
Naruto: Koyama

within a glance into her eyes, the enemies, they befell. all of them dropped dead, at their demise.

yearn · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Erza held the scroll in her hand and frowned. Her mission was to assassinate a bandit that had stolen weapons from the Hidden Leaf Village. 

When she asked Itachi why they had just let it happen, he simply replied that it was overlooked since they wanted to assign a mission to someone. 

"And that particular person turned out to be me…" Erza muttered. 

Though she understood, with her assassination skills, the mission was already completed before it had even started. 

Erza started following the small traces of chakra left behind from the bandit, occasionally checking behind her to see if Itachi was still following. 

And he sure was, but just far enough where he wouldn't be detected, and was also able to help if she was in danger. 

'I wonder if he knows I could sense him, but oh well.'

Truth be told, Erza didn't want to use her eyes if it wasn't necessary. She had seen what she was able to do when her eyes had activated. From being able to defeat Genin level ninjas to Jonin level ninjas. 

'Perhaps this was the reason why our eye's true abilities were never revealed.' 

Suddenly, Erza stopped in her tracks. She realized that the chakra traces had suddenly disappeared, there wasn't a trace of it anywhere. 

"This doesn't make sense…unless-" 

Instantly, she dodged the kunai that had struck the tree instead. Erza's eyes widened when shurikens had appeared as she pulled the kunai out, and deflected the shurikens. 

The bandit wasn't just a normal bandit from Erza's evaluation. They were able to instantly reposition themselves once they threw their weapons. However, such a trick wouldn't work on her. 

"What a shame, if only your enemy wasn't someone that had insanely high senses." Erza said with a smile. "If only your enemy wasn't…me." 

By the time she finished her sentence, she had already flickered behind the bandit. Already sensing the position he held himself in. Unfortunately for Erza, the bandit was better than she thought, and was able to block her attack. 

Now, they were out in the open. 

"You're not bad, but they seriously sent a kid after me?!" the bandit laughed. "Give up or your future ends right here." 

"A talking corpse…should I exercise you once you turn into a spirit too?" 

"The disrespect from such a young kid, I won't take it!" 

The bandit pulled out a blade from behind and started walking towards her. His murder intent had some presence, but she didn't falter one bit. 

Instead, Erza relaxed herself as she spread her chakra throughout her body and emitted it from her body. Due to her high chakra reserves, something like this was barely depleting anything. 

"Such a shame you had to meet me on the battlefield." Erza muttered. 

The bandit was confused, the blade in his hand was something incredibly strong. Yet when he had tried to approach Erza who was just standing there, his senses screamed at him to go back. 

He knew there was something off about the kid in front of him, from the way she talked, and seeing how relaxed she was. She had no murder intent nor aura either, it was like she was made out of ice. 

Too cold. 

It was getting chilly. 

"Damn it!" the bandit uttered. "I'm ending you right now!" 

Despite his senses screaming at him to run away, he held his sword up high, and charged at her. 

Erza, who saw this coming, threw the kunai at the bandit. Flickering behind him, she directed her fist towards him, but was quickly counter-attacked from the blade.

"Ha! I expected this, you're dead now!" the bandit exclaimed as he pierced Erza's chest. 

When he thought he had won, the figure in front of him suddenly turned into smoke. From the beginning, it was never her true figure attacking him, she had swapped herself long ago. 

"Eh? That means-" 

"That's right, it was the kunai that I threw." 

Erza's figure appeared as the kunai disappeared. It was just a substitute for her to switch places and outsmart the bandit. The real kunai was in her pocket the entire time. 


With the hilt of the kunai, she successfully knocked out the bandit that had stolen the weapon. Erza was just faster, smarter, and had higher battle prowess than him despite being a younger age. 

Though, that's what happens when you come from the most dangerous assassin clans. 

Just when she thought her mission was over, several different chakra presences surrounded her. 

"Did you honestly think we would send someone alone? Think again." the bandit said. 

"We'll speak through fighting, no more words." Erza said, picking up the blade from the body. "Matter of fact, it might be better to just remove one of you earlier."

With a clean slice, the once knocked out bandit had his head rolling across the sandy trail. It was cut clean with barely any blood spilling until it stopped moving. 

"You dare! Get her now!" 

"Ice Release, Mirror Domain." 

Using all the chakra that Erza had emitted into the ground, a domain of ice that showed their own reflection covered them. 

When the bandits turned back towards where Erza was standing, she had already disappeared. 

The thing was, Erza was never in the domain with them, that was never a part of her plan. 

"Ice Release, Freeze." 

From the inside, the temperature started to become colder, and colder. The bandits that were trapped inside had realized this and started using different fire techniques to bring down the ice domain. 

However, nothing worked. 

Erza used her chakra reserves and kept replenishing the ice so it would never break. Despite being an assassin, this wasn't an assassination technique, it was an inevitable execution technique.

Inside the domain, the bandits had already frozen up, and turned into human popsicles. Erza sensed this and put down the domain showing several frozen bodies that were still in a stance of performing a technique. 

Pulling out the blade she picked up from before, she cut off their heads one by one. The only sound was their frozen heads dropping on the ground. 

"Mission accomplished."