far as the eye could see. Flowing softly nearby a crystal-clear stream could be seen snaking between the sea of flowers.

Seeing the boys' eyes widen in wonder at his creation the god felt most of his anger slip away.

"*Ahem* come and take a seat." The light cough brought the boy out of his revery, redirecting his gaze to an old man with an annoying smile sitting at a small table with one seat left open.

"Nice place you've got here." Sitting across from the old man he genuinely praised.

"Thank you." The response came followed by a comfortable silence.

" So, I guess I actually died huh?" Questioned the boy.

"Yes, I'm sorry to say but you have indeed passed away." A small sad smile could be seen on the gods face as he spoke.

" So... what now?" Taking a few breaths to calm his inner turmoil the boy asked in almost a whisper.

"First I have to thank you for saving my chosen hero." With a small bow the god said.

" No, it's no problem I didn't even do it on purpose." In a fluster the boy said with a small blush heating up his face while shaking his hands.

" You have done more than you know. Your previous world was about to go through an evolution and awaken mana, due to this an era of great conflict and strife was about to begin, an era where it needed a guiding light. For that task I chose Jackson to be that light, he guided humanity as a hero and brought salvation." Solemnly spoke the god.

"Brought past tense didn't I just die?" queried the boy.

" Your time is a little off, you spent the better part of three decades in the void. Jackson is all grown up with kids of his own and the world is at peace again." said the god.

" That little brat lost his virginity before I even did dammit!" Exclaimed the boy.

The smile on the gods face cramped a little when he heard the snarky comment resulting in a rather uncomfortable moment. Pushing through the awkward silence the god began again.

"Moving on, with your final act of kindness your positive karma has grown to a fairly substantial size. Saving Jackson is a huge plus in itself but due to the repercussions of all his good deeds adding to your karma as well it has given you quite a lot. " Said the god.

"Karma? Like the balance between good and bad?" asked the boy.

"Exactly, karma is the intangible force that monitors the good and evil everyone commits throughout their lives. It is what determines what happens after death in the cycle of reincarnation." Explained the god.

" So how does my collection of karma affect me going forward?" Questioned the boy.

" The karma you have obtained allows you to have more options in your path of reincarnation. You will be given a choice in what world and at what time you would be reborn into, the appearance of your choice and powers you will receive to a certain extent." Said the god.

Slightly shaking in his seat, the boy took a deep breath in an attempt to reign in the excitement that threatened to burst forth.

" You're telling me I can be isekaid into any world I want with any appearance and superpowers to boot?" The boy asked with feverish eyes that even scared the god a little.

"Yes, that is correct." replied the god.

After a few seconds in complete silence an eardrum rattling shout rang out.

"FUCK YES!" Exclaimed the boy.

The boy jumped up onto the table dancing and flailing his arms and legs to express the sheer ecstasy he was experiencing at the moment.

The god sat there staring with his mouth open in disbelief and slight annoyance at the boy's reaction.

Some people adapt to stress by painting, some by singing our MC deals with it by being snarky to a deity... to each their own I guess. Next chapter will have him choosing his powers and few other surprizes. Thanks for reading.

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