
Chapter no.101 Rinnegan Revelation

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Naruto shuddered slightly, both for himself and the likely deluded Oto genin. He knew Anko was trying to motivate him with those last words but... the terrors she could come up with...

Hiruzen looked down at Naruto with a grave expression. "... Orochimaru knows, doesn't he?"

Naruto sighed before rubbing the back of his head and looking away, "... Yeah. He knocked off my glasses during the fight... sorry."

"It isn't your fault, Naruto. You never should have had to face someone of that level." Hiruzen said reassuringly.

Jiraiya crossed his arms and shook his head. "Still, this opens up a whole new can of worms. He's the last person I'd hoped would learn about this. And of course he knows about your other secret too..." He looked down at Naruto. "He's gonna be gunning for you now. We might have to step up your training once you get out of here."

"No problem. It's not like I was planning to kick back and let my skills rust once the exams were over." The blond replied with a confident grin before holding out his fist. "I'm going to be Hokage someday, and that means everyone in the village is going to depend on me to protect them and being an example of what they can be and what Konoha stands for. I won't get there just by sitting around and letting the days pass me by. It means kicking ass and taking names! Super eyes or no, it's going to take hard work and I never back down from anything!"

Hiruzen smiled, remembering the days when the blond was solely focused on the position for the sake of acknowledgement. It seemed he was finally grasping what it would actually mean to be a Hokage. "Well said. Now, I'm sure your friends are probably wondering why you stayed behind. Why don't you go along after them?"

"You got it old man!" Naruto nodded before running out the door.

After a moment, Hiruzen turned to Jiraiya, his demeanor once more serious. "You think Orochimaru might leak this information to them?"

Jiraiya, his expression as grim as his sensei's, closed his eyes in contemplation. "Hard to say. He certainly wouldn't want to risk them snatching him up before he has a chance to, but they might have spies in his organization. There's also the risk his eyes will be exposed in whatever mess Orochimaru's cooking up for us. We'll just have to wait and see."

Naruto stepped out into the hall and briefly activated his Rinnegan, just long enough to locate the chakra of his teammates before taking off through the halls. After taking two turns and going up a flight of stairs, he ran into none other than Kabuto, who blinked at the sight of the younger Genin.


"Hey, Kabuto." Naruto greeted. "I see you made it in one piece."

"You too." Kabuto replied with a nod. "I guess you found your team then. Was everyone alright?"

"Yeah. I was a little worried for a minute there, but they're both safe. Sasuke's a bit under the weather, but he'll pull through. I was just on my way to meet up with them, wanna come by and say hey?"

Kabuto shook his head and gave an apologetic smile. "No, my own team is expecting me. I'll be sure to stop by before the next stage though, ok?"

"Sure! See ya later." And with that, Naruto took off and Kabuto watched as he bounded down the hall. A moment after Naruto vanished from sight, Kabuto's smile widened, becoming something twisted. Something that was a mockery of everything a smile was possibly meant to convey.


Kabuto and his two teammates, both wearing attire that matched his own, stepped into the entrance hall of the tower. The moment he set foot within the double doors, a smirk found its way to his face as he sensed the presence of his sensei.

"So, how was your journey Kabuto? I trust you found it enlightening."

Kabuto tilted his head forward and pushed up his glasses with his index finger, the light reflecting off the lenses and hiding his eyes behind their shine. "Indeed it was." He pulled out Naruto's ninja info card and handed it out for a chalk white hand to take. "While I didn't find everything I was looking for, I believe you'll be satisfied..." He raised his head to look at the man who inspected his carefully gathered information. "... Lord Orochimaru."

Orochimaru scrutinized the card with a wide grin before letting out a chilling chuckle. "Oh I assure you, I am. While you may have missed an opportunity to gather Intel on Sasuke, Naruto's proven to be a far more fascinating specimen than I anticipated." He looked up at the gray haired youth; his right hand man. "He was quite the entertainment during their doomed attempt to escape me, and I found the boy was hiding a most intriguing secret."

"Oh? And may I ask just what it could be to have piqued your interests so?" Kabuto tiled his head to the side slightly

The traitorous Sannin closed his eyes and chuckled, pausing for dramatic effect, before leveling his snake like, amber eyes on Kabuto so he could savor his shock. "It would seem the boy has spontaneously developed the Rinnegan."

Kabuto gasped slightly, his eyes wide, straightening himself up from the shock as one of the most dangerous spies in all the Elemental Countries, a man who couldn't afford to be surprised, was completely thrown for a loop. His teammates shared in his reaction. "The... Rinnegan? But... my Lord... how? Our research..."

"How indeed. I'm eager to find that out myself. All of my research into those eyes says this should be impossible... but then, the word has a rather loose definition for shinobi, wouldn't you agree?" Orochimaru shook his head. "Still, we're in no hurry. With all my objectives laid out before me, I can afford to be patient a little while longer."

"Shall I update my info card?"

"Mmmm... No. The farther this spreads the more likely it is to fall into... untrustworthy hands. And should that happen, my old associates may hear of it... and we certainly wouldn't want that, now would we? They might dismiss it because he's a child... or they may come for him sooner. That's something we can't allow." His gaze took on a curious gleam as he eyes his subordinate. "What's your opinion on all this?"

"It's certainly unexpected... but beyond that my opinion doesn't matter." Kabuto replied. "After all, you're the one who will decide everything."

"How amusing..." Orochimaru chuckled. "Perhaps it would be best to deal with this particular curiosity between stages... after all, he's grown a great deal in a short time. I'd almost attribute it to his eyes, but... he's developed in other areas they wouldn't account for. I suppose it's no surprise... he is their son after all."

Kabuto frowned. "'Their' son…? Did you know his parents, my lord?"

Orochimaru let out another amused chuckle. "Oh come now, don't tell me your time here has dulled your senses so, Kabuto. It's so apparent just by looking at him the majority of the village must be blind not to see it."

The purple clad teen shrugged. "I never found any indication of his family... as far as I know; he was just some random orphan."

Orochimaru shook his head. "Well, I won't spoil the surprise for you." He stepped away from the wall before he vanished in a burst of smoke. "Try to figure it out, if you have the spare time." His voice echoed from around them.

(Flashback end)

"Naruto Uzumaki." Kabuto spoke as he stood alone in the hallway. "You're much more interesting than I thought."

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