
A New Bugenning

(AN : I decided to make the MC in the generation of Minato & Kuahina & Mikoto & Fugaku & most of the parebts of the konoha 11)

James Carter (his soul) found himself in a dark void all of a sudden ....

before he could think any more , he was attacked by a soul-tearing pain from the large amount of data that was being carved into his soul as unforgettable memories ...

he then blacked out to digest all the information & lessen the pain somewhat ....

An unknown amount of time passed ....


In Konoho Hospital :-

Screams were heard as a Woman who had fang marks on her cheeks was giving birth ...

She was struggling a lot ..

Apparently , The baby was bigger than normal , and this made everything harder ...

Finally , the cries of the baby sounded throughout the Hospital room ....

The Nurse gave the baby to his mother , who held him gently while smiling weakly ...

" Finally , I see my baby ... Aburame Shigo ...

Thankfully , I can see you before my death ..."

the woman started coughing weakly , she was very pale , but she held the baby with all her might ...

It looked like she can't hold on to life any longer ...

She said some words to the baby with great difficulty , her power waning with each breath she takes ...

" Just ... remember... I will always ...love... you "

just as she finished , the light left her eyes , but her arms holding the baby stayed still , as if even her dead body was afraid it will get hurt ...

the nurse looked at this sight , feeling great sadness...

just as this baby was born into the world, it already lost its mother ...

And just at this moment , when the nurse was going to take the baby to the nursery , the door opened violently ...

Aburame Shirio , A normally stoic man , wearing black goggles and having short black hair entered hurriedly ...

but at this time , he wasn't stoic at all , but was greatly worried ...

When he focused on the sight of the hospital room , and the Aura of stillness and sadness , he felt extreme sadness ...

but sadly, he didn't have the ability to cry as a ninja of the aburame clan ...

it was at this moment , the baby started wailing & crying ...


author note:-

had a sudden idea to do a revamp ...

the original was too cringy , and explained a lot of things that made the whole story a long explanation of various things ...

I'll try to do better in this one ...

Some Changes :-

* the advantage at birth will be a slightly more talented body (not supreme , just more talented than normal) ....

* His mother's love (like Gaara's mother) protects him (6th sense) and makes him have more Innate connection with insects (like fusing with them or understanding them) ....

* His chakra will be normal in every way , just a little bigger in amount than normal ...

* He can't use normal jutsus that are done outside the body , as the insects which inhabit the aburame clansman prevent them from using chakra in other things outside their body ...

in essence , they can only use jutsus that involve their body or their insects ...

* There is no Insect Sage Summoning...

BUT , insects exist all over the world , and he can summon any insects from his vicinity (but sadly there are no insects who are so large , or have wisdom ...etc)

the solution , by modifying some insects , he can create some interesting insect Summoning contracts ...

(like Orochimaru created his gigantic five-header snake summon)

* BUT his main summon contract will be with Katsuyu, for some reasons :

1- as she is the only sage whose sage mode is relative to insects and can be replicated by them .

2- she doesn't eat insects like the toads .

3- she doesn't require human sacrifice like the snakes .

4- some of her abilities are really interesting (like how she can communicate with her bodies over great distances) if he can replicate them with his insects , they will be more beneficial than any other ability ...

5- some people say that you can't learn the yin seal without contracting Katsuyu

(I plan for him to learn this technique , it is useful , the proof is Sakura :

just look how useless she was , and then she suddenly became slightly useful after she learned it ...

to the point that she mistakenly believed that she got to the same level as naruto and sasuke)

(((he will still learn the secrets of other sage lands , but that is later )))

* The King Bug will be totally fused with his SOUL from the beginning , and doesn't have any other thought ...

but he can't use its abilities instantly , he needs to train for a lot of time with them ...

it's abilities is : subduing any other insect , and can aid the evolution of insects ...

Without the King Bug , it will be very hard to do so ...

* He will be able to shape his chakra into insects ...

yeah ... i will do this ....

i will make you hang on to dear life with my unlimited cliff works !

Book_DragonKingcreators' thoughts