

In the forest, all that could be seen was the vast amount of weeds and trees as small animals scurried about searching for food. The atmosphere was serene. Suddenly, the sound of a wild boar running shattered the peacefulness. Out of nowhere a flying rock was hurled aiming directly at the boar's head ,injuring it. The boar stopped in its place, dazed, and the predator didn't give it a chance as more stones came flying, rendering it unable to move

After a few minutes making sure it was down, a boy emerged from behind a tree. He made his way over, took a rope from his pouch, and skillfully tied up his prey, showing his familiarity with the action. He then dragged his prey and set off towards the village

The sight of a five-year-old boy dragging such an animal drew the attention of a few villagers, but they quickly went back to their work. In Konoha, where geniuses reside, this scene wasn't too surprising.

The boy knocked on a familiar door and headed inside. The store owner noticed him and approached, saying "Oh, you've got a boar this time. You've really improved again." The boy replied with a chuckle, "No, I was lucky. I found it unconscious. Maybe it collided with a tree when it was running." The store owner laughed along with him and said, "Well, it seems luck is really on your side this time, Haru."

The boss put on a big smile as he began weighing the boar. Haru had been his customer for a few months now, as he would drop by a few times a month to sell him his catches. Initially, the boss was taken aback by the variety of animals Haru brought in each time he visited, but he grew accustomed to it over time

Haru collected his payment and returned to the orphanage, where he was greeted by a group of young children who requested treats. The dean smiled, as this scenario had been a common occurrence for the past six months

Half a year ago, Haru approached the dean and presented a trap he constructed, claiming he could use it to fish in the lake village. At first, the dean was hesitant and feared the danger, but he eventually convinced her by sharing a lot of experience about hunting. The dean was surprised, but he told her he had acquired all of his knowledge from the library ,Since then,each time Haru came back, he brought something with him. Initially, he only brought fish, but as time passed, he started bringing other meats. Recently he started bringing sweets for the little ones

The dean couldn't help but notice the change in the children at the orphanage, who had grown up a lot in the past couple of months. However, the biggest change was in Haru himself. Previously, he stood out somewhat at the orphanage, now it was clear that he was different. He was taller and stronger than before, but it wasn't just physical changes. He had a calm and confident aura around him that made him seem older than he was. Therefore, many children, including those older, started relying on him

Haru returned to his room, sat cross-legged, and meditated to calm his mind . Once he felt relaxed, he opened his eyes and began practicing chakra. Over the past year, his training had paid off, resulting in improvements across the board. He already knew the method of chakra training from his memories, in addition he read a lot of books on anatomy in the library. With the help of his focus from meditation, he succeeded in refining his chakra. In the beginning, the amount was very small, but gradually increased over time. Chakra was a fusion of two energies: the physical energy collected from every cell in the body, which he increased through training and with help of the nutritional intake from the forest animals, and the mental energy, which came from the mind and could be increased through reading, meditating, and experience.his unique past life experiences and training gave him an abundance of mental energy, making practicing chakra easier for him

After running the chakra in his pathways for a few more cycles, Haru stopped. He closed his eyes and ran through everything he did in the day in his mind, making sure to reflect on all his actions. This was a habit from his past life that helped him stay on the right track and quickly detect any negative changes so he could easily correct them. After reflecting, Haru went to sleep promptly, acknowledging the significance of getting enough sleep to the body recovery

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