
Naruto: Hokage's Legacy

if you see this on fanfiction.net don't worry I'm the same person. this is an AU. In this story there will be some changes some with personality or some with strength or popularity. just another day as Naruto Uzumaki but this time something is different. he meets the ghost of the previous hokage! with his dream of being the strongest how will he take advantage of this? Warning!: at first you might not like Naruto's new personality but he changes later on

KakuzuCantolopes · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs


I won't do every fight in the exams, only the good ones. The matches will change.


Naruto and the rest had gotten into the tower and decided to see what was on the scroll, Naruto and Sakura each had one and opened it real fast. "Huh? What's this?" Naruto considered himself somewhat smart but he had no idea what this meant.

"A man? A person?" said Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto's eyes popped open when they saw smoke rising out of the scroll, Naruto grabbed both scrolls and threw them further away from them, "It's a summoning!" yelled Naruto.

Now both Sasuke and Sakura also jumped back. Soon a person was summoned out of the scroll, "Long time so see, huh Naruto." Naruto was confused, "Iruka sensei? What are you doing here?" he questioned.

"At the end of this round us chunin have to welcome the genin, I just happened to be assigned to you." Iruka explained "So congratulations on surviving the second exam!" he said happily. Sasuke then asked, "SO if we were to open this scroll in the middle of the exam what would you have done?"

"Sharp as usual I see, the rules of this exam was to test your conclusive mission execution ability. To put it simply, in the case of the scroll being opened against the rules I would have knocked you out as the orders told me to do." Iruka said it surprised Sakura that they would knock someone out for that.

"Why a knockout?" she asked, "Well, if this was a real mission and it had important info it could be very serious," Iruka said, making Sakura understand. Naruto's curiosity then got the best of him, "Sensei, what do the letters on the wall mean?"

"Well, the heaven side of this text refers to the human head while earth refers to the human body. If you are dumb but have power you are variable, but no matter how smart you are with no power you can never win. If you have one then work on the other." explained Iruka.

Naruto nodded, what it said did make sense. Now team seven just had to wait for the third exam to begin, they all wondered what it would be but right now they needed some rest, well not Sasuke but the rest of them.

2 days later In another room, the Hokage was sitting across from Anko and two jonin from the village. "Orochimaru huh, he was so strong not even the Anbu could touch him. I heard he was dead but why did he come back now?" questioned one of the jonin.

Anko then remembered her curse mark, "Maybe he is after a new host for his body?" said Anko, the Hokage puffed some smoke out of his pipe. "It is probably Sasuke, he has been looking for an Uchiha host for a long time," said Hiruzen

"Then we should take him out of the exam!" screamed Anko in worry, "No he will stay in for now but if anything gets too bad we will take him out. Let's discuss this later the next exam will be starting soon."

Soon enough there was a voice on the intercoms, "Anko the twenty-one second exam finishers have been confirmed. As for the third exam, according to regulations of the chunin exams the preliminaries are planned for the first time in 5 years. The second exam is over" the voice then went away.

"For the time being, continue the exams as is, but while keeping an eye on Sasuke's movements." "Yes, Hokage" responded Anko who was shocked, for the past 5 years they never had enough people to have a preliminary but now they did!

An announcement was told to all the kids who passed to meet in the battle room with giant ninjutsu hands. Soon all 21 people were in the room with the Hokage standing at the front surrounded by jonin.

Behind the hokage, you could hear a jonin speaking quietly. "So your team passed, they must have gotten lucky. But as long as my team is here, they will not go any further. After all, whether you like it or not, ability talks at the next barrier. Well, adolescence can sometimes be bittersweet and sometimes harsh, Kakashi." Guy said giving a smile

"Huh, did you say something?" Kakashi said bordly. 'What!!!!" screamed Guy.

The Hokage spoke, "First off congratulations on finishing the second exam. Now there is something else I must say, because of the number of people who passed we will have a preliminary battle to see who will pass and move on and who will fail."

One of the genin shouted across the area, "When will this be?" the Hokage made a light cough, "Now." all the genin were shocked, they just fought through that and now hat to battle again!

Soon a man walked out from behind the Hokage, "Hello my name is gekkou hayate and I will be the judge of these matches, the matches will be decided randomly up on the screen. When your name is called please come up." he said with multiple coughs.

The Hokage then told them to wait at the top for the matches to be called with their sensei. All of the people in the room looked up at the screen ready for the first match. The screen then started, all the names flashed by so fast you couldn't see them. Once they landed everyone gulped.

"Will Sasuke Uchiha and Kankuro please come down." Said the proctor with a cough. Sasuke and Kankuro then walked down staring each other in the eye trying to read the opponent and see the tricks they have. "When I say start you may attack each other at will. 3,2,1, start! The battle then started.


for a vs battle what about Shikamaru vs Hinata and Kiba, who wins and why?