
Naruto: In Konoha, Attributes Doubling Daily!

Hanako: "My teacher is Namikaze Minato!" "My teammates are Kakashi, Obito, and Rin!" "As the captain of Class Nine, it's only reasonable that I should be a bit stronger, right?" Kyuubi: "So, you pinched me because of that?" Danzo: "Why? You only punched once, and I lost nine lives?" Sarutobi Hiruzen: "I have already abdicated, yet you're still sending me to the battlefield?" Uchiha Madara: "Impossible! I have surpassed Hashirama, yet you've punched me..." With a calm expression on his face, Han Guang punched the moon from the sky. The terrifying power ripped through space, creating violent turbulence. This strike, resembling a dark beam of light, hurtled straight toward the moon. After a moment, The moon exploded! ---------------------------------------------------- THIS IS A MTL NOVEL USING CHAT GPT. I AM USING IT FOR MYSELF AND DECIDED TO POST IT SO MORE PEOPLE FEEL ENCOURAGED TO USE CHATGPT IN TRANSLATION, AND THE QUALITY OF MTL NOVELS HOPEFULLY INCREASES! ---------------------------------------------------- MTL TRANSLATED WITH CHAT GBT AS OF May 23 2023 - UPTO CHAPTER 60 IN MTL AND RAWS LINKS BELOW. -------------------------------------------------------- MTL RAW : https://www.novelmtl.com/novel/when-people-are-in-konoha-their-attributes-double-every-day.html RAW: http://www.tingcaoge.com/15629503/

Crabble · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 14: Running Away Can Turn You into a Hero!

Hanako carried Minao on his back and sprinted away.

"Chase them!"

Amidst the rolling smoke, a group of ninjas rushed out and immediately targeted Hanako.

But in the next moment, their footsteps came to a sudden halt.

They saw yet another bundle of explosive tags being thrown out by the fleeing young boy, scattering all around.

"Are these Konoha brats this audacious?"

"They have bundles of explosive tags?"

Faced with so many explosive tags, these people could only avoid them once again.

A few minutes later, Hanako reunited with Team 9.

He was relieved to see that these guys actually came back to support him.

"I didn't notice earlier."

Kakashi felt embarrassed and wanted to explain about losing their employer.

Even though he was a genius, encountering so many Chunin all at once made even a genius panic.

"Hanako, it's good to see you're okay."

Obito let out a sigh of relief, glad that his good friend was safe.

Originally, they were all running together, but at some point, Obito noticed that Hanako and the employer were missing.

That's why Team 9 came back to support them.

"What should we do next?" Rin asked anxiously, full of unease and urgency.

"We continue to flee and set up explosive tag traps along the way to delay the pursuers," Kakashi suggested, and then added, "Once we reach Daimyo City, we should be safe."


Hanako immediately rejected Kakashi's suggestion.

In this situation, they absolutely couldn't run on the main road because they wouldn't be able to hide their tracks.

And as for the safety of Daimyo City?

These unknown ninjas had already blocked their path at the border, so could Daimyo City really be safe?

What a joke!

"If we don't run towards Daimyo City, then where should we run?" Kakashi frowned.

"Into the forest," Hanako said decisively.

"The forest? Once we enter the forest, our speed will be severely slowed down," Kakashi argued.

"Did you ever consider that if we're slowed down, the pursuers will be slowed down too?"

According to Hanako's plan, once they entered the forest, not only would they slow down the pursuers' speed, but they would also scatter the group of pursuers.

If the pursuers were scattered, it meant their chances of survival increased.

According to common sense, Kakashi should understand such a simple analysis, right?

"I'm afraid, in his eyes, the mission is still the most important thing."

After taking a glance at Kakashi, Hanako made his judgment.

"I hope Kakashi will be a bit more sensible. Otherwise, I'll have to run on my own."

Team 9 entered the forest.

As soon as they entered the forest, Hanako led the way with a few others.

This direction wasn't towards Daimyo City or back to the Land of Fire.

"You're going in the wrong direction," Kakashi reminded.

"That's right."

Hanako didn't even turn his head, continuing to lead the way.

Obito and Rin were a bit confused.

Was this the wrong direction or not?

Inside the forest, Hanako looked up, identified the direction based on the sun, and continued leading the group.

Kakashi took care of erasing their traces.

After all, Hanako was a prodigious ninja, and there were certain things that prodigies had to do.

An unexpected incident occurred.

Minao twisted her foot.

There was no choice but to make a makeshift stretcher with tree branches and have Obito and Rin carry Minao forward.

"Hanako, can we really escape?" Rin asked with a worried expression while carrying the stretcher.

Rin was very concerned about their current situation.

Although they temporarily evaded the pursuers by entering the forest, as long as the enemy conducted a large-scale search, they would definitely be found.

Especially now that the team was carrying Minao, their speed was severely slowed down.

Hanako was well aware of Rin's worries.

The gap between the enemy and them was too great.

Half an hour later.

A secluded mountainside.

Hanako and Kakashi stood on a tree, observing the scattered birds at the foot of the mountain.

"They're searching, and there are a lot of them," Kakashi said with a solemn tone.

Although he had cleared their traces along the way, he still missed quite a few due to the rush.

"If it's an enemy, how many can you handle?" Hanako turned his head and asked.

"Four or five should be no problem, but seven or eight might be the limit," Kakashi responded seriously.

He said this while considering various factors.

"Seven or eight, huh..."

Hanako rubbed his chin.

This number seemed significant, but there was a major problem. After Kakashi dealt with the eight pursuers, how much physical strength and chakra would he have left?

It was important to note that the pursuers weren't stupid; they would definitely send a signal.

Once dozens of enemies arrived after hearing the news, Team 9 would undoubtedly be wiped out.

Now, it seemed that escaping

Entering the forest only delayed their inevitable annihilation.


Hanako sighed. He really didn't want things to come to this point.

In such a situation, he had to consider running away.

As for the others?

They would have to take care of themselves.

Back at their temporary hiding spot, Hanako explained their current situation.

"The current situation is that even if we continue running, we will still be caught by the pursuers."

As soon as he finished speaking, the air fell silent.

Dozens of Chunin chasing after a team of Genin, there was no way they could escape. Even Kakashi didn't have confidence in escaping unscathed.

Seeing that the atmosphere was right, Hanako began to lay the groundwork for their escape plan.

"However, there is one last option!"


"What option?"

"You have another option?"

Obito and Rin eagerly asked, even Kakashi found it hard to believe.

In this situation, there was still another option?

Being stared at by the others, Hanako felt a bit embarrassed.

Clearing his throat, he began to speak.

"The only option we have right now is for someone to lead the pursuers away."

Lead the pursuers away?

Isn't that just throwing oneself to their deaths?

On the battlefield, Obito clenched his fist but lacked the courage to step forward.

Rin opened her mouth but couldn't find the words to say.

Kakashi glanced at Minao and hesitated, his feet frozen in place.

Seeing their reactions, Hanako breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kakashi, from now on, the fate of the team is in your hands."

Giving Kakashi a glance, Hanako left behind those words and turned to walk down the mountain, resolute and decisive.


Obito called out softly.

Then he saw Hanako, who had his back turned, wave his hand as if bidding a final farewell.


Rin's eyes reddened slightly as she stared at Hanako's gradually receding figure.

That figure was tall.

"Is this your choice?"

Kakashi murmured to himself. The unwavering belief he had held in his heart had quietly changed.

"Hanako." Minao silently repeated the name, etching it into her mind.