
Naruto: knowledge Apostle

Michael was a man who loved the world of Naruto specifically the power system he knew there were other and maybe better ones but for some odd reason he just loved Naruto's power system he studied Jutsus, jujutsu, Juinjutsus, Ninjutsu, and more Ninjutsu, Genjutsu He wished there was a real possibility of learning them for real until something amazing happened.

MorbidCuriosity · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Goals Unveiled

(Narrator POV)

Michael, or should I say Arashi, blinked his eyes. He felt groggy as he sat up and looked around. He found himself in a tent, presumably receiving treatment for his injuries. The air carried the scent of gauze. His gaze swept across the surroundings, revealing multiple people lying there with a variety of injuries. Curiously, there were no medics in sight. His soft white bandages caressed his injuries. He heard the sound of talking outside the tent and wondered who was there.

Arashi studied the other individuals when a sudden surge of heat coursed through his veins as if he were being cooked from within. The pain was agonizing, and though he wanted to scream, it was so intense that he clenched his teeth shut. Collapsing back onto the bed, he writhed in agony. At the peak of this torment, he felt something rising from his throat, causing him to convulse. Eventually, something was expelled from his mouth—a mass resembling a massive blood clot. It bore hair and a peculiar black substance.

Had the Arashi of the past observed his own transformation, he would undoubtedly have been taken aback. His once-black hair had turned partially white, roughly a third of it now a stark white hue. Even his once-black eyes had taken on a reddish tinge. His physique had evidently become notably sturdier.

Arashi who was panting heard footsteps walking up to the tent he currently resided in. He wondered, "Since when has my hearing become so pristine". He lay down and continued to act like he was sleeping.

(Medic Pov)

I was going to check up on all the patients. I entered the tent and glanced around I found nothing out of the place so I started checking all of the gravely injured shinobi first. I used my newly learned mystical palm jutsu on their gravely injured extremities, I even rebandaged some people. Everything was going fine until I noticed something off. One patient looked like a completely different person. I thought something must have gone wrong with him so I immediately started checking his vitals I searched all around his body for any injuries but he was completely fine I got a better look at his face and it seemed...." he has gotten a tad better looking"?

She felt in awe at his transformation "Is it me or has he changed?" The medic invited her seniors to glance pon this patient's transformation and they ran tests "I was hoping there was nothing wrong with him because if I screwed up I would have a bad mark on my record".

(Arashi Pov)

I heard her coming from a mile away so I pretended to be asleep. She took her time before she got to me and when she did she checked all over my body, checked my neck all the way to my a*s. After she was done checking she hovered over me for what seemed like an eternity before departing and as soon as she turned away I looked at her silhouette, I could see her cheeks from where I was and she was blushing hard. From this body's memories, "I don't remember him being handsome maybe it's the Senju bloodline kicking in".

Once she departed from the tent I arose from the bed from which I inhabited and I stretched my body, "aeohhh That feels so good". I checked my body and it wasn't in any pain, I must've healed from my injuries faster due to my Senju constitution. From my memories, I obtained the third shinobi war that has been going on for 6 years so this should be the final confrontation between the villages before they make peace.

I walked to the tent curtains and opened them up. The piercing sun's rays immediately assaulted my eyes, There were multiple tents erected I guess harboring injured Konohagakure shinobi. I only had a few minutes before I was spotted by the medic that checked up on me before. She rushed over, looked me up and down, and "said sir you should be up your injuries are still fresh I recommend you go lay back down" she prompted in an embarrassed flustered tone.

In my most convincing voice, "I'm Fine I'm all healed up and ready to go do you know where the commander of this place is?"

I finally got a good look at her her complexion was rosy she had on standard ninja attire but it didn't hide her curves silky brown short-cut hair, and blushing cheeks, now that I'm looking she kinda looks like Ochaco Uraraka from My Hero Academia.

I continued "I'm completely fine you checked me earlier right did you find anything?"

The medic was flustered, "You were awake during that?" Her cheeks which were already rosey became even rosier.

I nodded my head to confirm her speculations, "Please lead me to the stationed commander" I once again asked.

She finally relented and led me to the commander of this medic unit. His name was Ryoske Yamanaka he was the Jounin jonin that resided over this medical unit. He gave me the go-ahead to go back to the village of course with the clearance of the medic that was taking care of me. From this Jounin commander, I finally learned who took care of me Shinoya Tasumaki.

A squad of 2 chunin escorted me back to the village safely. The village looked just like the show but bigger The Hokage mountain was magnificent, the streets were bustling with vendors selling things and people going about their business.

"My parents were still alive so I had to deal with them and I needed to increase my strength, especially my Jutsu repertoire, it had always been my dream before I even came to this world to know all The Justus and I'm going to keep it that way". "I have the Senju bloodline so my chakra which can be compared to an inexperienced Genin should see a rise". "My physique should also strengthen I just need to work hard so I can be able to master lots of things at the young age of 14".

I am a chunin so I should be able to access a variety of Jutsus and Techniques".

[A/N: I'm going to do a time skip to the village because I'm too lazy and yes Arashi's dream is to learn all the techniques he can, The novel is called Naruto: Knowledge Apostle.]