
Naruto If It Was A Souls-Like

Mc reincarnates into the world of Naruto, but with a Elden Ring type system, will he fall into the pits of despair or will he come out on top in this new world he finds himself in?

Stapricious · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

~Chapter 1~

"Ugg… What happened?" I said as I came too. The last thing I remembered was creating my character for the new fromsoft demo and then my computer… exploded? 'So am I at the hospital?' I thought as I slowly opened my eyes and was met by bricks layering the ground. 'No hospital I know would leave their patient on the brick ground.' So if I wasn't at the hospital then where was I?

Deciding that I needed a look around I tried pushing off the ground only to find that the lack of support coming from my left side to be abrupt as I fell to my side with a thud. I looked to see what the problem was only to see the otherwise lack of a left arm. 'Am I the character I just created?' I thought I came to the conclusion from the fact that I had no left arm, blood red hair covering my right eye and the fact that I was currently naked. I thought there was a high probability that this was a hallucination or a dream or some weird afterlife, but I assumed the worst case scenario, that this was real.

'If this was real then I would assume that I was in the new fromsoft game "Naruto the Souls-like", but how would I prove…' Interrupting my thoughts was a roar that shook me to my very core, startled. I scramble to my feet and look at what monstrosity made that noise. A beast the size of a city that looked like a fox was snarling its teeth as its 9 tails swayed in the wind. A huge grin formed on my face "Hello Kurama… heh… heheheh… heheheheheheheheheh… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH"

Laughter, manic laughter came out of my mouth as emotions swirled inside of me, and just the fact of me realizing that I was feeling emotion only amplified those emotions even further. I recognized this scene, I watched Naruto. This was the Nine-Tails attack at the beginning of the anime.

Only now did I realize that there was a HUD in my vision, in the top left were 3 bars, the longest one and the one on top was red. It was currently only half way full, the second bar was blue and the shortest one. The last bar was green, in the bottom left of my vision was 4 boxes, all of them currently empty, and finally in the bottom right was a small rectangle with the number 0 in it. This was the classic fromsoft HUD that I had grown familiar with.

My laughter slowly died down as I thought about exploring my surroundings, I had already accepted my situation as real, all around me there was one constant, fire and destruction. I found no human life, all the civilians must have been evacuated already. In the far distance I found Kurama in the forest battling the shinobi of the village. I was currently on the road with only one way forward, all the other directions were blocked off by either fire or rubble and unless I suddenly got really good at climbing then the only way to go was down the road.

Slowly I trekked down the road, only to run into a roadblock. A food cart was knocked over, but I was able to jump over it. I kept going until the road was blocked off by a pile of unsurpassable rubble, luckily one of the houses was intact only blocked off by a door that looked like it was about to crumble any second now.

Nothing a good kick wouldn't fix, I wind up my leg and whip it at the door. Crack! The door splintered. 'This is weird, first that cart before and then this, it's like this was a tutorial for a game.' I thought as I wound up another kick, CRACK! The door slammed open to reveal a cozy home, whoever owned this home would feel lucky to see that their house was still intact.

I looked around the house in search of items that would be useful, found some clothes that were slightly too big for me, it hurt my feet to walk around bare on the ground so I found some sandals that were also too big. I finally went to the kitchen and found a kitchen knife. 'Can i see the item description of these items? Inventory.' As soon as I thought that the classic inventory popped up on my screen. I went to the knife I got and looked at the description.

[Kitchen Knife]

[Used to prepare meals, can be used as a weapon]

[5 Dex Req]

[B-Dex Scaling]

[D-Str Scaling]

[Dmg 26]

'Huh… What are my stats currently?' I thought and the interface changed and now it showed my stats.

[Daido Nakama]





[10 Vigor]

[10 Chakra]

[10 Endurance]

[10 Strength]

[10 Dexterity]

[10 Potency]

[10 Control]

[Equip Load 5.6/45]

[Poise 0]

[Jutsu Learned: None]

After studying my status I closed the interface and continued my journey. I hadn't met any enemies yet and I hoped it would stay that way. After leaving the house through the back door, taking a right through the back alley, then a left to go to another street I was met with a choice to go right or left. I chose left and after a brisk walk I found a dead end, it wasn't all for nought as I found 3 kunai stuck in a wall. I stored them and looked at their description.


[Kunai, like shuriken, are one of the most common tools used by shinobi. It is a black dagger — about the length of one's hand — with a handle wrapped in bandages and a ring-like pommel.]

[15 Dex Req]

[10 Strength Req]

[S Dex Scaling]

[C Str Scaling]

[Dmg 12]

I couldn't even use them and when I tried I was able to hold them but when I swung I would fumble the bag, also the damage was only 12, likely due to my inability to wield the things. After that I turned around and headed the other way only to the company of my footsteps, the crackling of fire, and the roars of Kurama. Finally I arrived at a wall of orange smoke and I stopped, I knew what was behind that wall, a boss. The type of boss that any new player would die to, the one you weren't meant to beat, the one that kills you so you can be sent to the rest of the game.

I hesitated… I had no idea if I was going to be brought back to life after I died and the only way to prove that was to die. I didn't want to die, it was painful, I didn't like pain so I hesitated to enter the orange smoke. "Fuck" I said to myself. "There has to be another way out of here" I stood with conviction before turning around and searching for another way out.

1 hour later and I was stuck, I tried climbing but was always unable to do it, I tried breaking through any of the houses, but nothing worked and now I was staring at this damn wall of smoke again. 'I'm going to have to go in aren't I?' I thought as I sighed dejectedly. 'Judging from the dryness in my mouth I'll die from dehydration before I find a way out of here, so the only way is through this door…' I sigh again and finally enter the orange fog, as I passed through it was thick, kind of like a slime, but I eventually got through it.

Where I found myself was in a central plaza, completely round. This plaza the street would go off in four directions but was blocked by fog walls, in the middle of the plaza was a round fountain. But most importantly was the man staring down at the fountain. He currently had his back turned to me, he was wearing a coat, the outside of the coat was black with red clouds, the inside of the coat was lined with red cotton. The back of his head was covered by a head of black hair, the man turned around while letting his arms swing around him to reveal his face that was currently covered by an orange mask. The mask only had one hole that one would be able to see through, the mask's design seemed to spiral around this hole.

(Tobi Image —>)

"Well if we don't have a Konoha civilian, why won't you let me… Tobi take care of you… Okkie Dokkie!" Tobi said and right on que a red bar appeared on the bottom of my screen with the words "Tobi, Masked Man" on top of the bar. "Heh heh heh… I'm so dead…" I said exasperated while shaking my head, but contrary to my words a grin appeared on my face as I raised the knife in my hand.

Tobi threw 2 Kunai at me at speeds I could barely comprehend, I whipped my head only allowing the kunai to barely nick me on the cheek. I duck down and push off the ground in a mighty sprint. "Why can't you be a good little boy and stand still while I kill you!" as he said that I swiped him with my knife, he jerked back and avoided my swing and grabbed my arm and slammed me into the ground. He let go of my arm and started to perform hand signs quicker than I could see. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" he said, I swung around and threw my knife in a desperate attempt to stop him and to my surprise i actually hit him, only to quickly realize that it was most likely a clone or a substitution and i was proven correct when a rock came in a puff of smoke replacing Tobi.

I quickly turned around to find a fireball encompassing my vision. 'Fuck' was the only thought I got in before a torrent of pain overflowed me, the pain was the worst thing that I had ever felt in my life, 10 no 20 times worse then when I broke my arm. I felt the skin and muscles melt off of my bones, and then I died.