
Naruto-Kaguya's Jinjuriki

During the fight between Naruto, Team 7, and Kaguya, Naruto decided to seal Kaguya within himself because he thought it was better to contain her within himself. Otherwise, there would be a chance she could break free in the future. and guys join my discord server where you can give ideas https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS

The_SaadKhan · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Trash Run's in Her Family

Hey guys, this short fanfiction will be 12-15 chapters max. It's my little trial to see how much success it can get.

For power stones, if I get 10 power stones, I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

Please join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS


Though you escalated that". Hiruzen simply looked down, as Minato was also angry about the whole situation. He said, "How dare you speak to my son like that!"

Sakura retorted, "He's no one. He's just an orphan."

Minato scoffed, "He's the son of a Kage. He's royalty in Konoha, and you are the one who is nothing. You don't even belong to a shinobi clan; you come from a civilian family and nothing more than that."

Sakura wanted to punch the Fourth Hokage then and there, but she calmed herself, still mumbling something about Sasuke. Naruto scoffed, "Don't bother, Father. She's just a fangirl and nothing more than that, just like her mother and Ino's mother."

Sakura glared at him. "What did you say about my mother, you damn demon?" she screamed at the top of her lungs, almost deafening half the shinobi around her.

Naruto replied, "Did I hit a nerve? Don't you know your mother was a fangirl, along with Ino's mother and even my own father, Lord Fourth? They tried their best—all the makeup and different types of clothes. I don't even want to talk about it. They just wanted to impress my father and Fugaku, just for the fame. My father was a generational prodigy, and Fugaku was the heir to the Uchiha clan. They tried

their best, but in the end, my father met Kushina and they tried to blackmail her, using different tactics to force her to leave my father alone. But my father loved my mother, and they got married. Fugaku married Sasuke's mother, Mikoto Uchiha, and your mother, as well as Ino's mother, were devastated by that. They envied the fame of the Namikaze and Uchiha clans but couldn't do anything. So, they did the next best thing—they challenged my mother to a duel in front of all the civilians and shinobi, wanting to embarrass her and show her true position. They fought, but in the end, my mother beat your mother and Ino's mother to the ground."

Sakura screamed, "Shut up, shut up! That's not right! Your mother was nothing but—" She hesitated, about to say something vile, but Minato glared at her, releasing a wave of killing intent that made her stop. She scoffed, "You're just saying lies. No one is going to believe you." She started to laugh at her own joke. Even Sasuke was now listening to the conversation.

Naruto and Hagoromo simply shook their heads. Hagoromo realized that the people he had shared chakra with had become twisted. This girl was outright crazy. He looked apologetically at Naruto, knowing how much his son's reincarnation was going to suffer because of this.

Sakura looked at Naruto, "You're just a Naruto-baka, still trying to impress me, but you're never going to be as cool as my Sasuke-kun."

Naruto scoffed, "As if I care. You're nothing but a fangirl and nothing more than that."

Sakura screamed, "I'm the apprentice of Tsunade! You're nothing!" She was screaming at the top of her lungs, making almost all the shinobi alliance nearly deaf. The Kages were listening as well, and all the shinobi wondered if this was true. Most of them already knew it was, given that Minato was their Hokage and the stories of fangirls were well-known.

Naruto continued, "After my mother beat them, they claimed she attacked them. But my father defended her, saying it was them who challenged Kushina and got beaten up."

The Third Hokage nodded, "Yes, that is true. I remember that day."

Sakura had finally had enough. She powered up, launching a full-power attack at Naruto. He dodged effortlessly. "When they couldn't get what they wanted," Naruto continued, "Ino's mother finally settled down with Inoichi reluctantly, since they couldn't achieve the fame of the Uchiha clan or the Namikaze clan."

As Sakura kept attacking, Naruto kept dodging, calmly recounting the story, much to the amazement and shock of everyone present.

Naruto felt pretty bad for Sakura after all this. On the other hand, your mother wanted to get more power, so she tried to get with a rich person. Unfortunately, that was your father. Sakura screamed, "Shut up, shut up! You don't know anything!" She was trying her best to punch Naruto, wanting to hurt him, but Naruto only scoffed at her.

"As if you have the power to hurt me, you fangirl banshee," he said.

Sakura screamed, "Shut up! You're nothing but a dope, a dead last, and you can never be more than that! You can never be as cool as my Sasuke-kun!" She was trying her best to punch him, but even Sasuke was disgusted by her behavior. Ino was looking down, anger filling her heart and eyes. She glared at Naruto, this freak, this demon, who dared to say such things about her mother. She tried to burn Naruto with her gaze, but he just shrugged off her feeble killing intent.

He continued, "That's not even the end of it. In the end, your mother, with so much pride and disgusting behavior, even going so low as to associate with criminals and dealing with drugs, got a seat on the council. That's the only reason she got the seat, nothing more."

Sakura yelled, "Shut up, you demon! My mom was right about you. You're nothing but a demon, and I should have stayed away from you. I should have killed you when I had the opportunity!"

Naruto scoffed, "As if you had the power. You're nothing more than a useless kunoichi. Seeing you call yourself a kunoichi is an insult to people like Tsunade and my mother."

Sakura shouted, "Shut up!" She punched the ground, creating a large crater, but Naruto just dodged the attack effortlessly. He countered, sending her flying into a nearby mountain. The shinobi alliance was disgusted by the kind of family Sakura came from. As she lay there, her vest torn off, leaving only a shirt on her body, Hashirama spoke up, "Huh, how could anyone be that flat?"

Tobirama added, "Yeah, even the road has more bumps than her chest." Most people laughed at that.

Sakura screamed, "Shut up, you damn demon!" She tried her best to punch him again, but Naruto scoffed.

"You've disregarded all the lessons of Tsunade and the Hokage just to chase after your precious Sasuke-kun. I know about your behavior in the hospital and how you don't even work, claiming you're stronger than everyone. You're just like your mother, wanting the fame of a prestigious clan. Tell me, Sakura, wasn't it your mother who told you Sasuke is your destined one and that you should try your best to get his attention with all the makeup and fashion? In the end, he might be gay."

Sasuke scoffed angrily at Naruto, "He's not gay!"

Sakura tried to punch Naruto again. "You should try to get his attention, claiming you're the future Mrs. Uchiha and will bear the children of a god Uchiha when you were only eight years old. To be honest, Sakura, I feel pitiful for you. Your mother put you on this path, away from being a true kunoichi, making you follow a path just to become Mrs. Namikaze or Mrs. Uchiha. But in the end, she was just a fangirl who settled for a wealthy civilian."

Sakura wanted to attack him but was too injured. She was trying her best to heal herself, glaring at Naruto. Naruto scoffed again, "Tell me, Sakura, was it the same with Ino? When Sasuke left the village, Ino's mother told her there was no point in being a kunoichi, that she should just quit. Even Ino wanted to quit because her precious Sasuke had finally left the village."

Everyone looked towards Ino, who was now glaring at Naruto. The shinobi could see by the look in their eyes that Ino, too, had considered giving up when Sasuke left