
Samui and Midora (Part 2)

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(Third Person POV)

As Midora activated his Jutsu, Killer Bee instantly knew what was to come. 

"Get off the ground, Yo!" He shouted

Samui tried to do this but failed, immediately entangled in wooden wines that sprouted from the ground underneath her. Killer Bee had jumped up in the air, avoiding those that tried to catch him. While successful at this, he was then hit by a massive wooden vine that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. 

Bee was slammed down to the ground hard as wooden vines sprouted from the ground and immediately coiled around him. 

"Bee-san!" Samui exclaimed as she tried to pry herself off from the entanglement

Midora was looking at her, "Give it up, shortly, your chakra will be drained." He said, "And if you think you can actually avoid the wood, you'll be swatted out of the air." 

This was Midora's Chaotic Bed Jutsu; a Wood Style Jutsu that has a myriad of wooden roots and vines underground. Midora uses his senses to track his opponents and immediately focuses the roots and vines on whoever has their feet in the ground. And like Bee, if they manage to avoid the ones from the ground, he already has massive roots and vines sprouting from the ground ready to attack them in a whip-like manner. 

"Fool, ya fool!" Killer Bee said as he broke free with ease, "This power is strong yo! But like a serpent, it needs a bit of time to fully coil on ya heart, yo!" 

As he launched himself into the air, he drew his swords and attacked Midora, causing the Leaf Jonin to grab his katana and defend himself, clashing with Killer Bee as the Jinchuriki wielded two of his blades. 

"It's like that, huh?" Midora said as he jumped back, "What the hell is going on anyways?!" 

Samui was able to pry herself free from the roots, it was as Bee said, Midora's wood style requires a bit of time to fully constrict and drain the target's chakra. She immediately lunged towards the Leaf Ninja and swung her blade. 

Midora was deflecting both Killer Bee's and Samui's blades, casually jumping around the area where he had activated his Jutsu, several roots and vines were sprouted, acting as a sort of border. 

"You attacked my bro, fool!" Killer Bee exclaimed, "As a result, we have to get your head, fool ya fool!" 

Midora scowled, "I thought I told you!" He said, "It wasn't me! But it doesn't matter, does it? You idiots won't listen to me." 

Midora landed on the ground and readied his blade as Killer Bee and Samui lunged at him. As they reached him, several roots sprouted from the ground and struck the Jinchuriki, sending him flying. Samui was able to dodge the ones that attacked her, dodging out the way and landing on the ground. 

In a swift motion, she signed some seals and activated a jutsu. 

"Lightning Style: Bolt Shot!" 

She aimed her tanto at Midora, firing a quick lightning bolt at him. 

Midora clapped his hands, gathering an insane amount of wind. 

"Wind Style: Gale Palm!" 

As the lightning bolt reached him, he opened his palms, releasing a shockwave of wind that dispersed the lightning. 

"Tch!" Samui said as she ran towards him, "Doesn't matter, your Wood Style requires focus from you to continuously attack us, right?" 

She kicked at Midora, who blocked her kick with his knee as he countered with a quick jab, which Samui blocked with her hand. 

The leaf jonin didn't respond, which answered Samui's question. 

She proceeded to strike at Midora with a flurry of tanto slashes, which Midora managed to avoid by jumping away. 

He then drew his katana and signed some hand seals while holding it. 

"Fire Style: Burning Blade!" 

He spat flames from his mouth at his blade, cloaking it completely as he waved it in front of him. His katana was now enhanced by his fire jutsu. 

"Flames on his blade?" Samui said as she readied a stance

Killer Bee had jumped from where he was and landed next to her, "This will be tough, yo!" He said, "He's no pushover, ya dig?" 

Midora then stomped his foot as the ground began to shake violently. 

"Chaotic Bed: Flaming Advent" 

Massive roots and vines erupted all around Samui and Killer Bee as they stumbled from the shockwaves. 

Suddenly, they were split in two as they erupted in flames, exploding violently. 

"What?!" Samui exclaimed

Midora had swung his flaming sword at the wooden vines and roots, cutting them and detonating their explosive capabilities. 

Killer Bee summoned a massive tentacle and covered himself and Samui as the explosions reached him. 

The heat of the attack was enough to scorch his tentacle limb, courtesy of the Eight Tails. 

Midora then lunged at him, seeing them as vulnerable in a single spot. 

As he swung his flaming sword at them, the tentacle immediately shot forward and slammed against him, sending him flying. 

"Shit!" He yelled as he hit a massive root

"Fool, ya fool!" Killer Bee said, "It is obvious, I knew you'd stab at me, yo!" 

Samui had already taken the opportunity to strike and lunged at him, swinging her blade at Midora's throat. 

Midora was signing some seals already but something caught his eye. 

"Oi!" He said

Samui was immediately wrapped in chains that were flung at her from a distance. Due to this, she crashed against the ground, dropping her tanto. 

Killer Bee looked around and noticed several cloaked figures atop of the wooden roots caused by Midora. 

"What the hell is this, yo?" He said as he readied a stance

Samui was wincing in pain, the chains singing with heat, "What the..." 

Midora straightened up and looked at where the chains came from, there was a single man who wasn't cloaked. His appearance was similar to Midora, wearing a Leaf jacket on with short black hair and brown eyes. He was giving him a smirk. 

"Look what we got here, man." the man said with a smug tone, "We caught ourselves a helluva woman!" 

"Kekeke!" another man said, "The boss was right, the akatsuki need them at each other's throats for us to capitalize. Attempting an assassination on the Raikage and the Daiymo's kid was worth it." 

Midora narrowed his eyes, "So it was you?" He said seriously, 

"The culprits...." 

Next chapter