
Naruto-Kaguya's Jinjuriki

During the fight between Naruto, Team 7, and Kaguya, Naruto decided to seal Kaguya within himself because he thought it was better to contain her within himself. Otherwise, there would be a chance she could break free in the future. and guys join my discord server where you can give ideas https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS

The_SaadKhan · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Absorbing Very Powerfull Grandma

Hey guys, this short fanfiction will be 12-15 chapters max. It's my little trial to see how much success it can get.

For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

Please join my Discord server:- https://discord.gg/XfSy6kWS


As Naruto, along with Sasuke and Sakura, fought against Kaguya, Sakura finally managed to punch Kaguya down. It was time for Naruto and Sasuke to seal Kaguya away. However, Naruto was apprehensive. He thought, "Kaguya was sealed away once before, but it was by the Sage of Six Paths and his brother combined. Even though Sasuke and I have received his power, we're still weaker than them. What if the seal isn't strong enough? What if it breaks in the future, like it did this time? Who knows if someone else might try to resurrect her?"

Naruto continued to worry. "We have to ensure that Kaguya is taken down for good. After all, she is a threat to all the bijuu and humanity. Kurama, we have to do something."

Naruto then decided against simply sealing Kaguya into the moon. With Kurama's help, he twisted the seal on his hand. As Naruto and Sasuke both placed their hands on Kaguya, the seal started to glow. Kaguya smirked, confident that they were not strong enough to contain her. But her smirk faded as her body began to glow.

Suddenly, Naruto found himself in his mindscape with Kurama. "Naruto, you don't have enough power to survive this encounter. You might absorb her very being, but you will die in the process."

"I know, Kurama," Naruto replied. "I never wanted this power to rule the world. I just want to save it. I'm sure that the ninja alliance will work together and bring peace."

Kurama sighed. "Humans are unpredictable, Naruto. Even after the Fourth Great Ninja War, there's no guarantee of peace."

"I believe they will," Naruto insisted. "They've suffered enough. They must work together now."

Kurama shook his head. "Let's hope for the best, but I seriously doubt it."

As Kaguya's very being began to get absorbed into Naruto, she screamed in pain. Kakashi and Sakura were confused, watching as Naruto endured immense agony. Kaguya appeared in Naruto's mindscape, furious. "How dare you! You will not take my power!" she screamed, trying to attack Naruto. But the nine bijuu appeared beside her, pinning her to the ground with their power.

"No, I won't allow this!" Kaguya struggled, but the bijuu held her down. Kurama looked at Naruto with a sad smile. "It seems our journey ends here, old friend. We have to sacrifice ourselves to subdue her."

"No, Kurama, don't do it!" Naruto cried, but Kurama smiled. "See you soon, friend."

The nine bijuu glowed as Kaguya's being was destroyed and dissolved into power. Kurama, along with the other bijuu, finally died, and all their power was now inside Naruto. He let out a scream of pain and agony.

Outside in the real world, Sasuke started to spin, an aura beginning to emanate from him. He let out a scream, clutching his eye as chakra began to flow inside Naruto. Sakura, alarmed, shouted, "Sasuke, what is going on here? I should try to heal Sasuke, but nothing is working!"

Suddenly, there was a boom, and in the outside world, Hagoromo was floating with all the reanimated characters. The Shinobi Alliance was also present. Then a portal opened, and out of it emerged two angry people with scowls on their faces: Sasuke and Sakura. Hagoromo, Kakashi, and the others were confused. Minato, worried, looked towards where Naruto might be, his concern evident.

Hagoromo asked, "Where is your friend Naruto?"

Sasuke scowled, and Sakura noticed that Sasuke no longer had the Rinnegan, which puzzled her. She was certain that Hagoromo had given Sasuke the power to unlock the Rinnegan, and it couldn't be deactivated like any other eye. Kakashi spoke up, "Lord Hagoromo, we don't know what happened. During the sealing, Kaguya started to get absorbed into Naruto's seal. Sasuke screamed and his Rinnegan vanished. Chakra flowed into Naruto, there was a bright light, and this portal opened. We had to jump through it."

Hagoromo was perplexed. Sakura speculated, "Naruto must have disrupted the seal and taken away Sasuke's Rinnegan. You have to give it back to him, Lord Hagoromo."

Hagoromo looked at Sakura and replied, "I cannot give him the Rinnegan again. I have already shared my power, and I don't have it anymore."

Sasuke was outraged. Losing the Rinnegan thwarted his plans to control the bijuu. Meanwhile, the Shinobi Alliance arrived, and another portal appeared, radiating a powerful aura. A person with whitish skin, two horns, an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, and a Rinnegan emerged from it. Hagoromo's eyes widened in realization. He understood that Naruto must have absorbed Kaguya's power, killing her essence and sealing her power within himself.

The Shinobi Alliance was filled with surprise, shock, fear, and anger. Hagoromo could sense their emotions. He addressed the newcomer, "Are you Naruto?"

Naruto, now with a calm demeanor, replied, "Yes, it's me."

Sasuke glared at Naruto, filled with hatred and jealousy, especially over the loss of his Rinnegan. Sakura also glared at Naruto. Ignoring their animosity, Hagoromo asked, "Mind explaining what is going on here, Naruto?"

Naruto sighed and explained, "It's simple. You told me the story of how you and your brother sealed away your mother. I realized that to truly stop Kaguya, I needed to absorb her power and seal it within myself, even if it meant sacrificing myself. This way, her threat is eliminated for good."

Hagoromo nodded, understanding the gravity of Naruto's actions. The tension in the air was palpable as everyone processed the new reality before them.