
Night Adventure


Hey everyone, exciting news! We've got a cool challenge ahead. If we can gather 100 power stones by Friday, brace yourselves because there's a fantastic bonus chapter coming your way on Saturday! Let the power stone hunt begin!


Hinata? What was she doing here? Naruto couldn't help but wonder. She was the same age as him, just three years old, and seeing her out alone in the cold winter night tugged at his heartstrings.

He noticed that despite wearing a thick kimono, much more formal and solemn than a yukata, her exposed feet were clad in wooden clogs. It was a stark contrast, given her status as a wealthy daughter of the Hyuga clan.

Concerned, he approached her and inquired, "Why are you here alone? Where are your family members? Where is your home? I'll take you back." Naruto reached out to lift little Hinata from the ground.

At first, Hinata hesitated, not reaching out her hand. It was Naruto who gently grasped her small hand. "It's so cold," he whispered. He couldn't fathom how long she had been outside in this freezing weather, and his own hands grew cold as he held hers.

Hinata, with her head down, muttered softly to herself, "It's so warm." She suddenly realized that while she was looking down, Naruto had begun removing his shoes. He stood there barefoot and said to her, "You wear my shoes."

Hinata lifted her head and saw Naruto's warm and gentle smile. Touched by his gesture, she was well aware of the bitter cold outside, and she nodded.

She was about to refuse, but before she could, Naruto had already taken her hand and guided her to step into the shoes. Her cold, numb feet found comfort and warmth in them.

Naruto then put on the clogs she had taken off and said, "We'll change them back when we get to your house."

Hinata nodded in a daze, her heart filled with gratitude.

"Let's go," Naruto said, ready to accompany her home.

However, Hinata shook her head subconsciously. She had just run away from her house; there was no way she wanted to return just yet.

Naruto found this quite amusing, thinking about how spirited his future wife could be at times. "Well, if you don't want to go back, you can't stay out here alone at night. Next time you want to come out and play with the grown-ups, you should wait for the day," he advised as he took her little hand and began to walk forward.

Having moved out of Konoha Hospital two months ago to live on his own, Naruto had explored Konoha Village extensively, making a point to avoid places he'd been before. He wanted to avoid causing any trouble, and the village was quite large, with many residents who had yet to realize that he was the 'demon fox' they'd heard about.

He still knew where the Hyuga clan was located, as well as the Uchiha clan, Sarutobi clan, and other prominent locations. He figured this knowledge might come in handy one day, perhaps when he needed to escape.

But as he pondered these thoughts, he couldn't help but wonder about the "little" wife walking beside him. What would happen to her if he ever left Konoha Village? Would he have to abduct her too? A whimsical idea crossed his mind about traveling the world together, a duo on a grand adventure.

Naruto glanced at Hinata, his mind playfully meandering. However, he quickly remembered that he was just a three-year-old boy, with much to learn and experience in the world.

Naruto couldn't help but notice the sadness etched across Hinata's face as she kept her head down and remained silent. Her cute visage was clouded with distress.

"Is everything okay?" Naruto's voice dripped with concern as he inquired.

Hinata raised her head, meeting Naruto's eyes filled with genuine care, which caused her to burst into tears once more.

As she explained, Naruto learned that she had ventured out alone because she hadn't completed her training homework earlier in the day. Despite being just three years old, she carried the heavy responsibility of being the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan, even the family's heir. She had started her training at such a tender age, and it was only natural that she struggled with it. Her efforts, or lack thereof, had earned her a scolding from her father, Hiashi.

Naruto fumed internally, cursing the stern elder for his treatment of such a young child. He couldn't help but think that if Hanabi, her younger sister who was yet to be born, were around, Hiashi would probably be even stricter. Naruto wondered if he was considering changing his heir. However, he dismissed these thoughts, acknowledging that it wasn't his business. Yet, he couldn't help but loathe the way Hiashi treated his own family.

Naruto spent the journey comforting Hinata, but her smile only returned when they arrived at the Hyuga clan's residence gate.

Naruto glanced at the imposing Hyuga compound and remarked, "It's a big family, but it seems like there's a lot of crying. I bet they're all waiting for you to come home for dinner."

Hinata was taken aback by this statement. Was he an orphan? She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

With another gentle smile, Naruto requested, "Can you show me that smile? It's a way to say thank you."

Tears still glistened on Hinata's face, but she obeyed Naruto's request and bestowed upon him a sweet, heartfelt smile. Naruto was momentarily dumbfounded, silently thinking, "Wow, that's adorable."

Suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps interrupted their moment. Several members of the Hyuga clan rushed out and, from a distance, saw their eldest lady in the company of an unknown boy who looked utterly bewildered.

"Hey, you dare to abduct Miss Hinata? Don't even think about escaping, brat!"

Without hesitation, Naruto turned on his heel and bolted, not even bothering to change his shoes. He clattered away in unfamiliar clogs, creating a distinct 'dangdangdang' noise as he sped off.

The Hyuga family members stood there, flabbergasted. They watched Naruto vanish into the night with remarkable speed and exchanged bewildered glances. One of them muttered, "What kind of speed is that? How come none of us adults could catch up with a child? This is embarrassing."

Thankfully, no outsiders witnessed this episode, and they hoped Hinata wouldn't divulge the incident.

But as they turned their attention to their eldest lady, they were met with a startling sight. Hinata was gazing in the direction Naruto had disappeared, lost in thought.

Could it be? Could the worst-case scenario they dreaded be unfolding? 

After all, why should they be concerned about two three-year-old children?


Guys, If I have a small challenge for you. If we can get 100 power stones by Friday then there will be an extra bonus chapter on Saturday.


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