
Naruto: Kōrima (Dropped)

Kōrima... The journey of a recently orphaned boy with Hyoton... Will he survive the war torn land? The schemes? His own demons? Together we will find out as we follow Ashi Kōrima’s journey... Ice release best release... I don’t own Naruto please keep your copyright claims away from me

Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


When Tsunade found herself on the battlefield it could only be described with death… as she watched the ice swirl around the island cutting through anyone who was unlucky enough to be in its path she remembered the time when Ashi snapped causing worried thoughts to race through her mind but she couldn't see Ashi anywhere past where the water reaches the land the visibility was nonexistent then she felt a pain in her heart she knew Ashi didn't have the chakra to fuel a jutsu of this magnitude for long if at all she immediately flickered away in hopes of finding her love

Mito was currently in shock as she watched the devastation Ashi brought to the battlefield but when she turned to look at him her face darkened as she watched the stone slowly cover his body, she didn't know what to do she's only ever seen something like this once and it wasn't like this… she watched as the stone completely covered Ashi's body and the storm of ice and lightning clam revealing hundreds of bodies floating in the water then rage set in her mind went blank as she pulled on Kurama's chakra she didn't know what she was going to do but she knew that she as going to kill every single one of them the young boy she watched grow up and mature was petrified fighting a battle that wasn't his to fight, she put him in this war and he died because of her she wasn't going to sit idly by as they ravaged her homeland slowly a ball of black and white converged in front of her just as it reached the size of a basketball it shot out towards the remaining shinobi as the ball of energy hit the water it exploded outwards into a large sphere making large waves sinking boats

When Tsunade found Ashi's stone figure tears ran down her face as she collapsed on the ground hugging the statue legs, she could still feel his warmth, she could hear the soft steady beat of his heart but yet it seemed so far away disconnected from the body it belonged, ignoring the raging battle she sat there with the love of her life crying her heart out begging to whoever could hear her to save his life to bring back her love


White Ashi was screaming in pain as he tried to fight back the abundance of nature chakra raging around in Ashi's body but the raging nature chakra would rush into Ashi's body faster then he could dissipate it gritting his teeth White Ashi began channeling the abundance of Nature chakra into the mindscape in hopes of saving the body; while this would normally be a death wish if something wasn't done they would die anyways slowly the nature chakra funneled into the mind scape ravaging the insides as the volatile chakra refused to be held down as if it had a mind of its own

Slowly cracks began to form in the mindscape and White Ashi became terrified never before has he felt as if his being was being ripped apart at the molecular level but it all stopped as a sound reminiscent of paper tearing sounded out and the mindscape shattered, White Ashi begged for his life but the words wouldn't come out, he couldn't remember anything as if it all had shattered with the mindscape he was scared and surprised that he could still feel the faint heartbeat of Ashi struggling to stay alive but it was quickly fading not knowing what to do he hurriedly started circulating the nature chakra through the body in hopes that it will keep it alive for just a minute longer

White Ashi was doing everything he could to prolong their life for even a moment longer the nature chakra damaged everything in its path Ashi's chakra coils slowly burned away, his muscles tore and snapped, his bones twisted, and his mind broke in two but the nature chakra crudely mended the mind slamming the two parts together


Soon after Ashi's jutsu the invaders retreated due to heavy losses, while Ashi's jutsu didn't wipe them out it heavily injured many shinobi while only killing ⅕ of the 12000 shinobi leaving another ⅖ incapable many lost limbs due to the icy storm of death

Ashi's petrified body was currently laid on a bed with seals plastered all over it as a group of Uzumaki did whatever they could, they couldn't figure out the cause of the petrification even with the best sensors on the island couldn't find any malicious chakra, Mito tried asking Kurama but the fox stayed silent they all were on the verge of giving up only continuing due to the poor blonde haired girl at his side crying her eyes out… Tsunade hasn't left the room in the past 3 days barely eating or drinking only doing so when Mito forced her it was as if her will to live has left her leaving only a husk of the formerly energetic girl but it changed as blood started leaking from the small cracks lining the stones

Seeing this everyone was worried they didn't know what to expect but Tsunade did she could feel it… the will to live radiating of Ashi's body, the steady heart beat slowly picking up it didn't take long for the sound of the heartbeat to become like thunder in the distance every time it beat it was loud ridiculously so, Tsunade could feel the pulse of every beat traveling through his body slowly more and more cracks began to show leading more blood to flow out everyone watched in shock as Ashi was reborn…


"Sakumo how close are we?"

Looking down at a map in his hands a young man with white hair wearing the regular Konoha Jonin gear

"Shouldn't be too far maybe another hour or two but we need to hurry, we are late as it is due to Danzo's dealings"

The group of 40 behind him almost simultaneously said "Hai" as they continued to flicker to their destination

'Hopefully we aren't too late… Konoha failing to protect their allies would ruin our reputation…'


Currently Ashi was being smothered by Tsunade as she hugged him with a bone crushing grip his shoulder is soaked in her tears, wrapping his arms around her he silently let her cry, he didn't know what happened after he blacked out but he could tell it wasn't easy for any of them

'You there?'

Silence is what he got, Ashi was surprised when White Ashi didn't start yelling out about getting control so he could massacre people and it slightly worried him… was he in control or was it White Ashi, looking down at Tsunade's crying figure he say his left arm was darker then I was after he and White Ashi came to an agreement, confused and slightly worried he was about to enter his mindscape


Getting pulled out his thoughts by Tsunade he looked down finding her light brown swollen eyes, realizing she has been crying for who knows how long a pain rose in his heart as he pulled her into a tight hug

"Sorry for worrying you…"

A light thud resounded through the room as she effortlessly dropped her fist on his chest


Releasing a slight chuckle Ashi kissed her on the forehead

"Maybe… but in your Idiot"

This put a small smile on her face as she straddled Ashi pressing down on his chest forcing him to lay down, leaning forward their lips met slowly the two became secluded into their own pink world when the door suddenly slammed open shocking Tsunade causing her to slightly jump while Ashi glared at the person who rudely interrupted them

"Um…Uh…M-Mito is calling for you…"

The red haired kunoichi was slightly shaken she didn't expect to barge in during such a private time but the glare she received from Ashi sent shivers down her spine, she felt that if she meet his gaze she would die as if those eyes were a blade against her neck waiting for her to slip up but that feeling faded as Ashi reluctantly sat up waving her away

"Alright alright, but leave tell Mito we will be out in a bit… I have something to deal with…"

Turning his head to look at the pouting figure of Tsunade adopting a soft smile seeing her cheeks filled with air


As the door closed behind her the previous pout Tsunade had disappeared as she looked down on Ashi like he was prey as she softly ran her fingers down his chest as her hand reached his belt slowly undoing it, Ashi could feel a slight wetness alongside an indescribable warmth as Tsunade threw the belt aside and started lifting her shirt knocks where heard on the door… Ashi immediately frowned as he folded hand seals 'Hyoton: Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals'


Leaving his words behind as his figure was encased in a block of ice before his reflection disappeared to the other side of the door, ignoring the fact that his pants were slightly lowered and naked otherwise he glared at the Konoha ninja that dare interrupt them

"What do you want"

The Konoha shinobi flinched as he turned to see Ashi seeing the 'weak' teen the shinobi reached out to the door knob but before he could reach it Ashi grabbed his hand with a bit of force

"You were looking for me… What do you want"

Ripping his hand from Ashi's grip the shinobi frowned

"Lady Mito has asked for your presence. It will do both of you to do as you're told…"

Glaring at the shinobi Ashi slowly spoke

"I understand but tell them the next person to knock on this door and interrupt us will lose more than a few toes"

Before the shinobi could even process his words a blade of ice shot up from the ground severing several of the shinobi's toes before he could even retaliate Ashi already retreated into the room placing seals all over… he refused to be interrupted once again…


"What do you mean they refused to come?"

A limping shinobi looked around finding everyone glaring at him looking back towards a furious Mito he softly spoke

"After I knocked on the door he just appeared next to me half naked but I ignored him and went to open the door…"

He didn't get to finish his story as Mito smiled

"Leave them be… we can allow them some personal time before they are forced to return…"

Many heard her softly speaking about 'How it feels to be young' and 'I remember those days' but ignored it


About half an hour (A/N: what did you expect some R-18 smut fest? Or longer than half an hour? Cmon their teens not gods among men) later the door to Ashi's room opened to reveal a tired Tsunade wrapped up in a blanket in the arms of Ashi who had some rather suspicious bruises on his neck and claw marks decorating his back despite the noise that they made nobody seemed to hear it… thanks to the seals… Ashi's first stop was Tsunade's room after they arrived he laid her down in the bed and kissed her forehead quickly leaving the room to let her sleep pulling a small storage scroll from his pocket he unsealed clothes and quickly put them on before roaming around the building in hopes of finding Mito

Unsurprisingly it didn't take long Ashi just followed the largest chakra signature until he walked into a meeting from finding a group of Konoha shinobi, The Uzukage, Mito, and surprisingly The Hokage… from what he heard as he opened the door they were talking about the remaining Uzumaki moving to Konohagakure but they quickly went silent as the door opened to reveal a tired looking Ashi

Mito had a knowing smile on her face while a certain Konoha shinobi frowned and the Hokage just stared, he had heard about the power Ashi showed when defending Uzushiogakure and he knew that he needed to chain such strength to Konoha to strengthen further generations

"How nice of you to finally show yourself Ashi.."

"Nobody asked your opinion Monkey… just sit there and stay silent"

The Uzukage was surprised hearing the lack of respect Ashi had for Hizuren but before he could voice his opinion a Konoha shinobi shot to his feet

"How dare you disrespect your Hokage-"

The shinobi was quickly silenced when Ashi's pupils turned gold and his hands started to become white as mental pressure bore down on him

"Correction… He isn't my Kage nor will he ever be… Actually I think we have something to settle don't you monkey…"

Before Hizuren could voice his opinion Mito sternly spoke out

"Ashi calm yourself… Your losing control"

Ashi simply chuckled as he shook his head

"No I'm in control completely but you're right I may be overestimating myself…"

Getting an approving nod from Mito he sat down in an empty seat

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"

Hizuren spoke

"Tsunade, Mito, and you will be returning to Konoha hopefully alongside the Uzumaki"

"Hizuren we have not agreed to anything just yet… but if it wasn't for Ashi and Mito I doubt we would have been able to push back the invaders… what really worries me is the fact that they had knowledge of how to pass our borders…"

Hizuren slightly faltered but didn't let it show in the outside

"The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is how they knew… I doubt an Uzumaki gave up the information, and that only leaves Konoha…"

An intense staring match began between the Uzukage and Hizuren until Mito coughed

"I doubt monkey here sold the information… However his council is a different story… So Hizuren mind sharing some information?"

At this point Hizuren knew he shouldn't have come along once again Danzo's plans has backfired

"I don't know of anyone breaking the alliance between us but I promise once we return to Konoha that we will hunt them down.."

Ashi couldn't help but laugh earning pointed glares from everyone around


Seeing that they weren't going to stop staring at him Ashi released a sigh before standing up holding a scroll in his hand

"Remember this Hizuren?"

Unsealing the scroll to reveal his fathers armor Hizuren stared at it

"What does that have to do with anything?"

Seeing everyones confused face Ashi chuckled

"Honestly nothing at all… I just wanted to see Hizuren's face when I announce that I won't be returning to Konoha without some… incentives…"

(A/N: Chapters may be sparse in the coming days... spending time with family and I recommend that all of you do the same.... Happy Holidays what ever it may be that your celebrating)