
Naruto-Kaguya's Jinjuriki

During the fight between Naruto, Team 7, and Kaguya, Naruto decided to seal Kaguya within himself because he thought it was better to contain her within himself. Otherwise, there would be a chance she could break free in the future. and guys join my discord server where you can give ideas https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS

The_SaadKhan · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Taking Hyuga's Pride and Human Desire

Hey guys, this short fanfiction will be 12-15 chapters max. It's my little trial to see how much success it can get.

For power stones, if I get 10 power stones, I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

Please join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS


Hanabi nodded. "Yes, father, I'm okay. Sister was able to save me." Hiashi narrowed his eyes towards Naruto and said, "Hmm, all right, Hanabi, you may go." She nodded and left. He then looked towards Hinata. "Hinata, you are a disgrace to the name of Hyuga. How dare you get captured by someone as weak as Toneri, who is not even a Hyuga? You have disgraced the name of the Hyuga long enough. I am going to put the Caged Bird Seal on you and make your sister the heir to the clan. You will be sent to the side branch." 

Hinata's eyes widened, and tears started to form. "But father, I just wanted to save Hanabi."

Hiashi scoffed, "As if you have the potential to do anything. You are nothing but a failure. Now come with me." He was about to drag her away, but then Naruto grabbed Hinata, pulling her towards him. Hiashi glared at him. "What do you want, you demon?"

Naruto ignored his comment. "Hinata is coming with me. As a matter of fact, we are going to get married soon enough."

Hiashi and everyone else in the room widened their eyes in shock. The elders were sitting there as well. One of them said, "Hah, as if we are going to allow you to marry one of the clan heirs."

Another elder added, "Yeah, you're nothing but a demon."

Tsunade glared at both of them, but they continued to speak without her permission. Naruto simply ignored them and said, "Hinata, do you want to come with me, or do you want to stay with your family, where they will brand you with the Caged Bird Seal and try to torture you? It is your choice. After all these years, I am ready to accept you. So, do you want to come with me or not?"

Hinata looked towards her father and then towards Naruto. Hiashi scoffed, "She is nothing but a failure and can never be more than that. Even if she is a failure, she is still a Hyuga, and I will not let a Hyuga marry you, a demon."

He stood, preparing to strike. "No, give up. You have nothing against me. My power is far stronger and beyond you, and you are nothing but a loser." 

Before he could complete his sentence, Hinata spoke up. "Naruto-kun, I want to go with you." She jumped towards Naruto, who smiled. Tsunade had a small smile on her face but still had a lot of headaches coming her way. Hiashi yelled, "Hinata, how dare you!" He was about to attack her, but Naruto noticed and pointed a single finger at Hiashi, shutting down a single point in his head. Even the Byakugan would find it hard to see that point. Hiashi's eyes widened as he felt his Byakugan deactivate.

"What did you do to me, you demon?"

Naruto replied, "Nothing much. You claim to be a true Hyuga, so I took away what makes you a Hyuga."

Hiashi tried to activate his Byakugan, but to no avail. Naruto looked towards Hinata. "Come here, Hinata. We have a long way to go." Hinata smiled and took his hand. Within a yellow flash, they both vanished. Kakashi, who was watching from the shadows, was startled. "That was the technique of his sensei, the Flying Raijin. How did Naruto learn it?"

Even Tsunade was confused. Naruto returned to the Hyuga clan, and a council meeting was underway. Hiashi was screaming, "That demon should be hunted down for what he has done! He kidnapped my daughter!"

Tsunade shook her head. "You almost disowned her by saying you wanted to put her in the side branch, which means you did disown her. She wanted to go with him. She is a shinobi of this village and can make her own choices."

Hiashi argued, "But she is a shinobi. She cannot leave the village."

Tsunade sighed and pulled out a small paper. "Hinata officially resigned, so I cannot stop her anymore."

Hiashi gritted his teeth, realizing nothing he said was getting through. One of the elders spoke up, "Tsunade, it's about time we let the demon roam around the world for way too long. He is getting on our nerves, and he has even stolen the Flying Raijin technique from Konoha."

Tsunade replied, "That technique belongs to his father, so I do not know if he has stolen it or rather inherited it." 

The elders ignored her comment and continued their rant.

The elders ignored her comment. "He has stolen many other things from Konoha. It's about time we start hunting him down like the animal he is," one of them said.

Tsunade replied, "Do you honestly believe we have enough power? Even during the Fourth Great Ninja War, we were barely able to do anything. It was only Naruto and Sasuke who were able to keep up."

"Must be Lord Uchiha, because there's no way that demon could be of any use to us. I've seen his report; he was just a dead loss and nothing more," another elder retorted. "Even Kakashi has said that Naruto was a burden on most of their missions and that it was always Sasuke Uchiha who saved the day."

Tsunade narrowed her eyes at this statement about Kakashi but put it in the back of her mind. "Well, nothing can be done now. I'm not going to send my shinobi to their deaths by hunting him down. Hinata loves him, and she already has permission from me. I've signed the documents, so nothing can be done. This meeting is adjourned."

After saying that, she left. Most of the council members were angry about the whole situation, while Tsunade shook her head, wondering how she could stop this madness from continuing.

Meanwhile, in the other shinobi villages, there was a Five Kage Summit. However, only three Kage were discussing matters: the Tsuchikage, his granddaughter Kurotsuchi, and A, the Raikage. They were deliberating on what to do about the "demon" Naruto.

A stood up angrily. "How dare Konoha go back on their word!"

The Tsuchikage responded, "What happened, A?"

A replied, "It's disgraceful. We wanted to kidnap that Hyuga girl to breed the Byakugan in our village, but she went with that demon Naruto. He's getting on my nerves. I have to get the power of the Nine-Tails out of him and all the secrets he knows."

The Tsuchikage nodded in agreement. "We cannot let such power roam free. After all these years, we need to act before it's too late."

They were concerned about Naruto possibly attacking their villages, and fear was leading to hatred. The Tsuchikage suggested, "Maybe we should join forces with other villages and take him down. I've heard he had a battle recently. I'm pretty sure he must be weak after that."

A considered this. "The Sand Village might be on board with this plan too."