
Naruto: Hokage's Legacy

if you see this on fanfiction.net don't worry I'm the same person. this is an AU. In this story there will be some changes some with personality or some with strength or popularity. just another day as Naruto Uzumaki but this time something is different. he meets the ghost of the previous hokage! with his dream of being the strongest how will he take advantage of this? Warning!: at first you might not like Naruto's new personality but he changes later on

KakuzuCantolopes · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Truth pt3

"This ninja alliance then became known as Konoha, the village system had been created. And then there was momentary peace. But due to a certain action, the hidden leaf quickly turned into turmoil. This was a fight for the first Hokage seat!

Madara sighed, "as you know, the first to occupy that seat was Hashirama Senju. The land of fire and the entire clan chose Hashirama, it would be soon that the Uchiha would lose power in the nation. I decided that the Uchiha should take leadership, that we should confront Hashirama. But no one, not even from the Uchiha clan supported me. My subordinates, who did not wish to light the flames of war, were unsympathetic and betrayed me."

Madara looked over at Sasuke to make sure he was still listening, "I was even accused of acting out of greed and self-interest. Not only that, they scorned me as a shellfish brother who stole his brother's eyes to save his own. What brother would willfully hurt his younger brother?!"

Sasuke's eyes widened, he couldn't help but be moved by Madara. If it was really true that Itachi was protecting him. And that he was ordered to do all that, how bad of a brother was he?!

Madara resumed his story, "I just, I just wanted to protect the Uchiha! I left the village. Everyone betrayed me. I became an avenger and declared war on the hidden leaf. I put the nine tails under my control and fought with Hashirama for days. But in the end, I lost. At that place which became known as the final valley. That was the place where people said I died.

Even Hashirama believed it. Eventually, everyone forgot about me, history forgot about me. Hashirama's brother, Tobirama became the Second Hokage. He was to make sure a traitor like me never popped up again, he even assigned the Uchiha a special position. He created the hidden leaf police force. But the truth is, this was to further distance the Uchiha from the reins of government.

Furthermore, it was a way to keep a close eye on the entire clan. There were of course Uchiha members who realized this, members who wanted to carry on my legacy. But, it was too late. Time passed, and the Senju made the Uchiha their dogs. And what I predicted came to pass. A certain other incident sealed the Uchihas figurative demise.

Yes, the attack of the demon dox 16 years ago. In what way did this harm the Uchiha? I'll tell you, the demon fox can only be controlled by the Sharingan. Higher Ups of the hidden leaf perceived the Uchiha to be behind this attack. Of course, this is pretty rational thinking, but the Uchiha had nothing to do with it.

Yet, suspicion fell on them, that the Uchiha had revolted and sought to take power. As a result, the Uchiha were put under strict watch and were forced to relocate to the outskirts of the village. They became totally put out of Konoha, figuratively. The third Hokage was the only one to voice opposition to our treatment. But Danzo and the rest of the councilors didn't listen. In the end, the Uchiha were not trusted.

And the discrimination began, their distrust bred hatred, and eventually, their suspicions became reality. The Uchiha planned to overthrow the village and take control. The higher-ups in Konoha planted a spy within the Uchiha clan. And that spy was none other than your brother, Itachi Uchiha."

Sasuke was shocked beyond belief, he expected this to be lies but the more he listened the more it made sense! "No, that's impossible, there's no way!" Sasuke didn't want to believe it, there was no way the Uchiha would overthrow the village? Itachi being a spy!. "It's not possible! If that was true I would have heard about it!"

Madara nodded, "Despite being an Uchiha you were kept in the dark. Because you were so young. But it's all true, your father Fukagu, was the mastermind behind the plot. And your brother Itachi was ordered by your father to spy on the ANBU black ops. But unlucky for the Uchiha, Itachi was working for the village, feeding them information about the Uchiha. He was what they call, a double agent. You can't even begin to imagine what a heavy burden that is to bear."

"Why?! Why did Itachi betray the Uchiha?!" screamed Sasuke angry.

"It may be hard for you to understand, not witnessing the horrors of war. In the third great ninja war, when Itachi was a fragile four years old, he witnessed the deaths of many people. He was too young to experience war, war is hell, that trauma made Itachi a pacifist who hated war. He was a man who put the village's safety first and foremost. Instead of being bound by his clan, he was a ninja who loved his village.

And Konoha preyed on that trait. They assigned him a top-secret mission. And eye for an eye, for them to oppose the Uchiha, they would need a Sharingan. That is right. The mission was the total annihilation of the Uchiha clan."

Sasuke dipped his head, he couldn't even begin to imagine what he went through emotionally. Killing his friends and family, knowing everyone in the village, in the world, would hate him. Even his own brother, without anyone ever knowing the truth, he would live in hatred. Sasuke began to cry.

Madara saw Sasuke crying and went on, "Itachi was forced to make a terrible choice. The impossible choice of killing one's own family. But a civil war started by the likes of the Uchiha would shake not only Konoha but also all of the land of fire. The other villages would attack while the village was weak, it could have even started the fourth great ninja war. There would have been many innocent lives lost, but your brother, Itachi stopped that."

Sasuke was still crying, what would have he done if he was Itachi? He had no idea. But Itachi made that decision, and he made the right one. He himself brought the curtain down on his own clan to benefit not only the village but the whole world. Sasuke would now not remember his brother as a villain, but a hero who saved the world at the cost of everything he cared about. But now Sasuke was still left with one question, how did he meet Madara and join the Akatsuki?


End of the chapter, what did you think of it?

At first, I didn't like Itachi THAT much, but after writing this I can definitely tell why people love Itachi so much. He is a great character.