
Naruto: I became Kurama

When I reincarnated, I didn't expect myself to be tied up in chains like a demon. Nor did I expect myself to be a big nine-tailed fox. So yeah, I became Kurama. Not inside Naruto, but Kushina. I would have not felt bad if it had been Naruto's seal! I could have just slept for as long as I wanted! But this damned seal! It's hurting me! And living inside Kushina for years with the same seal!? I won't allow that! Afterall, I am the great, strongest bijuu in existence.

SolaceViolet · Anime & Comics
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"Sigh. Another good fanfiction got dropped."

I sighed as I saw the newest chapter of a Naruto fanfiction I was reading, with the title 'dropped'.

Well, I guess that's enough wasting time for today. Let's get to the very exciting part of my life, studying about kings I don't care about. I really wonder why they want us to memorise such stuff. Why not just create mangas about them and let us read it on our own?

As I opened my book, a notification came on my tab. 

... It's 9:08 pm. I will start at 10. You know, the perfect timing?

So I started watching the video where he was explaining Boruto theories. I like his Naruto videos but... 

Boruto is trash. 

So I started watching another video of someone explaining why Boruto is trash, like Code dresses like Dracula and Sarada like a hooker.

I looked at the clock and... It was 10:01 pm.

... I will start at 11. I swear!

And so, I forgot about studying for the exam next day, and fell asleep at who knows what time. 

But I should have woken up in my room, right?

I should have been panicking about the exam, but I was panicking now because of a very different reason. 

I was now a big, fluffy fox, chained, and stumped through my gut and tails. Yes, not tail, but tails. Nine to be exact.

I became the good ol' Kurama, who had to sacrifice himself because Naruto was incompetent bastard who didn't learn Flying Thunder God or had the brains to let Shino be the support.

And it didn't really help that I am in such a sorry state with so much pain. 

If not for the memories of Kurama I woke up with and the numbness to pain after so long, I would have started firing Bijudama all around. 

Currently, it seems like I have just gotten sealed inside Kushina and Mito-bitch has died.

Right now, trying to get out of the seal is useless. My main goal should be getting a seal like Naruto had. And a constant supply of good manga. 

Then, I will have to manipulate her into developing bad feelings towards Konoha, which wouldn't be really hard knowing the shit it pulls out all the time. Konoha only brings trouble. And since getting Kurama's memories, I want to get all his siblings good Uzumaki hosts for now till Black Zetsu is there. Weakass like that Tanuki Shukaku will be easily caught. 

Then, I have to think about getting stronger too. The main threat to me are Mangekyo Sharingan, Wood Style, Uzumaki sealing chains and Gedo Mazo. Let's add Rinnegan into the list too. 

I have to think of counters against them, and try to learn senjutsu and somehow some jutsus like teleportation. No way I am sacrificing myself to some badly written villain like Isshiki. 

But those things come later. First of all, the seal... 

"Kushina... loosen the chains, and I just may try to save your sorry clan from annihilation."

I should try to save Kurama's... no, my siblings as well. So Kushina, be my perfect tool. 

...Wow, that sounded really cringe.