
Naruto If It Was A Souls-Like

Mc reincarnates into the world of Naruto, but with a Elden Ring type system, will he fall into the pits of despair or will he come out on top in this new world he finds himself in?

Stapricious · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


"HaHaHaHa!" Cried the man as he held his belly and slammed his hand while he laughed hysterically. "C'mon it wasn't that funny." Sheepishly, the friend of the man scratched his head while having a big grin on his face. He was obviously pleased to make his friend laugh. "No-heh you don't understand… hehehehehehe" The man continued to laugh, barely being able to speak as he struggled to breath.

Observing all of this was a boy about 5 years old, he held the hand of his mother as she struggled to get money from an ATM. "I don't get it?" the boy said to himself, "Why is he making that noise?" the boy tilted his head. "He is laughing honey, he obviously found the joke the other man made funny… Come on, you stupid machine, give me my money!". The boy seemed to contemplate that for a second before asking another question "What is funny?". The mother snapped her head back to the boy before yelling out "It's an emotion everyone feels but I guess you wouldnt understand that!".

The boy recoiled and recognized that he did something wrong, he recognized this emotion very well, anger, the emotion only appeared when he did something wrong. "I'm sorry mom…" when he did something wrong he was told to say sorry. "I know you aren't, now stand right there and be a good boy while I get our rent!" His mother seethed through her teeth as she frantically smashed buttons on the ATM.

The boy stood there in silence questioning what he did wrong, he was told to have no emotions from the doctors, an anomaly they found crazy. The doctors prescribed that he have a therapist to try and fix him, a problem he found to be nonexistent, he didn't have any pain in his body, in fact his body felt perfectly fine! Yet they insisted that he had something wrong with him. The following months consisted of constant talks about emotions, Adoration, Amusement, Anger, Awe, Confusion, Contempt, Desire, Disappointment, Fear, Interest and Sadness.

Yet he didn't understand any of them, no that's not right, he understood them, but couldn't feel any of them. He saw people cry, he saw people get angry, he saw people fear, but he could never relate to these people. He knew that all of these emotions had a purpose, fear helps protect people by making them alert to danger, sadness helps people cope and adapt, interest helps motivate people to learn, but he couldn't understand why they all continued to insist that something was wrong with him. Couldn't he be just an evolution of the species? Or something like that?

A slight flair of anger flamed up in him, however faint, the doctors and even himself did get something wrong, he didn't have absolutely no emotion. But in order to feel even the slightest bit of said emotion the boy would have to be the equivalent of someone "normal" being enraged. The boy didn't know he was angry, he didn't even know he was feeling an emotion, so he just brushed the small feeling as nothing more than a stomach ache. Oblivious to the fact that he indeed could feel emotion.

13 Years later

"Daido, you better be awake! Today is your graduation!" My mother yelled from the kitchen, unaware of the fact that I had been awake since 1 in the morning, this is the first time that she has even paid attention to me in the morning, if she had then she would notice that my sleeping schedule was different than "normal" kids, I went to sleep almost as soon as I got home. I found waking up just to go to school does not take into account the variance of how long I sleep, sometimes it's 12 hours of sleep and others it's 7.

"Mom it's not even 6 yet, I still have 2 hours left!" I yelled back just to soothe her worry, I turned back to what I was doing originally before my mother interrupted me. On my monitor was an email that read "Naruto the Souls-like". I opened the email "Congratulations! You have been selected to try out the demo to the new Fromsoft game "Naruto the Souls-like" just click the link below to gain access!


The email looked legit, so did the link, I bet they are doing beta testing for their new game. I look over to the clock, 5:58AM. "I guess I can check it out." I said to myself and opened the link, it sent me to a download and I clicked install, 77MB/35GB. 'This is going to take awhile' I thought as I stood and headed to the kitchen to eat some breakfast, after cleaning my plate I made my way back to my room and looked at my monitor.

Seeing that it was done downloading I started the game and was met by the title screen, there were only 3 options, Start, Options, and Exit. I clicked start and was met by a class select screen, I took a sip of my water as I scrolled through all of the options. Uzumaki Clan, Uchiha Clan, Senju Clan, the list went on for another 30 Clans, until I was met with the last 2.

[Civilian] - Info -

[Wretch] - Info -

I clicked info.

[Wretch] A class for only those who are masochists, in this class you will start as the lowest existence in the shinobi world, with no clothes, no weapons, and your left arm missing.

I unconsciously grinned at that description. I liked fromsoft games, I liked them because they made me feel something, but I only feel something when I stretch the limits of what's possible. I beat dark souls 2 while only dealing damage with immolation, the worst spell in the game and when I beat the final boss I felt… happy. So when I saw the description for the Wretch I grinned.

I clicked the Wretch and confirmed I was now in the character creation, and was immediately overwhelmed by all the options, Hair, Tattoos, Scars, Age, Height, and so much more. My character was the most average person you could imagine, he was without his left arm and naked except a single loincloth. I was tempted to skip character creation and start the game. But then I thought about it and thought 'If i'm going to see this character for a long time, might as well make him look appealing to the eye.'

I started with the hair and made it blood red, made it the [Spikey Over Right Eye] design. I went to his eyes and made them sharp, I changed his eye color to an almost dirty yellow, I gave him an angular jawline that made a point at the end. I moved on to his age and made him 14 years old, his height I made him 5 and a half feet (167 cm), I changed him to be skinny, on his left ear I added 3 piercings, all three rings. One on his upper lobe, another in the middle of his ear, and the last on the helix.

(Image here —>)

"Done!" I said, looking over my creation and seeing if I wanted to add anything I couldn't find anything. I clicked done.


[Yes? No?]

I clicked yes and immediately my computer started whining as the fans inside started spinning faster, sparks of lightning streaked off of my computer as the hairs on my body stood on end. Louder and louder the whining grew as the ground beneath me shook, and then everything stopped. If only for a second everything stopped, everything ceased to make sound, everything refused to move… until the computer exploded. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

The wall of the boys room where the computer once existed was no longer there exposing the well heated room to the rigid cold of the outside, the desk, the lamp, and all of the boys furniture was blasted to the sides of the room. "What was that!" The neighbor yelled as she ran from her house still in her pajamas. From behind the boys door his mother desperately grunted as she tried to pry the door that was now blocked by the boys chair, with a final push his mother entered the room just as the smoke from the explosion receded.

Only to see the sight of her one and only son on the ground with his head and left arm completely ripped off of his body, her eyes widened as tears flushed down her face. For how much the boy made her frustrated she still loved him and now she regretted that she hadn't spent more time with him. So the boy was dead… Finally… This will be interesting.