
Naruto-Kaguya's Jinjuriki

During the fight between Naruto, Team 7, and Kaguya, Naruto decided to seal Kaguya within himself because he thought it was better to contain her within himself. Otherwise, there would be a chance she could break free in the future. and guys join my discord server where you can give ideas https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS

The_SaadKhan · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Wakeup to reality

Hey guys, this short fanfiction will be 12-15 chapters max. It's my little trial to see how much success it can get.

For power stones, if I get 10 power stones, I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

Please join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS

[1000+500 words ]


"But Sasuke and I are not as strong as you. Even our combined power is not comparable to yours. It was you and your brother who sealed away Kaguya, and she remained sealed. But we were alone, with limited chakra, and I didn't believe that the sealing would have worked for a very long time. If the cycle of reincarnations is destroyed, there would be no one to stop someone from reviving Kaguya in 100 or 200 years. I simply cannot allow such a threat to linger over the Shinobi Alliance. So, I did the second best thing, though I thought I would die in the process."

Hagoromo nodded, understanding. "This makes sense now. After all, my brother and I were far stronger than you and Sasuke. Even combined, you are not comparable to Hagoromo and Hamura. I should have realized that my power alone wasn't enough to seal away my mother. I thought you could seal her for a long time, but now it makes sense. So, what did you do, Naruto?"

Naruto sighed. "Though I thought I would die, I absorbed her very being inside of me." A sad expression crossed his face. "When I absorbed her, she appeared in my mindscape, and all the nine bijuu arrived there. They subdued her, but in the end, they literally died trying to subdue her. Her very being was destroyed, but all the power of the nine bijuu and your mother combined with my very being. It seems I have the genes of the Senju as well."

Hagoromo nodded. "Of course, you are a reincarnation. First, you are the reincarnation of my son, and secondly, you are a descendant of the Uzumaki, who are related to the Senju. You have both Senju and Uchiha genes. It seems that they were activated during this time, allowing you to gain all that power. Since this power originally belonged to my mother, even my own power and Sasuke's Rinnegan power returned to their original source, which is you."

Naruto nodded. "To be honest, I expected to die," he laughed lightly.

Minato, who was watching, smiled proudly. "My son," he said, as Naruto smiled back, knowing it would soon be time to say goodbye. Sasuke, glaring at Naruto, stepped forward. "Naruto, you shouldn't have this much power. Give the power of the Rinnegan back to Sasuke-kun," Sakura demanded.

Sasuke nodded. "Yeah, dope. Give me the power of the Rinnegan back. It belongs to me. I need that power to control all the bijuu and take over the world."

Naruto looked at him, unamused. "Who do you think you are, Sasuke? The Rinnegan never truly belonged to you. You were given the power after receiving cells from Hashirama and from Hagoromo. You don't own it."

Sasuke snarled. "It belongs to me! I will become Hokage and rule this world."

Naruto scoffed. "And who is going to make you Hokage? You're delusional."

Sakura, standing by Sasuke, said, "Yeah, Sasuke deserves the power of the Rinnegan."

Naruto sighed. "In his right mind, Sakura? You're almost crazy. How dare you, Naruto-baka! Give the power of the Rinnegan back to Sasuke-kun!" Sakura, ready to punch him, lunged forward.

To everyone's shock, Naruto simply backhanded Sakura, sending her flying into a large boulder, creating a crater upon impact. The crowd was stunned into silence.

Naruto spoke firmly, "Sakura, I've had enough of your fangirl attitude. You were trained by Tsunade, one of the Sannin, and you throw all of her teachings away whenever it comes to your precious Sasuke. Sasuke is nothing more than a traitor. Now I truly understand that Sasuke is beyond redemption. I wanted to save him, but after gaining this power, I can see all the sins he has committed under Orochimaru's command. He massacred children and villages just to gain power. He may not have performed the experiments himself, but he enjoyed the results nonetheless."

Sasuke scoffed. "Those were necessary sacrifices for the Uchiha. Do you honestly believe you will become Hokage, Naruto? Who's going to make you Hokage? You're just a freak."

Naruto looked at him calmly. "Hagoromo also looked like this," he said, gesturing to his changed appearance.

Sasuke sneered. "You're just a freak. Look at the people and the way they're looking at you."

Naruto looked around at the Konoha side, seeing expressions of

Expressions of disgust were on their faces as Naruto could feel their emotions and see their hearts with the power of the Rinnegan. He saw hatred, jealousy, and a small amount of fear, but mostly utter disgust. Naruto scoffed, "Huh, people have gone mad. They are literally fools. Even after I saved them from Pain, many people still looked at me like I was a monster, as if I was going to release the Nine-Tails or something. I used the power of the Nine-Tails to save them, but they still thought that way. Some said I was a hero, but I could feel their emotions—they were scared from the very beginning to the very end. As for the people of Konoha, they are literally fools, and I do not care about them whatsoever."

The shinobi of Konoha were angry after hearing that, though they knew deep down they had not treated Naruto well. They would not let this "freak" insult them. Their anger was palpable. Meanwhile, Hagoromo watched all this unfold and realized his wish for the reincarnations of his sons to work together to bring peace to the world was a fantasy. True peace seemed unattainable.

Naruto looked towards Sasuke as Sakura spoke up, "You, Naruto-baka, how dare you lay a hand on me! I know you're just trying to impress me. You're nothing more than a failure."

Minato spoke up, "That is enough, pinky! How dare you speak in such a manner to my son!" Sakura glared at Minato, as all the Kages, including the four Hokages, looked at her. Minato continued, "Do not speak to my son in that manner. Keep that in mind."

Sakura scoffed, "As if I care. He's nothing more than an orphan, a failure. Do you know he was a dead-last orphan? He cannot be stronger than my Sasuke-kun, who was the rookie of the year."

Minato scoffed, "It doesn't matter who he was in the academy. From the very beginning, you were nothing but a fangirl. I literally cannot believe you are the student of Tsunade."

Hashirama spoke, "Absolutely. Tsunade is telling the truth. If this girl is your student, Tsunade, it's unfortunate."

Tobirama scoffed, "Uchiha fangirl."

Sakura retorted, "Sasuke is a thousand times, no, a million times better than that Naruto-baka. He's just a freak and a loser. Do you know that when we were in the academy, he couldn't even make a simple clone? He was that much of a loser." She laughed at her own joke, "A loser who cannot even make a single clone."

Everyone looked at her as if she was crazy. All the Shinobi Alliance knew that Naruto could make thousands of clones, which was something they could only dream of. Sakura scoffed, "He simply got lucky. I bet my Sasuke-kun could make so many more than him. It doesn't matter; he's still a loser. Do you know that he always asked me out and I always hit him and called him a loser? He's always been a loser, still trying to impress me. He doesn't know my Sasuke-kun is the only one for me."

Tsunade said, "Sakura, that is enough. What are you talking about? Didn't you hear what Sasuke said? He wants to take over all the five villages and kill all the Kages."

Sakura responded, "So what? Sasuke-kun deserves to rule over everybody, and everyone should bow down to his greatness."

Some of the shinobi from Konoha, while not liking Sakura, agreed with her in their minds. After all, Sasuke was an Uchiha, and they believed he deserved to rule. Tsunade said, "She's out of her mind," and then looked towards Hiruzen, "How did you even allow her to become a shinobi in the first place?"

Hiruzen looked down and said, "Well, Lord Second, I was old and didn't have the time to deal with all the academy students, so I gave the authority to the academy and the civilian council."

Tobirama scoffed, "Didn't I tell you not to make them part of the council, brother?"

Hashirama laughed nervously, "Well, I only wanted to give them a little power, though—"