
Naruto: Leveling System

A man wakes up to find himself inside the world of Naruto experiencing it via a video game. Forced to fight to survive, he sets upon a path of self-discovery

Dess222 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 05

Naruto blinked, "what? No it's just," he chuckled, "I pranked the lunch ladies a few days ago, so I guess they're still mad!"

I smiled, "right, well then," I took my bowl of rice and poured half into his bowl, "eat up sparky."

"Hey, you didn't have to do that!" Naruto said looking saddened at being pitied.

I shrugged, "consider it an investment, I heard about your pranks, just don't do it to me deal?"

Naruto's shame immediately turned to joy, "deal!" He grabbed his chopsticks and munched down into his meal, "this is awesome!"

I smiled, "I know right," it was true, the rice here was much better than the stuff I got in the orphanage for breakfast. I looked up at Naruto's REP score, it went from 0 to 10. Guess he likes me now.

"Hey Yami, you understand anything from Iruka's speech?" Naruto asked, "cause I didn't."

I nodded, "he just explained why being a ninja is a difficult job and how the village was an important structure in the ninja world. Nothing too groundbreaking. I don't think we get to the important stuff until later."

Naruto sighed, "yeah. Hey, you want to hang out after this?! We can go to the park and play!"

I blinked, "ah, sure, I guess. Do you know any good places?"

"Yeah! There's a park right across the academy!" Naruto replied with a foxy smile.

I nodded, "sounds great," I looked over at Sasuke who did his best to pretend like he wasn't listening in on our conversation, I called him over, "yo! You want to join us?"

Sasuke paused as he looked at me in surprise, amazed I would even ask him. "Pft, that bastard? Forget it Yami, that guy doesn't do anything fun," Naruto glared at Sasuke daring him to say otherwise.

The last Uchiha looked at me and Naruto and returned to him meal without saying a word. Naruto snorted, "see?"

I shrugged, "worth a try. Alright then, it's settled, anyway, eat your food Naruto, it's going to get cold."

Naruto blinked "oh, right!" He immediately began to dig in. I turned to Sasuke, who once again was caught red handed looking at me and Naruto. I raised an eyebrow and smiled at him, and he promptly ignored me, got up and left. Wonderful.

After lunch we returned back to class. This time Naruto sat down next to me in my seat a few rows back. He and I chatted for awhile, I told him that I was an orphan and live in the orphanage. He confided in me the same and that he had his own apartment.

I sighed, "damn, I wish I had my own place, it would be so much better than where I'm living right now."

Naruto chuckled nervously, "yeah, it's not all cracked up to be what it is. My place is honestly kind of a dump. It's in a bad place too."

I shrugged, "but it's yours," I hummed, I wonder, can I get Naruto to share his apartment with me? I could do it right? It would be so much better than the shit hole I live in right now.

And just as I had that thought a new box popped up;


Quest Alert!

Convince Naruto to let you move in with you!


Gain 40 REP score with Naruto to unlock this option!


A place of your own!

+100 EXP


Stuck in orphanage until you graduate

Do you accept?


I blinked, I didn't realise my personal options can be made into quests that affected the real world! This is awesome! I immediately pressed yes, so all I have to do is get him to like me until he said yes, sounds easy enough.

As soon as I pressed yes the door opened and Mizuki walked in, "alright kids settle down," he stood behind the podium and looked at us with an unamused eye, "listen up kids I'm Mizuki, I'm going to be your history teacher, I know it's a boring subject but-" his eyes landed on me and he smiled, "well well well Professor, didn't expect to see you so soon. Why are you sitting all the way in the back there?"

I blinked, "ah, I like it here. Let's me think."

Mizuki shrugged, his eyes landed on Naruto sitting next to me and I saw a quick hardening of his glare, guess he doesn't like the blonde even now. Immediately the man smiled, "well as long as you keep answering questions I don't care. Now, shall we begin? First up is the history of our great village, the village hidden in the leaves."

And it was one hell of a class. I don't think by the end there wasn't a single kid who didn't fall asleep. I did my hardest to stay awake, but even I nodded off a couple of times.

But in the end it was all worth it;

By listening to a lecture you have gained +1 INT!

I smiled, 'sweet! But wait...I listened to Iruka's speech as well, why didn't I get a stat point then as well? Unless...unless the higher my stat points the more difficult it would be for me to learn more. I guess I should hold off on spending my stat points, don't know when I'll need them.'

After Mizuki left Iruka came back and had us all walk out of the class in pairs. Obviously Naruto was my partner. We reached the Academy's backyard which was not the ordinary backyard one can find in a normal school.

There was a complex obstacle course in one corner, a small area cleared off with a white circle serving as a sparing area and the far wall had wooden targets painted on it, obviously for target practise.