
Naruto-Kaguya's Jinjuriki

During the fight between Naruto, Team 7, and Kaguya, Naruto decided to seal Kaguya within himself because he thought it was better to contain her within himself. Otherwise, there would be a chance she could break free in the future. and guys join my discord server where you can give ideas https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS

The_SaadKhan · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Master Of Hypocrite's Kakashi

Hey guys, this short fanfiction will be 12-15 chapters max. It's my little trial to see how much success it can get.

For power stones, if I get 10 power stones, I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

Please join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS


They looked towards Naruto, who was still fighting Sasuke. Sasuke was trying his best to attack him, but in the end, he was nothing compared to Naruto.

Compared to nothing's relational power, Naruto effortlessly dodged Sasuke's attacks, breaking his bones with each attempt Sasuke made to strike him.

Sasuke yelled, "How dare you, you dope! Only I, an Uchiha, deserve this power! Give it to me!" He continued his relentless assault on Naruto, who simply ignored him and beat him to the brink of his life.

Sakura arrived, shouting, "How dare you touch my Sasuke-kun!" Naruto looked at her and said, "You have fallen from grace, Sakura. I'm sorry, but it seems that even after all my efforts to save you, you remain lost. I once had a crush on you, but now I laugh at my past self for it. I don't even know what I saw in you."

Sakura scoffed, "You're nothing, baka! Just a lost, dead freak! I always rejected you and had so much fun hitting you, just like the demon and freak you are. Look at you!"

Naruto scoffed back, "I don't care what I look like. If I want to..." Naruto's horn receded into his head, his hair turned yellow again, and his skin returned to normal. His eyes deactivated and returned to blue. "I can change my appearance, but it doesn't matter. Even when I look like this, you always called me a freak, didn't you?"

Sakura started to laugh, "Of course, you're a freak!"

Naruto sighed, "I've had more than enough, Sakura. Just for what it's worth, I will give you a painless and quick death."

Sakura sneered, "Huh, as if a loser like you could ever hit me!" Before she could say anything else, Naruto formed a Chidori in his hand and swiftly removed her head. Sakura's eyes widened in shock. She wanted to scream, "Naruto, you baka!" but it was already too late. The Chidori had cut her head off.

On the other hand, Kakashi was furious at Naruto for killing one of his students. He was about to intervene, but Minato glared at him, stopping him in his tracks.

Kakashi protested, "But sensei, he killed my student!"

All the Kages looked at him as if he were crazy. "Kakashi, you've seen what your student has become. I told you to test them based on their teamwork and other qualities. I don't even know how you let Sakura pass to become a shinobi in the first place," Minato replied.

Kakashi scoffed, "She was a perfect shinobi, sensei. She even rivals Tsunade in medical jutsu knowledge."

Tobirama spoke up, "She was crazy. Didn't you stop to hear everything she said just a moment ago? She was obsessed with the traitor Uchiha who wanted to kill all the Kages."

Kakashi gritted his teeth, feeling ashamed but still believing Sasuke had the right to become Hokage over Naruto. Deep down, he still had a soft spot for Sasuke.

The other Kages looked towards Kakashi with disappointment. Minato said, "Kakashi, from the very beginning, you had a hand in all this mess. First of all, you killed Rin."

Kakashi looked down, clenching his fists, "But Rin threw herself in front of my attack..."

Minato interrupted, "Didn't I tell you not to use Chidori? It makes your speed too fast. Even with the Sharingan, you cannot predict or stop an attack that's already in motion. What if Rin had used a substitution jutsu? You would have killed your own comrade."

Kakashi was clenching his fists, feeling the weight of his sensei's words. Minato continued, "On top of that, you targeted someone with a curse mark and a flight risk, like Sasuke. What did you even teach Naruto? Tree walking?"

Kakashi gritted his teeth, "But I left him with Ebisu so he could learn more..."

Tobirama scoffed, "I know about that guy. He may have the basics down, but for someone fighting against a Hyuga, you should have trained him personally."

Kakashi clenched his fists tighter. Deep down, he believed Naruto didn't stand a chance against Neji. He looked at his sensei, feeling ashamed and angry.

Minato said, "Well, Kakashi, I'm really disappointed in you." After saying that, he looked towards Naruto, who was still fighting Sasuke. Sasuke was trying his best to attack him, but in the end, he was no match for Naruto.

The battle continued, and Sasuke was now sweating heavily. He even tried to use his Susanoo, but a single attack from Naruto shattered it. Sasuke was running low on chakra. Without the Rinnegan, he didn't stand any chance against Naruto. Even with the Sharingan, what could he actually do? Naruto had defeated someone who had both the Rinnegan and the Sharingan without even using the Nine-Tails' power. Now, Naruto had more power than even the Nine-Tails himself. Sasuke glared at Naruto but gasped,

(note:- He was talking about Madara and Obito)