
Naruto: Insane System

[The Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.] [Mission: Kill Hatake Kakashi (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Kushina Uzumaki (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Itachi Uchiha (0/1). Reward: ]

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 14

(3rd POV)

Hikaru and Kakashi are both disguised from view on top of a three story building overlooking the clan compound of the Kaguya clan. Unlike most clans directly tied to villages the Kaguya clan lived on the outskirts of the land of Water where they controlled multiple shipping companies that would do large amounts of trading with the land of Fire and the land of Lightning.

It's due to this unique trait that their clan can prosper among the many competitors surrounding them. However due to this position of influence it's very easy to use the Kaguya as a way to transport war supplies secretly and the reason Danzo wants this clan erased off the face of the earth. True, he does want to create a Kaguya clan in Konohagakure but weakening a very strong enemy to the east is far more important to him.

After all most shinobi in the mist village used and had affinities for water release which was the natural weakness of fire release, the nature release that most shinobi is Konohagakure used. With a monopoly on sea trade routes Kirigakure is very rich and has no lack of money. Using this advantage they could deal a crippling blow to the economy of the land of Fire, after all most trades were with the land of Water, if they decided to sanction Konohagakure what could the Hokage do?

Nothing, strength doesn't dictate everything and Danzo knows this so he made a mission and was willing to pay a lot for it to be completed, unfortunately no one wanted to take it. Which was understandable, the patriarch of the Kaguya was rumored to posses the clan's famous kekkei genkai and no one was willing to risk their life. Except for Hikaru that is, not only was he confident that he could kill the patriarch he was confident in eradicating the clan itself.

Of course his confidence wasn't misplaced, the reason he knew he could take the mission was because he was just one step away from breaking through into the realm of Kage. No one in the village under the strength of Hiruzen, Danzo and three legendary sanin could beat Hikaru, that included geniuses like Minato and Fugaku as well as the clan patriarchs. Was the head of the Kaguya clan strong? Of course, but was he stronger than Fugaku? Definitely not.

Hikaru even had the balls to go against an S-Rank shinobi let alone some mentally handicapped bone person. With the five element seal in hand Hikaru set up multiple barriers to isolate the shinobi inside the compound and keep the threat of invasion hidden from the Mizukage. Dozens of checkpoints were made along the territories of the Kaguya clan and now the plan was finally coming into affect after a week of making preparations.

At the top of the roof Hikaru waved his hand causing a light breeze to sweep by one of the central buildings in the Kaguya clan compound that was used to store grain from the land of Fire. A bright red fire symbol shines spreading some life into the night sky as the seal activates the entire building lights on a blazing inferno of fire.

The light breeze continues moving through the compound hitting another important building that contains important documents and historical treasures of the Kaguya clan. Dull brown streaks make a large boulder on the side of the building and a large earthquake makes the ground tremble at the enormous level of chakra being released.

At the very edge of the Kaguya clan compound a massive statue dedicated to one of the ancestors of the clan is suddenly struck by lightning continuously untill the seal activates and blue lines of lightning chakra move to the other buildings with seals attached to them. Fire, earth and wind, three of the basic nature elements combine at the center of Hikaru's chest as the clan patriarch finally steps up to him.

Pitch black hair that reaches his shoulders and maniacal eyes that strengthen his suppressive aura. Bones move out from his body encasing him in an exoskeleton that makes him look like a demon raised in hell. Two long horns poke out of his forehead and the man pulls out his spine and swings it in his hand with joy at the slight pain.

"So you are Hikaru Shiro right?"

The man's voice sounds like scratch chalk on a whiteboard, disturbing and rough to an uncomfortable degree.

"Indeed I am."

Wind covers Hikaru in the shape of a perfect sphere as white tangible chakra piles on his body forming white scales like that of a snake. White ribbons of wind chakra tightly wrap around his arms as the mist naturally formed in the air enters his body at frightening speed clearing up everyone's vision.

"I'm glad you came to me to otherwise I would have had to spend a lot of chakra keeping up this compound seal formation."

Hikaru slams his palms together like a budda and shouts with all five elements surrounding him in a tight spiral of chakra. A giant rainbow colored barrier covers the entire Kaguya clan compound preventing the escape of anyone as many innocent people, men, women and even children bang on the sturdy unmoving barrier in desperation.

"Five Element Barrier"

"Five Element Suppression."

Thick multi colored chains come out of Hikaru's chest as Kakashi watches this terrifying display of fuinjutsu expertise. The chains bind the Kaguya clan patriarch to the ground as he struggles with all his might.

"What the hell?"

All of the Kaguya clan jonin shiver in fear as the instinct to run away for there survival kicks in. They run away as fast as they can directly abandoning their pride, honor and patriarch.

The white blade belonging to Hikaru swings down at the tied down patriarch who lets out a few last words.

"P-please, let-t me l-live I-I promi-ise I'll D-do what-."

The body drops to the floor motionless and Kakashi looks at the head that coincidentally fell in his lap. When he looked at the face of his sensei he gulped as he only saw a bright gleaming smile that only appeared on Hikaru's face when he was truly happy.

[Mission: Eliminate The Kaguya Clan (1/1) Completed. Reward: <Hollow Demon>]

[<Hollow Demon>: A variant species of demon that allows them to control the bones in their bodies to an incredible degree and adapt to any environment. These demons have incredible healing factors and posses incredible vitality allowing them to consume any type of energy and take it as their own.]

Don't know if I like the reward so give some suggestions.

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