
Naruto: In Pursuit of Happiness

After inheriting the memories of a discarded reincarnate, Naruto realizes that his reality is not as idyllic as he always believed, while a heavy loss shakes his entire psyche. Losing all meaning in his life and having his greatest dream crushed by reality, Naruto sets out to forge a new path. But... Will it be the right path? Can he still maintain his healthy naivety in the face of the darkness of the ninja world? Can he still maintain his values in the face of the ugliness of the world? ------------------- +20 chapters on Patreon. Patreon.com/Eroos More Tags: #Gore, #Blood, #War.

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42 Chs

Eight Gates

"First you will remember where they are and their names" Pointing to the first door, Naruto continued "The first one is the Gate of Opening. When you open it, you go from using 20% of your body strength to 100%."

"That means it increases our physical strength 4 times!?" With surprise in his eyes, Sasuke asked in disbelief.

"It's supposed to" Nodding, Naruto continued "The second one is the Gate of Healing, opening it increases the power of the first gate twice, so in theory we would use 200% of our bodies strength"

"Hisss~" sucking in a breath of cold air, Sasuke muttered "Now I understand how much recoil you'll have after using it."

"That's why we can't abuse it, and only use it in emergency cases" Nodding, Naruto continued "The third one is the Gate of Life, it increases blood flow and yes, much more strength and speed"


"The fourth is the Gate of Pain, more speed, more strength, but the recoil already becomes dangerous, starting to tear your muscles for every second that passes."


"The five is the Gate of Limit, and well, in short, from here on everything multiplies, including the damage."


"The sixth is the Gate of View, with this door open you will already have enough strength and speed to break the air itself, but the pain is such, that you will feel how your muscles tear with each blow, and unfortunately, it is not only the sensation, as your muscles are really shredded... from here on you will already be at risk of becoming comatose and the risk of becoming incapacitated is extremely high"


"The seventh is the Gate of Wonder, and here not only will your muscles have damage, but every bone in your body will begin to break causing irreparable damage."


"And the eighth and final gate, is the Gate of Death, and just as its name says, once used... you die" Looking up at Sasuke, Naruto continued "With this gate open, the blood pumps twice as fast, thus achieving 100 times more strength than normal."

"If this is real... I can see why you want to avoid that guy."

"He still shouldn't be able to use more than 5 or 6 doors, since it's impossible to open more than your body can handle, that's why you need a very good physical condition and constant training."

"And if what you explain is real, that's enough to defeat us."

"That's right."

"How do we learn it?"

"Kakashi explained to us more or less how it works. The chakra flows in a regulated way through these eight valves that make it limit our body in order to avoid harming us, but when we accumulate chakra in those points, the valve is forced to open in a natural way"

"Oh... I understand" Finally making the connection of it all, Sasuke was silent for a moment and frowned slightly "But how will we do that?"

"I'm not even remotely close to knowing" Chuckling, Naruto continued "But knowing what we have to look for, it shouldn't be that hard"

-Sit down, close your eyes and have your chakra flow, then focus on the sensation of the chakra flowing through your body and have your mind focus only on that. Once you become familiar with the circulation of your chakra, you will naturally feel what you call valves-

Listening to Kurama's instruction, Naruto smiled happily and spoke "I think I already have an idea to sense the gates. I don't know how much time it will require, but it's better than nothing."

"I hear you."

Repeating Kurama's instructions, Naruto continued "Since we have to familiarize ourselves with chakra circulation, we won't be able to use clones, since they don't have chakra channels... it will be slow work"

"It's better than nothing" Sitting down next to Naruto, Sasuke crossed his legs and closed his eyes.

"..." Thinking for a moment, Naruto formed hundreds of clones around him and they quickly moved away into the forest, then crossed his legs and closed his eyes for this new training.


While the original Naruto focuses on learning how to open the eight gates, his clones quickly made their way to a large river and smashed several trees, then carried them and formed numerous bridges along the river.

Nodding to each other, the clones stood on the trunks and crouched down, then placed their hands above the turbulent current and expelled chakra.

Splash Splash Splash Splash

The second part of the air element training, begins.


"I think it's not possible."

"I'm thinking the same thing too" Scratching his hair in frustration, Naruto looked at Sasuke and asked "You don't even manage to feel it, do you?"

"I don't even know how my chakra is supposed to flow to my heart without having chakra channels in that place"

"I guess the last gate isn't that simple..."

After the start of the inner gates training, nine days have passed and although the first few days neither of them had any significant progress, by the third Naruto finally managed to sense one of the almost imperceptible valves and by the fourth day Sasuke did as well.

Having already sensed even one valve, it was not a big problem to identify the others and although they had already managed to recognize seven of the eight gates after six days, the eighth gate proved to be simply impossible for them.

Unlike the other seven gates where chakra was constantly flowing over the valves, at the eighth gate that simply wasn't happening, not having an active chakra channel even remotely close to their heart, causing the duo to become seriously frustrated at what they hoped would be the end of the first part of the training.

"How about for now we settle for feeling the seven gates?" looking at Naruto, Sasuke continued "Maybe for the eighth being the deadliest and the one that empowers you the most, some external stimulation is needed or maybe you need to first open the seven gates to feel them?"

"That's what I was thinking" Nodding, Naruto sighed "Now we would have to see how to open the first gate... according to Kakashi-sensei's words, we would have to accumulate chakra at that point and that would force the valve to open... Sasuke, remember that I think it is vital to open the valves in order, so don't think that if you open the third door first, you will avoid opening the first and second doors"

"Why would I think something so stupid?" frowning slightly, Sasuke snorted "That seems more like something you would do."

"Anyway, I'll go for the first door" Closing his eyes, Naruto focused on his stomach and entered Kurama's seal, then approached the giant fox and asked "Kurama, give me an idea."

Grunting lazily, Kurama muttered "Beat it, I'm on my nap."

"You have naps 24 hours a day" Rolling his eyes, Naruto sat down in front of his face and continued "I was thinking about how I would open them while feeling my chakra flow, but I really couldn't think of anything... chakra just flows and flows and I'm worried that, if I try to force it to stop at one point, I could seriously damage my chakra channels"

"You don't have to make it stop, you have to accumulate."

"And how do I accumulate if I don't stop it?"

"In a river you throw rocks, those rocks stop the flow slightly, but the water keeps flowing."

Frowning slightly while analyzing Kurama's words, Naruto asked "I shouldn't stop if not slow down?"

"You're smart, now beat it and let me sleep."

"I'll do it here, I feel comfortable with you next to me" Crossing his legs, Naruto closed his eyes and began to feel his chakra flow.

Opening his eye slightly, Kurama looked at the young man's concentrated face and snorted, then closed it again and dozed peacefully.

Feeling his chakra constantly flowing through his body, Naruto made use of his perfect chakra control and handling it as if it were a limb of his body, he began to slowly stop the flow.

Frowning slightly as he felt as if he was joining two continents with his hands, Naruto licked his lips and without giving in to the strange and perhaps imaginary weight his chakra has, he made the maximum effort possible and although the speed did not slow down as much as he would like, he settled with that for now while he mentalizes himself to do this for long enough until he can do it without difficulty.


"I don't understand why it's so hard for you" Carrying the entire weight of his body with one hand while his feet point towards the sky, Sasuke continued with a smug smile despite his face being noticeably red "It only took me a day to open the first door, it's not that hard."

Four days passed since Sasuke and Naruto started trying to open the inner gates, and while Naruto suffers immensely just trying to slow down his chakra flow, Sasuke did it that very day without needing any of Kurama's advice or having the slightest difficulty slowing down his flow.

Eyebrows twitching as sweat drenched his body, Naruto groaned in frustration and widened his eyes as he asked in annoyance "You want a fight to the death right now?"

"I don't fight losers" Straining his hand, Sasuke propelled himself into the air and with a somersault, landed on his feet.

"How's it going?" noticing the redness on Sasuke's face, Naruto asked.

"It's incredibly painful every second that passes, but it's getting more bearable" Having spent these days getting as used to the first open door as possible, Sasuke looked down at his fists and continued "The feeling of increasing your strength 5 times is very intoxicating, and I think I'll need some time to get used to my new speed."

"If you could use it for more than 5 minutes before falling without any strength in your body, it would be amazing" With mockery on his face, Naruto snorted.

"At least I can do it."

"I think I know why I'm having a harder time."


"Did you feel your chakra getting heavy when you tried to slow it down?"

"A little bit"

"It weighs more on my chakra than I weighed my body with the training weights on the first day" Sighing, Naruto continued "I think the problem lies in the fact that, the more chakra, the harder it is"

"Makes sense."

"When do you plan to enter the second gate?"

"I have a feeling that, if I do, I'll end up causing myself a lot of damage" Shaking his head, Sasuke continued "I don't know why I feel that, but I won't deny my instincts, so I'll keep training with this for now and in the future I'll try to use the second gate"

"In two weeks the bridge should be ready and thus we would finish the mission... I hope to be able to open even one gate before then" With a bitter smile, Naruto turned his gaze to the distance and continued "At least everything isn't going so bad"

"What do you have your clones doing?" curiously, Sasuke asked.

"Training my element."

"How's it going?"

"I can already manifest wind, but I have yet to shape it for what I'm after and even if it's my affinity, it's a lot harder than controlling chakra"

"What do you plan to do?"

"You'll see, I'll use it to kick your ass when the time comes."

"You wish" Thinking for a moment, Sasuke asked "You said that guy can already open 5 to 6 doors"

"That's right"

"How did he do it? I'm already having trouble with one."

"He has no talent whatsoever with anything to do with chakra, so since he was a kid he started training just as hard as us in Taijutsu, so it's normal that his body is a thousand times more apt than ours for this."

"At this rate he'll kick both of our asses."

"Not quite, I think the trick is to finish him off before giving him the time to react, because as you know, it's not easy to open the inner doors and the more you open, the harder it will be to open the next one."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Now shut up and let me train" Snorting, Naruto closed his eyes and continued to slow down his chakra.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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