

The negotiation between Konoha and Cloud Shinobi broke down because of the appearance of the golden horn and the silver horn brothers. Second Raikage died, and Second Hokage was seriously injured and his subordinates fled. After transmigrating as Shimura Danzō, he already knew the story, and he also knew that he was the future leader of Konoha. On the battlefield, Senju Tobirama looked at his students and asked: Who are you to stay to stop the golden horn and silver horn brothers, and buy us time to escape. [God level selection has been activated] [Choice 1: Hesitate for a second, give the future position of Hokage to Sarutobi Hiruzen, follow the development of the plot; Task reward: Wind Style proficient at full level] [Choice 2: Fight for the position of Hokage and cut off the road of Sarutobi Hiruzen; Task reward: obtain the unactivated sage body of the Uzumaki clan] Shimura Danzō took the lead and stood up and shouted. “ Sensei ! You go! I'll Stay Behind !” Hokage! I will never let you be Hiruzen! **************************************************** [A\N:- Love Interset only two members ] ========================================= Thiss is MTL ,Not Mine I liked it so I'm uploading it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 33 : Danzo, how about you marry my sister? [Edited]

Shimura Danzō resolutely decided to recruit Uchiha after two days of deliberation and the torture of piles of documents.

It's no wonder that Chizuru will resign. These documents are really a headache to deal with, and there is no one to help Shimura Danzō organize the order.

It really made Shimura Danzō a little weak.

Even if it is handled by Shadow Clone, the final fatigue will return to the body, and the torture will be even greater.

"But how should I speak?"

Shimura Danzō was at a loss. He didn't know how to tell Uchiha Megumi about this matter.

After all, rushing forward and directly telling the other party whether you want to be a Hokage assistant, this behavior is too brain-dead.

"Please ask Uchiha Kagami to make an appointment."

Shimura Danzō suddenly thought of the identity described by Uchiha Megumi that day. Uchiha Kagami happened to be her younger brother.

Thinking of this, Shimura Danzō immediately jumped up from the sofa with a carp, shook his head, and left the Hokage office.



Konoha. A tavern outside the Uchiha clan.

"kagami , how do you say I should speak to your sister."

Shimura Danzō said depressed after taking a sip of his drink.

If you say ordinary people, Shimura Danzō went straight up to find it, but Uchiha was different, he always felt that this woman was different from others.

Coupled with her strength, will she be willing to become a Hokage assistant to herself? This is obviously whimsical.

The Uchiha people who own Mangekyō Sharingan are the elite Jōnin no matter how weak they are, not to mention Uchiha who has such a high official evaluation.

Most likely it is a woman who can surpass Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

"You guy… should I praise you or scold you."

Uchiha Kagami stared at Shimura Danzō with a weird face, and sighed helplessly.

Originally, he thought Shimura Danzō was interested in his sister, and then he asked him out to discuss countermeasures.

But I didn't expect this guy to be such a straight man, and wanted Uchiha Megumi to be the assistant of Hokage to be help with the documents.

This made Uchiha Kagami doubt Shimura Danzō's sexual orientation for a while. Didn't he have any interest in Uchiha Megumi?

You know, in terms of appearance, no one in the Uchiha clan can compare to his sister.

Even Konoha's only girl from the Uzumaki clan, Uzumaki kiyoko , can match her.

But Shimura Danzō had no idea at all, which made Uchiha Kagami out of breath.

"Why should I praise me or scold me? I didn't make a mistake."

Shimura Danzō frowned and said with some displeasure.

His words made Uchiha Kagami a little bit angry.

Because one day later, Uchiha Megumi went to collect information about Shimura Danzō in private, and Uchiha Kagami knew of these behaviors.

If he could, he would rather Shimura Danzō marry his sister, after all, those people in the clan… alas.

"You…you guy, I really want to punch you."

"I beg you to be a little bit daring? Are you really not interested in my sister?"

Uchiha Kagami saw that Shimura Danzō didn't have the slightest resuscitation, and said with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

"What? We are talking about official business now. Why are you involved in personal relationships."

Shimura Danzō was speechless.

How does he feel that he is now forcing himself to marry him? Does he think he is destined to be an older leftover man in the future?

joke! With his handsome face and his current reputation, it takes minutes to post a girl.

"What is a private relationship, what I'm telling you is business."

Uchiha Kagami's tone suddenly became a little excited, and this also made Shimura Danzō frown and realized that something was wrong.

On weekdays, Uchiha Kagami is an extremely calm person, not so emotional at all.

"kagami , did something happen?"

Shimura Danzō was naturally not annoyed by Uchiha Kagami's impoliteness, after all, he knew the other party's character very well.

But Uchiha Kagami didn't return to Shimura Danzō directly. Instead, he took a sip of alcohol and got up and grabbed Shimura Danzō's shoulder with a serious look.

"Danzo, can you marry my sister."

? ? ? ? ? ?

For a while, Shimura Danzō was a little messy, why did he feel a bit familiar with the scene before him.

"Kagami , are you drunk?"

Shimura Danzō was puzzled.

After all, before he came, Uchiha Kagami seemed to have drunk a lot of alcohol, as can be seen from the bottles placed on the table.

It can be seen that he is in a bad mood, otherwise he would not use alcohol to relieve his sorrow.

As the saying goes, using alcohol to dissipate sorrow and sorrow is even more sorrowful. Adults understand this truth.

"I'm not drunk… Danzo, remember what I said."

"If you were my brother-in-law, maybe it would be a good choice."

"After all, you guy is really handsome. Damn, why am I not so handsome."

After saying these words, Uchiha Kagami didn't stay too much, and stumbled away from the bar.

Shimura Danzō was left with a look of confusion and confusion, and didn't know what the other party just said.

"It's better not to think so much, this guy is unreliable, I'll go to Uchiha Megumi by myself."

Shimura Danzō shook his head with a headache and murmured helplessly.

It feels strange that the people around me are weird. The war is clearly over, and there shouldn't be a happy smile on his face.

Why does he feel so many people are sad.

Just as he got up, the owner of the bar suddenly appeared in front of Shimura Danzō.

"That… Master Hokage , your friend didn't give money just now, look at this…"

The corners of Shimura Danzō's mouth twitched several times, and he opened his wallet with some distress.

Good guy…. I said how could I just leave suddenly! *