
Shikamaru vs Sakura

'Now that I have to fight I might as well win, plus this would be an easier fight than against Hinata, I hope. I have been trained in genjutsu for a long time, my mom always said "It doesn't matter how good you fight if you're caught in a genjutsu you're dead."

Although I thought it to be a drag my parents were right. I also know that the most dangerous type of genjutsu was a physical one, out of all the other types of genjutsu they entered their chakra in from a distance but getting put under a genjutsu by direct contact was far more dangerous, this wasn't the case for Uchiha but any normal person.

Sakura, who had been trained in genjutsu would also know this, her plan is probably to touch me for long enough to put me under a genjutsu but this will not be easy for her, Sakura is not good with taijutsu, neither am I but I was still way better than Sakura.

Sakura will also know about my shadow jutsu, there are only two ways I think she can deal with this. One she could use bombs to blow up the area making it harder to aim my shadows or two stay far away and stun me with a genjutsu making it almost impossible to use.'

Shikamaru had thought of all this in less than a second! Once the battle started Shikamaru decided to back away, he didn't want to underestimate Sakura's taijutsu and end up in a bad situation.

"What a drag." said Shikamaru, even if Shikamaru had a counter for everything Sakura tried he had no real way to beat her either. Shikamaru had thought of a plan but it was seriously unlikely that it would work.

Over the month break Shikamaru had been taught a new jutsu that could come in handy. Shikamaru moved his shadow over to Sakura but she moved out of range. "I really don't want to do this." Shikamaru had really hoped he could just get her there and get it over with.

Shikamaru took out multiple kunai and threw them all at Sakura who kept dodging. Sakura then launched a genjutsu but it was only a weak one to test if he could counter it. "So you know how to get out of a genjutsu, but you're still not as good as Sasuke."

Shikamaru shook his head, "Since when was I competing with him?" Shikamaru and Sakura continued the game of back and forth and nobody was getting anywhere fast. Shikamaru thought about quitting but if he did that he would have his mom yelling for weeks, not that she wasn't like that anyway it would just be worse.

Suddenly Sakura stepped into a place that Shikamaru wanted, soon a shadow rose out of the kunai laying in the ground and shot at her like a bullet. Sakura tried to dodge but was too slow and the shadow wrapped around her leg.

After being stabbed with one the same thing happened with the other kunai, they all wrapped around Sakura until she was hanging off the ground and couldn't move. This was what Shikamaru wanted but he didn't get to complete his plan so he still had no way to win.

Shimakaru thought about how he could win the battle in this situation but couldn't think of anything. He couldn't injure here because he would only be injuring himself also he knew he already drained a lot of his chakra from keeping up his shadow that long.

The crowd was shocked, literally just a second ago they had no idea who would win but now it was obvious. Asuma had a smile on his face as he blew out some smoke, "Checkmate." he had done an IQ test on Shikamaru before and he scored above 200!

Shikamaru sighed, "The hell with it, who cares about my mom yelling. I give up." Sakura was shocked, "What?!" the whole crowd went from extreme cheering to almost complete silence. "You gotta be kidding me!" "No way!" "What a loser!" the crowd was now angry!

"Why are you giving up? This is not fair, if I'm going to win I'm going to win right!" shouted Sakura. Even Gekkou Hayate was shocked, "I used up all my chakra on my shadow grab jutsu. I could keep this up for another 30 seconds maybe, and that's it. Bummer, and here I'd already planned out the next 100 moves in my head. But that's what you get for having no chakra," Shikamaru sighed.

Sakura couldn't even process what was happening right now. "Anyway, if I was doing this thing, it would just mean more work later on and if I lost my mom would yell at me anyways." Hayate could only think, 'wow this kid is something else.'

"Because of Shikamaru Nara's forfeit, Sakura Haruno is the winner and will move on to the next round." Shikamaru's shadows then went away, "Uh, man, I'm beat." Ino in the crowd was mad, "what a waste! What is he thinking, does he not want to be a chunin?"

Up in the stands Asuma and Kurenai were talking, "I wonder, do you think he has the motivation for this?" asked Kurenai, "I have wondered that same thing many times myself. Even so, his tactics and smarts are far beyond that of a genin."

Kurenai agreed, "If this was a real mission his team would have succeeded as soon as Sakura was caught. I guess you could say he won the battle but lost the match." Asuma smoked some more, "That boy's lack of drive can be frustrating, still, there's something to be said for not having a killer instinct. It means his emotions will never cloud his judgment.

He never panics and is able to calmly assess a stressful situation and determine the best course of action. He even has the wisdom to know when to retreat. He has something lots of other lack, clarity. And that's a vital trait not only as a chunin but as a leader."

Kurenai had to agree, she and the rest of the crowd couldn't wait for the next match to start!


Not really a vs battle but what do you think would have happened if Sasuke fought Itachi with his MS instead of his regular Sharingan?

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