
Naruto: Leveling System

A man wakes up to find himself inside the world of Naruto experiencing it via a video game. Forced to fight to survive, he sets upon a path of self-discovery

Dess222 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 08

I huffed, "unless he proves that he's a threat to me he's my friend. I don't understand-"

"Yami you will do what I say or I'll have you out on the streets!" Ksum got on her feet glaring down at me, "do you understand?!"

I narrowed my eyes at her. So this is how she wants to play it huh? I don't like being threatened, I honestly didn't really mind never speaking to Naruto again, the kid was my friend sure, but I knew he would understand if he thought I would become homeless if we continued to talk. But nobody, nobody blackmailed me.

I don't like being told what to do. Without reason that is.

I looked at her, "if you don't let me be….I'll…." I began to think.

Ksume huffed, "what? What will you do?"

I smiled as I got an idea. I looked at her, "I'll tell the Hokage you told me about the kyuubi inside Naruto."

The world seemed to come to a stop for Ksume. Her skin peeling as if she had seen a ghost. "W-what?" she asked in a ghost of a whisper.

"I know why people don't' like Naruto," I shrugged, "I also know it's a stupid reason, but whatever, people are dumb that way. Anyway, if you kick me out, I'll tell the Hokage you told me about Naruto's furry little problem and told me not to play with him. I know there's a law forbidding anyone to speak about Naruto's tenant, if he believes you violated that law..." I left the threat hanging.

Tsume's eyes went wide, "y-you would have me executed?! After all I have done for you?!"

I rolled my eyes, "you're a government worker, it's your job."

She began to steam, her face going red, "you horrible monster! You demon! You and that brat deserve each other!" she turned without another word and left, slamming the door shut behind her.

I saw her REP score go from 19 all the way down to -21, meaning she probably hates me...a lot.

I sighed as I sat down on my bed, now thinking that what I did probably wasn't a good idea. She can do anything she wants to me and I can't say a thing. She could poison my meal, though I doubt she would go that far.

Probably she was just going to kick me out, find some loophole somewhere and throw me on the streets. No, she can't do that, she knows I'll go to the Hokage then, well I won't really do that, but she doesn't know that. Whatever she decides to do it will be desperate, I know that for sure.

Either way, I really need to find a way to move in with Naruto, and soon. I need to improve my REP score with him to at least 40. I was halfway there now, but if REP scores was anything like leveling up it will only get more difficult from here on out.

I sighed as I sat on my bed and leaned back on my room wall. I looked out the window and could see a worked close the gates shut. The compound walls were 20 feet high, there was no way I was getting over them. The gate was also being patrolled by a gaurd, no way I can sneak past him.

I can't get out and see the symbol in the park, no, that would have to wait. I was stuck here...in this room….with nothing to do….damn it all to hell!

I looked around, I had nothing to do except...I spotted the red notebook Irula handed to me. I Grabbed the book and opened it up revealing my carefully written down notes in the native language of japanese.

I didn't know if this was my first language or not, it felt foreign to me, but obviously I knew how to write and understand it. And of course I have no idea what ethnicity I was, maybe I was bi-lingual? I don't know, I think I know english as well but...hm, let's see.

I began to copy the notes I wrote into English, visibly making an effort into remembering the language. And finally I had a page of english. I could tell the difference between the languages, I knew Japanese instantly, but I also knew English. How much was the game and how much was me?

Honestly? I don't know.

I sighed and put away the notes. I looked them over a few times but it got boring revoking the same thing over and over again. I looked out the window as saw the silent village before me bathed under a crescent moon light.

Tap tap!

I looked and saw a tree branch tapping on my window. I was a floor above ground so a few branches were close, but this...hm, leaves...what can do with leaves?

Oh I know! Chakra control!

I immediately grabbed a single leaf from the branch and held it in my hand. I focused on it trying to remember what I had to make the leaf stick. Channel chakra into the palm of my hand focusing on the leaf. If I gave enough it should stick to my hand...no, wait, not hand, forehead.

I placed the leaf on my forehead and focused, I didn't know what chakra felt like, but I knew I had it. I closed my eyes and sat in the lotus position. From what I remember chakra came from one's gut, so I focused on my gut.

I let my eyes closed with my head leaning back to hold the leaf up. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't...wait! I feel it! A rumble in my stomach! A lurching feeling slowly coming up from my stomach, rising like a wave of pure unbelievable power

"BURP!" no forget what I said, it was just a burp.

I sighed leaving my head letting the leaf fall down. I sighed looking at it. Chakara, it was a mixture of spiritual energy and physical energy. My physical side sucked, so maybe that was it? Maybe I need to improve that?

I sighed, held the leaf in my hand and looked up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and focused, letting my body relax. I let my body rest, I wasn't feeling tired, but I just needed some peace and quiet.

All this talk of ninja's and chakra, it's gotten tiering. I took and deep breath and sighed. I turned my attention to my stomach. With every breath I took in my stomach expanded. As I let it out it pumped air out and shark back down.




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