
Naruto: I opened 100 stores

After traveling to the world of Naruto, Anlan obtained a system called a god-level store manager, and began to build various shops in the Ninja world: gourmet shops, Internet cafes, pet shops, comic shops, custom shops...

Pratik_Subedi · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 11: Kakashi - A Unit of Chakra Measurement

Kakashi's Lottery Draw

Kakashi didn't even look at the card; he simply handed it over to An Lan.

Instantly, the prize information appeared in An Lan's mind:

 -[You-know-what Brand MP3 Player: Contains the "White Knot" series, "Fish in the Pond" series, and "Custom" series]

 -[Xiaomi Portable Charger, 20,000 mAh]

 -[Chakra 10x Card]

What luck Kakashi had! With one card, he managed to win three prizes!

His luck was even better than Konohamaru's!

"Boss, what are the prizes?" Kakashi asked nervously, noticing the change in An Lan's expression.

"Well, you drew three prizes, and all of them are quite valuable," An Lan replied, trying to hide his excitement.

Hearing this, Naruto and the others were envious. Three prizes and all of them were grand prizes. Kakashi-sensei hit the jackpot today!

"What are the prizes? Can you explain them to me?" Kakashi asked, getting interested.

"The first two are a bit difficult to explain in public. Let's talk privately," An Lan said, pulling Kakashi aside, away from the curious eyes of Naruto and the others.

Seeing the boss act so mysteriously, Naruto and Konohamaru were even more excited.

"It must be an incredible prize!"

"It has to be a grand prize! Otherwise, why would the boss be so cautious?"

"Could it be that Kakashi-sensei won a jutsu more powerful than the Hokage's?"

They speculated, swallowing nervously. Meanwhile, Kakashi grew more anxious.

Handing the card back to Kakashi, An Lan explained, "The first two prizes are meant to be used together. The MP3 player is an audio device. You can listen to sounds through headphones. The portable charger is for charging the MP3 player; it can provide five to six full charges with its 20,000 mAh capacity."

Kakashi nodded. He had seen audio devices before; ninjas sometimes used wireless earpieces for communication during missions.


That's it?

Just this?

These prizes didn't seem that impressive!

Seeing Kakashi's disappointment, An Lan quickly explained, "While the MP3 player and charger themselves aren't very valuable, what's inside the MP3 player is extraordinary."

Saying this, An Lan tore the card, took the MP3 player, and placed the headphones in Kakashi's ears.

"Let me give you something powerful."

An Lan selected the custom series on the MP3 player and dragged the progress bar to the end.


Kakashi was shocked, his whole body trembling!

The sound from the headphones was unmistakable!

It was loud! Intense!

It seemed to be at the climax!


Kakashi's mind was about to explode!

This was the first time he had heard a woman make such sounds.

Although he had read about it in Jiraiya's novels, no matter how vivid Jiraiya's descriptions were, text was just text, and it couldn't compare to the real thing!

And now.

This MP3 player contained real, live recordings!

Emotional, high-pitched, rhythmic, full of passion!

Kakashi could barely handle it.

He quickly took off the headphones and adjusted his pants.

Phew, it was a good thing he followed the boss aside; otherwise, it would have been embarrassing in front of Naruto and the others...

"Cough cough, boss, this is indeed a good thing," Kakashi said, giving a thumbs up, indicating that he appreciated the MP3's content.

An Lan nodded, "The MP3 contains two types of audio: 'White Knot' and 'Fish in the Pond.' These are like audio novels, focusing on the plot. You need to savor them, imagining the scenes in your mind to appreciate their depth."

"As for what you just heard, that's from the 'Custom' series. These are usually short, scenario-based stories. While they don't have much plot, the main parts are vividly acted out. You can get to the point in a few minutes, and the main parts are quite long. If you want to enjoy it, I suggest choosing the second type."

An Lan rolled up the headphone cable and, like a mafia boss handing over protection money, placed the MP3 player and charger in Kakashi's pocket and patted it affectionately.

Kakashi received the two prizes as if he had just been handed top-secret village intelligence, feeling the weight of responsibility.

"Kakashi-sensei really hit the jackpot..."

"Kakashi-sensei's expression has changed!"

"Could it be... could it be that Kakashi-sensei really got something that can surpass the Hokage's power?"

The younger ninjas speculated anxiously, seeing Kakashi's tense expression.

An Lan pulled out another card from the prize pool, revealing Kakashi's third prize.

"You have one more prize: a Chakra 10x Card. As the name implies, it's a tool that can multiply your chakra capacity by ten."

"Multiply by ten? That's impossible!" Kakashi said, looking incredulous.

It sounded like a fantasy.

How could such a tool exist?

If it did, he would have sought it out long ago. Why would An Lan have it?

An Lan grinned mischievously, "You'll know if it's real once you tear the card."

Despite his doubts, Kakashi followed the instructions.

Steadying himself, he tore the card in half.


A vast amount of chakra surged into Kakashi's body, expanding the cells that stored chakra tenfold!

His chakra capacity increased tenfold!


Feeling the abundant chakra within, Kakashi's expression was one of utter shock.

Everyone knew Hatake Kakashi, also known as "Kakashi of the Sharingan" or "Kakashi of the Copy Wheel Eye."

He earned this title because he could copy any jutsu he saw and use it in battle.

However, few knew his other identity: a unit of chakra measurement.

One Kakashi = 1 "Opening" = 4 Raikiri (Lightning Blades).

Because he had to keep his Sharingan active at all times, Kakashi was constantly low on chakra, like a warrior with a limited mana pool.

In full chakra mode, he could only use Raikiri four times.

This showed how little chakra Kakashi had.