
Chapter no.83 Orochimaru Vs Team 7 part 2

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Sasuke once more launched himself at the Sannin. Now that he could actually see what the Sannin was about to do, he was able to attack much more effectively. Though much to his frustration, he still couldn't land a blow on the man.

Orochimaru leapt over Sasuke just as several balls of air and water flew at him from the both his sides. The moment he landed, two clones came at him from behind. He deflected a punch from the first and dispelled the second with a chop to the neck. Sasuke came at him from behind, but the Sannin whipped around, too fast for the Uchiha's new vision to help him counter, and grabbed his wrist before throwing him away and dispelling the remaining clone.

As Sasuke planted his feet on the ground and flipped back to break his momentum and come to a stop, Naruto came forward, making hand signs as the two watched Orochimaru dispel the remaining clone. Sasuke looked at him out of the corner of his eyes and saw him making a seal sequence he recognized, and quickly ran through his own. The two once again unleashed a combination of Water Style: Wild Water Wave and Lightning Style: Earth Flash, this time at the same time, sending a wave of electrified water at the Sannin while Sakura threw kunai at him her place on a higher branch.

The Sannin sunk into the branch to evade the assault and tore through the branch towards Sakura. Rather than run, she used her control to call as much chakra into her arm as she could in the seconds it took Orochimaru to reach her and slammed her fist into the branch as he neared, actually tearing through it and surprising the Sannin, who briefly saw a little of his old teammate in the pink haired girl.

Sakura leapt off the now falling branch and before Orochimaru could attack her, he had to duck to avoid a fuma shuriken. He turned as Naruto approached, but rather than launch a physical attack, the blond clapped his hands together.

"Wind Style: Gale Palm!" Orochimaru was once more sent through the air as a wave of wind slammed into him. He prepared to counter when the blond raised both his hands, his right palm pointed at him and the other seemingly focused on something behind him.

Naruto prepared to do something he'd never tried before. Since he knew of the technique and it was simply the inversion of Shinra Tensei, figuring out the other technique he'd used against Haku hadn't been too hard. But he'd never used it as he was about to.

Just as with Shinra Tensei, the name of the technique was engraved in his genetic memory. Glaring fiercely at Orochimaru, he called out its name, "Bansho Tennin!"

Orochimaru once again fell under the power of an invisible force, but this time, rather than pushed away, he found himself pulled toward the boy.

'Interesting…' Orochimaru thought as he quickly took stock of the situation. The technique prevented him from using his arms, which would leave most at the redhead's mercy. But he wasn't most people. But he had to know that so… 'What's he…?' His thoughts were cut off as his eyes widened in shock.

He got his answer when suddenly; his body was sliced cleanly in half from behind. He knew now what the blond's other hand was trained on, it was the fuma shuriken his clone had thrown!

Naruto released Orochimaru from his power and caught the fuma shuriken with his right hand. Naruto watched as the Sannin's lower body fell from his other half, his expression a mask of shock. The Rinnegan detected no change in his chakra, no indication of the Replacement Technique or a dispelling clone. For a brief moment, hope blossomed in the blond's heart as he believed he may have actually dealt the man a fatal injury.

That hope died a moment later when the snake Sannin's expression turned into a grin and something no one could have foreseen occurred. Dozens of snakes burst from the severed halves of Orochimaru's body. The masses of serpents linked and pulled his severed body back together, the snake summoner flipped in mid air half way though the process and landing on his feet in a crouch, once more in one piece, even his cloths had mended somehow.

"What interesting powers those eyes possess…" Orochimaru mused as he grinned at the boy.

Naruto growled before the Sannin charged forward. Leaping back and taking to the air, the blond Uzumaki threw the oversized weapon at the Sannin, who caught it easily.

However, rather than further frustration at how his weapon was taken, Naruto smirked before making a single hand seal.

Sensing something off, Orochimaru looked at the weapon he was holding as seals manifested on it a split second before the weapon detonated and the Sannin was engulfed in a massive explosion.

The redhead landed and looked down on his handiwork as the light from the blast painted the entire area a fiery red. That was actually the same fuma shuriken he'd thrown at the start of all this. He'd modified the ones he carried in his seal and each possessed custom explosive seals on both sides of the blades for a total of eight.

As the smoke cleared, a heavily burned Orochimaru was revealed, shielding his face with both his hands. Naruto quickly unleashed a Shinra Tensei to send the Sannin flying. However, this time, instead of being sent into a tree, he collided with a web of wire strings created by Sasuke, immobilizing him as the needles wrapped around him, digging into his flesh almost deeply enough to draw blood.

"Quick, now's our shot!" Naruto said as Sasuke and Sakura quickly joined their teammate. Sakura let loose a volley of poison kunai as both the dojutsu users ran through hand signs.

'Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!'

"Wind Style: Great Breakthough!"

Sasuke exhaled a stream of fire while Naruto unleashed a powerful squall. The windstorm crashed into the first two attacks, creating a massive wall of flame and speeding up the kunai.

The Snake Sannin could only stare with wide eyes as the attack approached, too fast for him to attempt to escape.

And then he was caught within the massive conflagration. The three genin heard a scream as he vanished from their sight.

When everything was visible once more, the genin's hearts sank. At the end of the devastation created by their assault was a mass of dried mud in a barely human shape. What they'd hit had merely been another Earth Style: Shadow Clone under a henge to make it appear injured.

They heard that sinister chuckle behind them and turned to see the man looking down on them from another branch, completely unharmed.

"Well, that was certainly an impressive display," Orochimaru stated. He had to admit he'd underestimated the trio, especially the blond. He'd written the boy off as a failure due to his seeming lack of potential, believing only geniuses like himself or Sasuke could ever amount to anything. Even after seeing his dojutsu, he'd still underestimated the boy because he'd been the dead last of his class.

This had nearly cost him. That clever use of the Rinnegan's powers would have finished most shinobi, even though it had barely even been an annoyance to him after all the modifications he'd made to himself. He had to give the boy credit, he had potential, and not just because of those eyes.

Unfortunately, it was time for the game to come to an end. No doubt Konoha's ANBU were searching for him even as he spoke with the genin.

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