
Naruto : Jinchuriki of the Six Paths ( HIATUS )

When Naruto sees Sasuke seemingly sacrifice himself for him at wave, he awakens the Rinnegan. See how its power affects his destiny. Strong Naruto.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter no.32 Silent Killing

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Naruto stood shoulder to shoulder with his shadow clone, their eyes ablaze with the power of the Rinnegan as they swiftly separated, leaping in opposite directions to evade a rain of senbon descending upon them.

One Naruto, scanning the surrounding trees, caught sight of a humanoid figure concealed among the leaves, poised to launch another volley of senbon at his counterpart. Reacting swiftly, the targeted blond swiftly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the lethal needles.

The two blonds continued their intricate dance, dodging and weaving through the onslaught of senbon. Through the unique connection of their shared Rinnegan, they synchronized their vision, enabling them to monitor both their attackers, Sakura and Naruto, while Kakashi leisurely leaned against a nearby tree, occasionally chuckling to himself while perusing his book, his sole visible eye occasionally wandering to observe the ongoing battle.

Sasuke, meanwhile, practiced his taijutsu katas in solitude. Kakashi deemed his supervision unnecessary, allowing him the opportunity to observe the training progress of his other students.

Following their water-walking exercises, Kakashi proposed a new training regimen. Recognizing Sakura's proficiency in projectile weaponry, he suggested that she utilize Naruto as a moving target. The Jinchuriki would employ a clone with the active Rinnegan to track both Sakura's and his clone's projectiles, enhancing her accuracy and providing Naruto with a chance to adapt to the Rinnegan's unique ability to link his vision with that of his clones. Fortunately, he discovered that his clones were not compelled to activate their own Rinnegan when he did, allowing him to multitask and read while maintaining their perspective.

The real Naruto leaped into the air, narrowly evading a barrage of shurikens launched at him from both opponents. Twisting his body mid-air, he contorted himself perpendicular to the ground, skillfully evading yet another cluster of projectiles before landing in a crouched position, his hand firmly planted on the ground, his senses searching for the elusive Sakura.

Despite sustaining a few shuriken wounds and the need to replace his clone several times, Naruto's boundless energy remained undiminished. He had been engaged in this intense training for the past two hours, taking only a single break. From his clone's perspective, he tracked a fresh wave of kunai hurled toward his exposed back, following their trajectory to identify Sakura as the assailant.

The experience was nothing short of amazing. Initially dismissing the Rinnegan's visual prowess as an annoyance, Naruto now realized its tremendous utility. He pondered the extent to which he could push this ability, how many perspectives he could assimilate without overwhelming himself.

Yet, for all their benefits—two visual abilities and mastery over all elemental affinities—Naruto found his eyes increasingly vexing. He had spent days tirelessly researching their workings, hoping to uncover hidden powers or secret abilities, but his efforts proved fruitless. Frustration welled up within him, intensifying his determination to unravel the mysteries of his eyes.

"All right, Naruto, that's enough," Kakashi called out, gracefully leaping down from the tree. Naruto sprinted toward his sensei as his clone dispersed, and the flow of chakra to his eyes subsided. "Good work, Naruto. You seem to be adapting quickly to the dojutsu," Kakashi complimented, eliciting a beaming grin from his student. He then turned his attention to Sakura. "And Sakura, those senbon are a perfect fit for you. I can envision the serious damage you could inflict if they were laced with poison." Sakura's smile radiated pride as Kakashi acknowledged her natural chakra control, an infrequent occurrence since its discovery.

"Just remember, Naruto, I don't want you to become overly reliant on the dojutsu," Kakashi emphasized, his tone shifting slightly. Naruto's face lit up with excitement, sensing an opportunity. "Does that mean you're going to teach me the silent killing technique?" he eagerly asked.

Kakashi's visible eye twitched behind his mask, a mixture of annoyance and surprise flickering across his face. "Naruto, I don't know how to use the silent killing technique," he responded, trying to maintain composure.

Naruto persisted, determined to prove his point. "Come on, Kakashi-sensei, I know you must have copied the technique from Zabuza."

Kakashi let out a sigh, realizing he may have been a bit too lax with his mentoring. "Naruto, silent killing is not just a trick. It requires complete silence to sneak up on an opponent and eliminate them without being detected. It's not something you can learn in a day."

Naruto's enthusiasm wavered, but he remained determined. "Well, I would still use it if the situation called for it."

Kakashi leveled a gaze at his student. "So you'd only use it as a last resort?"

Naruto crossed his arms, a hint of defiance in his stance. "Yeah, but I'd still use it!"

Kakashi sighed, realizing he needed to redirect the conversation. "Why should I bother teaching you a technique you'll rarely use? Silent killing takes years to master. Wouldn't your time be better spent learning jutsu and techniques you'll actually utilize?"

Naruto's disappointment was palpable, but he understood his sensei's reasoning. "Well, can you at least teach me some stealth techniques?"

Kakashi chuckled softly. "Of course, Naruto. Stealth is a crucial skill for any ninja. And please, stop calling them tricks." He then returned his attention to his book, a glint of amusement in his eye.

"Keep up with your katas, Naruto. Once you're ready, I'll join you for a spar using a taijutsu style I learned from an old acquaintance. It'll be a valuable experience for you to adapt to different combat styles," Kakashi advised, shifting his gaze to Sakura, who had been observing their conversation. "And Sakura, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

Sakura straightened her posture, pleased to have Kakashi's attention. "Well, I was planning to focus on my physical conditioning. Later, I'll take a break to study some medicinal herbs I found outside the village. I want to enhance my knowledge of their healing properties."

Naruto perked up at the mention of herbs, momentarily forgetting his training. "Oh, like that time I encountered Haku in the forest?" he interjected, his excitement palpable.

Sakura furrowed her brows in confusion. "What? When did that happen?" Even Kakashi, typically unfazed, seemed intrigued, momentarily abandoning his book to listen.

Naruto sheepishly grinned, realizing he had neglected to mention the encounter. "Oh, right. I never told you, did I? I met Haku while he was collecting herbs for Zabuza. I had trained until I passed out, and Haku woke me up." Kakashi let out a nervous chuckle, a slight sweatdrop forming on his forehead, realizing he may have been too lenient in his mentoring.

"I had no idea plants could be used for medicine. Makes me wonder if any of the plants I have possess medicinal properties," Naruto pondered, rubbing the back of his head.

Sakura stared at him in surprise.

"Since when do you know the word 'properties' and how to use it correctly?" Sakura teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Naruto puffed out his chest, his pride momentarily overshadowing his previous defeat. "Well, my clones have been diligently studying the dictionary Kakashi-sensei gave me. I still need to go over it a few more times, but I'm getting the hang of it," he declared with a touch of confidence.

Sakura smirked, enjoying the playful banter. "'Catra'," she retorted, her teasing causing Naruto to blush and turn his face away with a slight pout, realizing he had been outwitted in their friendly verbal sparring.