

I found myself standing in a blank space, able to breathe better than while I was still alive.

???: "Welcome, my son. Pleasure to meet you, I am God."

A voice comes around me, filling the entire blank area, making it impossible to identify where it comes from.

Me: "Pleasure to meet you, God. It is an honor to meet you, even after committing so many sins."

I lightly tilt the top of my body and head to greet him.

God: "I forgive you and say to be proud. Even after going through the afflictions of life, you still listened and obeyed me.

You have two choices: First, go to hell, pay your sins and then go to paradise; the second, relive in a world of your choice and, after dying there, will follow to hell, pay your sins, then go to paradise. No, in case of fictional worlds, you will not interact with other people who have revived."

Me: "It's an honor. I choose the second option, in a fictional world."

God: "Specify.

Me: "To the universe of Naruto, in the timeline of the birth of the Minato Namikaze. I wish to be born in Konoha, belonging to the Hyuuga Clan, in the main family; Having my memories completely; Knowing how to read and write, from birth; to the original story, not including films or fillers. In case the last part is not possible, please provide me with the knowledge. "

God: "Your request will be granted. As for the last part, I do not know for sure. You will have to find out for yourself.

Be aware that there is no God who watches over this universe just as I am here on Earth. For better or for worse, you are free to choose what to do. "

Me: "Thank you for granting the majority of my requests."

I tilt the top of my body at a deep thank-you angle.

God: "No problem, I await you in paradise, my dear son."

After the words of God, I felt my body disappear.

I do not want to write a story that only has "plotting of the plot", if you think you have in some chapter, tell me which chapter is and why.

The same I say about spelling mistakes, if you find, let me know.

I will continue to attend to everyone, then, comment.

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