
Naruto: Infinite Goal

What would you do when you wake up in an unknown world, in an unknown land with nothing but a young body without anyone to support you? Will you strive to survive in the land where life of children is of no concern for others? Will you try to escape? Or will you thrive to learn more and develop beyond the limits that humans were limited by? Watch the story of Soma that was blessed with the gift of eternal life, but cursed with being unable to keep anyone too close to himself. Will he eventually find someone to care for, someone to live for? Will he make a step of faith and give up his gift for the simple life that could end any second, with no turning back? Or will he turn out to be a ghost of a former human self, not being able to take a leap of faith and end up nothing but a vessel, driven by his former goals and dreams? Read to find out. ---- Credits for creating Naruto's world belong to the original creator. This world is based on the original story, but it will be changed greatly and there will be OC characters other than my OC. I own only my OC characters, clans, and jutsu that I came up with. The release of chapters will not be bound to anything, since I'm soon to go to work in an AI internship for practice and can't say how much free time I will get. But there will be at least 1 chapter a week, while I will strive for 3-4 chapters weekly. Chapter length will vary, from 1.5k up to 3k or more . It is entirely based on the idea of the chapter and how long it takes to get everything done.

TacetIrae · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


I don't really care for the negative reviews that people will write about his work, and I won't choose pairings or how the story will progress based on people's opinions since this story is kinda what I want to do without outside influence. This story is my pure inspiration for the idea taken from the movie that was rather executed poorly (Infinite). But the idea struck me with combining it in Naruto World, and instead of giving any cheats or something of sorts while still sticking to the reincarnation theme, I chose to make it this way. Mc will live many lives, I won't be going deep into them, but just a few chapters as an intro to his backstory in the world while also getting to the time where chakra is being spread in the world.

There will be reasoning for all the things, but all of them are superficial since there is no info on most of the things and their origin; all I can do is create one, and if they sound like nonsense, then remember this is Naruto, this is all nonsense, to begin with

I'm open to your suggestions for things I can write about, events that my mc can take part it and since he will go through entire history , I'm sure there are a lot of things he could influence ans take part in.


Today is one of the most important days of my life. I have finally overcome all the obstacles and reached the finals for mnemonics. For those who don't know what it is, let me introduce you to the world of things our brain is capable of.

Mnemonics is a sport for our brains, especially memory and its capabilities. Although some people are blessed with almost perfect memory, or more precisely, somewhere close to photographic memory, that allows them to remember more than others, there are those of us who must work hard to achieve this goal.

When I was 20 years old, I realized that my memory was always on the bad side; I always forgot everything, sometimes even my plans, with my girlfriend and family. It greatly stressed all my family members and friends. Since then, I have taken it as my major disadvantage and tried to justify that it was not my fault, but it was all genetics. One day, when I was talking to a random lady in Starbucks, I told her about my problem, and she mentioned that if I had enough willpower, I should try mnemonics to improve myself.

At first, I doubted her words since I had no idea that people could improve their memory to an absurd level, where you could recall thousands of words in a small span of 10 -20 minutes and recall them all. But I took this challenge upon myself and started to practice, searching for people that did the same. While doing this, I found people with the same problems as me, and we naturally connected, becoming close friends that were bonded over things they were passionate about.

Since then, I have practised daily for hours, utilizing tens of different techniques to improve my memory, remember things almost instantly, and then recall them at any time. Unfortunately, there were limits humans could not surpass, but those limits were so high that it was almost impossible to reach in our short lifespan.

Unfortunately, brains are like any muscle in our body; they need rest, so I could not spend all day doing exercise that would make me feel bad for the next couple of days. Everything should know its limits.

Now I'm finally at the world championship finals for mnemonics, and I want to beat the one who will stand against me today. My opponent is from China, but I didn't even look up his name or achievement since all those are distractions. To perform at my absolute limits, I have to have a mind as clear and innocent as a newborn child; nothing should distract me from being the champion.

"Are you ready?" said the judge before pressing the clock, which started our competition.

And it started:

(Stages of mnemonics championship

One hour numbers

Five-minute numbers

Spoken numbers, read out one per second

30-minute binary digits (011100110001001….)

One hour playing cards (as many decks of cards as possible)

15-minute random lists of words

15-minute names and faces

Five-minute historic dates (fictional events and historic years)

15-minute abstract images

Speed cards - Always the last discipline. Memorize the order of one shuffled deck of 52 playing cards as fast as possible.)

Halfway through the numbers remembering, I felt my head growing dizzy; I could feel my sight getting blurry and my mind slowing down, something I'm not used to. Before I could do anything, I felt like my entire body went limp, and my head hit the table, unable to move a single muscle.

"Call an ambulance!" someone shouted in the background, but by this time, my sight had already become too blurry to recognize the one shouting.

I was left with regret that I could not finish at least one of the competitions and show my true capabilities and what I achieved throughout ten years of practising and improving my brain. I guess this is it for poor me.


My eyes snapped open, and I tried to straighten my brain to work and recognize what is happening around me. I could recall the last memory when my body decided it was a nice time to shut down and stop working. Should I be in the hospital? I looked around and spotted nothing that would resemble the modern world. I could see people in front of me walking through the village of sorts that looked like it was back in ancient times. People wore clothes that didn't resemble anything close to something we wore in the 21st century. Everything looked too crude, even for the homeless to wear.

I looked down at my hands, which were much smaller than they used to be, and my legs, which looked shorter than they used to be. Everyone else around me seems quite large. I didn't panic at first before my mind concluded that I was no longer in the world I used to live in, and despite that fact, I could feel my memory still intact.

When I came to such a conclusion, I rushed to the closest place where I could see a reflection of myself, and luckily enough, there was a puddle nearby.

What the actual fuck? I am really a child, and a young one at that. Stressing my brain to its limits, I tried to recall anything about myself, and surprisingly enough, memories that were not mine immediately came to my mind.

My name is Soma, just Soma without anything to add. I'm six years old, and I'm an orphan, well maybe not, but it depends on which point you want to look at that from. First of all, this is really backward world. There is nothing that could even remind us about the modern world. And there is literally nothing that resembles an orphanage, so I'm just a kid without parents. The language they speak seems to be Japanese. It is easy enough since I got memories from my new body and memories of myself deceased. Both of them knew how to speak Japanese.

Before I could think more, I heard a group of people racing toward this village on horses. All the people on the streets were gathering on some sort of main square, and to be honest, I was too interested not to go there as well as see for myself what all of this was about.

When they arrived, they started shouting, "All children above 5 should come forward. Please be fast about that" I was standing frozen until someone literally pushed me forward. Some lady around 30 y.o didn't shy away from pushing young kids around.

Before I could catch up to everything happening around me, I was already travelling along those men while trying not to fall off the horse that I was sitting on. Thanks, lord, there was a man that didn't let me fall.

Now that I think about this, there was a strange proportion of people in the village, I haven't noticed a single man there, only those that are about 40 and more years old and ladies of all ages. This was too suspicious not to consider.

Before I could do all evaluations possible, I was already standing in one of the rows of boys of different ages that varied from 5 to 12 of all sorts, some sick and thin, others fat and fit, but nevertheless, all of us were children.

"Silence!" shouted a man standing before us all, his voice strict without a way for objection.

"Good," he said with a faint smile that sent chills running down my spine.

"Now that everyone is quiet, I will explain everything to you. But let's start from simple. My name should be of no concern to you. All you need to know is that I'm a boss here, and you need to prove your worth before I will recognize you. Keep that in mind. Other than that, I want to welcome you to the army preparation camp. I hope you grow into a fine man without dying in the process." he turned around and left leaving me stunned.

What do you mean army!? I didn't fucking sign up for this shit. Just what the hell is this world that takes small children into an army to fight in wars? God, please bless me. When did I deserve this shit to fall upon my bright head?

Now someone might ask why I'm not shouting and screaming my throat out, complaining about my fate. To answer that, I once was in the army, and there was enough humiliation I experienced, now I want no more, especially in a world where they take recruits from the children that should eat mud and learn to use letters instead of inventing their own language since it is more convenient.

Fuck my life, from the moment of my life to the child in rugs soon to be thrown like a meat shield right in the middle of the fire of war.