
Naruto: In Pursuit of Happiness

After inheriting the memories of a discarded reincarnate, Naruto realizes that his reality is not as idyllic as he always believed, while a heavy loss shakes his entire psyche. Losing all meaning in his life and having his greatest dream crushed by reality, Naruto sets out to forge a new path. But... Will it be the right path? Can he still maintain his healthy naivety in the face of the darkness of the ninja world? Can he still maintain his values in the face of the ugliness of the world? ------------------- +20 chapters on Patreon. Patreon.com/Eroos More Tags: #Gore, #Blood, #War.

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42 Chs

Acceptance and training

Kurama, although he was showing an indifferent temperament right now, was actually quite agitated inside.

'Who is this child?' Staring at Naruto's small body, Kurama thought 'Not only does his way of expressing himself seem to have undergone great changes, but even his greatest dream was set aside from one day to the next...'

Even if Kurama never contacted Naruto and practically the boy didn't even know of his existence, he was always seeing him at every moment.

It can be said that Kurama literally knows almost everything about him.

His favorite foods, his favorite places, his favorite jokes and even observed his worst moments in silence.

That's why even at this moment, he finds it hard to process that this immature boy suddenly dares to enter his cage and propose to him not only to work together, but to go so far as to practically beg for his friendship.

'But worst of all...'

But as if all that wasn't enough, the boy for some reason seems to have not only seen fragments of the future, but of the past itself, making him, to Kurama's embarrassment, the only human to witness a Bijuu crying.

Sure, Kurama can question Naruto all he wants and doubt his every word and supposed vision but...

How to fool himself?

Kurama knows perfectly well that the boy didn't lie at any time and that every promise said comes from deep in his heart.

'Maybe...' Sneaking a glance at Naruto, Kurama formed a strange face as he recalled certain words of his 'father'.


It's been 5 days since Naruto woke up, and already being 7 days since Naruto became aware of these new memories.

He doesn't know how they came to him, he doesn't know who is the person who drew him and his future, just as he doesn't know how he can feel all these memories in such a personal way, as if he himself had been the one who lived those moments.

He only remembers learning the forbidden multiclone shadow jutsu, and before he could celebrate, suddenly a horrible pain clouded his mind as numerous memories flooded him.

But the merging of memories, painful as it was, was incredibly natural, to the point where even Naruto quickly assimilated them as if they had always been a part of him.

But what keeps him confused today, even after more than 6 days of assimilation, is that the memories are literally fragmented.

Take for example the following.

Naruto knows from his memories that there is a gigantic, incredibly powerful enemy who is behind many situations that will occur in the future, just as he knows that he knows his face, his abilities and practically everything.

But when he tries to remember who he is, why he wants to do it or any kind of information, he literally remembers nothing but his own existence, causing immense confusion in his young mind.

He knows everything, but at the same time nothing.

Worst of all, Naruto currently finds himself at a crossroads he never expected to have to live through before, something even adults can't handle easily.

Discovering in such a violent way that his wonderful village is not as wonderful as he thought it was, was a tremendous blow to his whole core of thinking, having such strong dilemmas as his very perception of the third Hokage, whom he even used to treat as his real grandfather.

Although he cannot remember exactly every situation, he has the strange realization that the old man he used to respect, turned out to be nothing more than a useless piece of garbage who was not only one of the causes of the massacre of the Uchiha clan, but that his mistakes, whether current or future, are numerous, among them leaving a great doubt as to why the village did not support its greatest ally, the Uzumaki clan.

Although Naruto is much calmer than at the beginning, he still has a myriad of emotions inside him that he tries to repress with force at the mere pain of just thinking about it.

Why was he never told that his father was the great fourth Hokage?

Why does the village still hate him if most of them know that his parents gave their lives for the village?

Is it really fair how they treat him?

And so, with the birth of these new thoughts, new emotions and desires began to slowly blossom in him.

Why didn't my parents choose me over the village?

Why does he have to suffer?

Anger, sadness, envy, confusion and much more.

Questions after questions, which unfortunately, he fails to answer even with his new memories.

But among all these painful doubts, there is one thing that has been on his mind for the past few days that has gnawed deep into his psyche.

'The old man always knew everything...' Leaning back while looking at the blue sky above him, Naruto clenched the earth tightly in his fist and thought with a difficult mix of emotions 'He saw me steal the scroll, he followed my steps in the forest, he let Iruka-sensei die...'

How could he not understand something so basic?

Since he took the memories, one in particular dominated his behavior at that moment and having already got the idea, he did it instantly.

Using his clones, Naruto read every jutsu on the forbidden scroll and took advantage of the old man's perverted embarrassment plus the smoke to hide his actions under hundreds of sexy jutsu.

'No use though' With a wry smile as he looked around, Naruto sighed.

He has literally dozens of techniques in his head that he's never seen or heard of before aside from his new memories, but though he burns with desire to learn them, he knows full well that in this village, it's impossible, at least for now.

Although he doesn't see anyone, let alone feel anyone, Naruto knows perfectly well thanks to his new memories that as the jinchuriki of the village, it is practically an obligation to leave several ninjas watching him secretly.

Even if he managed to secretly escape from the ninjas watching him, there is still a weird old man who watches over everyone with that rare magic crystal ball of his, making it really impossible to act freely while under his command.

Holding a hand to his stomach, Naruto smiled faintly and thought 'At least I'm not alone anymore'. 

After the talk the two of them had a few days ago, Kurama totally ignored Naruto, no matter what Naruto did to get his attention.

But for Naruto, even if the grumpy fox doesn't talk to him, only he knows how happy he feels knowing that he's always in company.

And it also turns out that it's also quite fun to go visit him to pass the time.

Somehow the irritable fox managed to ignore his stupid one-sided talks, his irritating childish tears and his constant provocations that were gradually getting crazier and crazier.

First it was lying next to him, then touching his nails, then stroking his paws, and even last night he achieved the great milestone of being able to ride the back of a Bijuu and live to tell the tale.

"Maybe it's hibernating?" scratching his hair as frustration becomes visible on his face, Naruto muttered to himself "Foxes hibernate?"

-You're still sinking in your misery?

Instantly gaining a glint in his eyes as he sits up, Naruto crossed his legs and walked towards Kurama's 'home', then rushed inside the cage and smiled.

"Good morning Kurama!"

Still lying down, Kurama opened one of his eyes and stared at the small silhouette in front of him, then asked "What about your new dream?"

"Of course I'll fulfill it, Dattebayo!" Raising his thumb while showing his teeth with his big smile, Naruto replied.

"Then why don't I see you training?"

"I can't" Instantly sinking his shoulders as he sighs, Naruto grumbled "The old man is watching me, spies are watching me and there is a certain bandaged man that I'm a little afraid of..."

"And that alone is what it takes to stop your promise?" narrowing his eye, Kurama asked mockingly.

"Of course not!" with indignation, Naruto continued "But I still haven't figured out how to hide from them!"


"I could fool the spies watching me with a shadow clone... they underestimate me beyond belief" Thinking for a few seconds, Naruto continued "But it won't do any good if they have any sensor ninja with them, and even if I get lucky and manage to fool them, the old man can still discover me at any time with that crystal ball of his!"

"..." Staring at the small silhouette for a few seconds, Kurama snorted and closed his eyes while commenting "Then why don't you train here? Even that old man you call Hokage doesn't have the guts to come into this place."

"Train here?" Cocking his head to one side, Naruto asked "Can you?"

"Your physical body won't improve, but the experience gained is shared and this place allows you to use chakra, so it's not much different than using clones to train."

Opening his eyes wide as he looks around, Naruto exclaimed in surprise "Now I remember!"

"You knew you could?"

"Yeah, but no... it's weird" Laughing awkwardly as he sits down and crosses his legs, Naruto was silent for a few seconds and asked "Kurama... why were you so quick to accept my presence?"


"I know how much you hate humans just like I know how much you want to be free..." Looking sideways, Naruto continued "I honestly came ready to die when I entered your cage."


"You're hibernating again already?"




"I don't know if it's the right thing to do, but..." With a warm smile, Naruto continued "I really trust you... even though we don't talk much and you seem to hate me, I feel like you're the only one I can trust... my only living relative."


Closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply, Naruto focused on his memories and remained silent for several minutes, then opened them again and asked "Kurama, what do you think I should train? I have a lot of forbidden jutsus and some very rare ones that sound cool... I also have two elemental affinities, wind and lightning... but I don't know what I should start with."


"Please Kurama... you're the wisest in this place" Scratching his head in confusion, Naruto muttered.

Opening both eyes with disdain in his gaze, Kurama asked "Even that you can't do alone?"

"O-of course I can!" Jumping to his feet, Naruto pointed at Kurama with indignation and continued "I-I can do it a thousand times better alone than with a snarling fox!"

"..." Glaring at the boy, Kurama snorted and commented "Before you run, learn to walk, and before you walk, learn to crawl!"


"I'm telling you to start with the basics" Rolling his eyes, Kurama continued "Learn to handle chakra. Walk on water, then on walls, and finally do the endurance exercise to keep you smoothly and without having to give extra concentration"

"But that doesn't sound fun..."

"Then just sink into misery and try to die outside the village" Snorting indifferently, Kurama laid back down and closed his eyes.

"Fine, I'll do it..." Forming a pout as he recalled the directions in his memories of how to train, Naruto stared at the liquid under his feet and muttered "This is supposed to be chakra... will it serve to train as if it were water?"


"I'll take that as a yes" With a determined and excited face, Naruto formed a simple seal with his two hands and shouted "Shadow multiclone jutsu!"

Instantly, hundreds of clones appeared around him and completely occupied the place, causing Kurama to suddenly be pushed by more than one Naruto that formed above him.


"Tsk" Clicking his tongue seeing no reaction from the fox, Naruto looked at his clones and shouted "Let's get to work!




With numerous exclamations that caused the fox to nearly lose control and devour everything, the naruto scattered all over the place and with fully concentrated gazes, began to slowly send chakra towards their feet.

"First, accumulate chakra in my feet" Lowering his gaze while muttering to himself, Naruto slightly lifted his right foot and positioned it over the water "Then calibrate what is necessary in each foot to maintain balance".

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